Yellowing on lower leaves. Please help.


yellowing2.jpg This is a young plant in a deep water culture under a 250 watt hps light is a closet with great air flow. I have 3 other young plants that do not have this problem which is only on the lower leaves. any suggestions? thanks.


Active Member
6.5 is a little high for dwc. Around 5.8 is optimal, but that doesn't look like your problem. I think your nutes are a bit to strong, the burning on the edge of the leaves looks like nute burn, but I'm not very good at addressing hydro problems so I could be wrong.


Well-Known Member
I guess a question i should have asked earlier, is are they all in same res or diff 1s? If they're are n the same, i would lower ph, and water temp. Then give it a cpl dys, if it doesnt get better or starts getting worse then lower your ppms.
What nutes are you running


Well-Known Member
Try lowering ppm, ph and water temp see how she does.
I put frozen gal jugs of water in my res every day to keep temps cool, but i'm running 50 gal res with flood and drain. For yours you could add a frozen 20oz bottle. I ended up switching my dwc res to an old cooler and it works great. Keeps the water temps steady and even has a drain plug to drain for res changes.


Well-Known Member
6.0 is too high and now 5.8 would be too high since potassium is a tricky nutrient you may want to lower it to 5.5 cause it does look like you getting K def.