DWC ppm?


Well-Known Member
I currently run a flood and drain set up, but i'm switching to a dwc. Will I still run the same ppm in dwc?? I'm just not sure how the constant feeding affects the plants as far as ppm is concerned...thanks!


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ppm in dwc really needs to be a little lower due to the roots being submerged in the res and having constant availability. i never go above 1000 in aero and 600 in dwc.


Well-Known Member
ppm in dwc really needs to be a little lower due to the roots being submerged in the res and having constant availability. i never go above 1000 in aero and 600 in dwc.
I second SS advise,I use Waterfarms on some of my grows and Found i could run alot lower PPM in them.
Had two same strain and ran 300ppm less in one and did just as well as the other that i ran alot higher.



New Member
ppm in dwc really needs to be a little lower due to the roots being submerged in the res and having constant availability. i never go above 1000 in aero and 600 in dwc.

Jesus 1500? I am with SS on this... my top ppm is NEVER over 1000 in flower and most time it's in the 700-800 range. Less is more in DWC, now my StinkBud aero rails I was in 1300range, but that's a different story then DWC.

You either have MONSTER plants in DWC or your nutes are pretty poor, unless the ppm is accounting for sweets and other non-nutrient for the plant.


Well-Known Member
yeah i use liquid and dry kool bloom for flower, with my ppms i get great results and have researched the shit out of it but hey man what ever works for you is what i would go with that is just my opinion I mean my ladies get big as shit doing it the way I do in a cab using RDWC.

my pics are proof that it works my current grow and my very first grow are just one plant and I average around 3oz a plant sometimes a little more sometimes a little less and with the trim I prefer making canna butter instead of hash, making hash is so labor intensive and making butter is simple as shit and the edibles will blow you away!
Please read this info and at the end I will copy and paste a link to the site I got the info from this place has never done me wrong. The nutes are readily accessible at all times with dwc and you can run ppm way lower. I have ran higher ppms upward on 15-1800 and some strains can take it but you WONT get a larger yield by running insane high ppm's in a dwc. The plant will only take what it wants and or needs. No more. The plant has to do hardly anything to access those nutes and IMO anything over 1000 is a waste of nutes. I found this information to be correct as I constantly monitor ppm and ph of multiple strains in dwc. The equation is as follows; ppm drops, ph rises slightly, your nute formula is good. Ppm rises while the ph drops your nute solution is to hot and ppm should be reduced. Supposedly if your ppm drops and your ph is constant you have a perfect balance between what the plants using and the ppm. I only hear that and never get that. In my setup ppm drops slowly while ph rises like .1 over 1-2 day period. And they grow into nice healthy monsters. At least when I have my solution mixed right. When I run over 1000ppm I always get pmm rising and ph dropping (to strong) Thats why I feel no more that 1000ppm is needed. Please read this also.


Well-Known Member
I believe you but my plants suck it up in full flower when using over 1000 ppms and the ph rises a bit meaning the plant wants more and mj plants like acidic water more than non acidic hence always having to use ph down more than ph up. and you are right it depends on the strain, my BCN Diesel could not take enough nutes it was like a fat chic at a buffet. i was changing a 10 gallon res once a week because one plant would use all of it. Today i redid my res since it was below the pump and added nutes like the lucas system said plus liquid kool bloom and h2o2 and my ppms are 1600 and my lady loves it I have fed her twice today thats how fast she is using up the water and nutes. like i said what ever works for you do it and I experiment every run, I have ran low ppms and high ppms and most strains liked the high ppms while in full flower. i will check out the link for sure I am always looking for new advice by no means do i think i know everything I have been doing this for only a few years but have a couple of friends that have been doing it for well over a decade. thanks for the link and advice man I appreciate it!
Yeah I just started messing with the lower ppm's with this pull the yield was the same and the grow went a lot smoother but they were off clones so I dunno I just like the fact it saves me nutes.


another ph variable is running air pumps in a room with co2 enrichment. it can create carbonic acid in the nute mix that will lower ph .


Well-Known Member
ppm in dwc really needs to be a little lower due to the roots being submerged in the res and having constant availability. i never go above 1000 in aero and 600 in dwc.
So I used to run my ppm at around 1350 into late flower....I should keep under 1000 you think???? Same with veg? Lower than i'm used to doing? I was running a flood and drain with 6” rock wool cubes. Now in about to start dwc


Active Member
another ph variable is running air pumps in a room with co2 enrichment. it can create carbonic acid in the nute mix that will lower ph .
Can you elaborate? I had a problem and I was sure this was the cause. I started a thread asking about it but all I got was some wanker telling me all sorts of irrelevant crap he assumed I was doing wrong and never got an answer.


New Member
So I used to run my ppm at around 1350 into late flower....I should keep under 1000 you think???? Same with veg? Lower than i'm used to doing? I was running a flood and drain with 6” rock wool cubes. Now in about to start dwc
No one can tell you what to run with what nutes or what strain... asking for ppm to run is like asking someone how much you should eat. Only you know this and only your plants know too, take readings and then monitor. Going up? Lower ppm.. Going down? Raise ppm.. until you find the sweet spot.

DWC is not for people who like to just be told what to do, as it is not for the faint of heart. You put in the work and the effort though it will be a successful ride, but I don't see neither at the moment.


Active Member
I've never done F&D but I've always kept my EC/PPM quite high, around 1300-1500 ppm (0.5) in DWC so I think they can handle both extremes quite well. As said before you're supplying the plant with plenty of everything so it can take what it needs.
Nothing wrong with Novice bro, to me its between noob and expert/pro. I consider myself a successful grower also but I wouldn't put myself in expert status and I don't grow for a living so not pro.......


New Member
So I used to run my ppm at around 1350 into late flower....I should keep under 1000 you think???? Same with veg? Lower than i'm used to doing? I was running a flood and drain with 6” rock wool cubes. Now in about to start dwc
This idiot private messaged me thinking that my advice to stay under 1000ppm is bad advice... well troll with your hat on backwards go ahead and go above 1000ppm or 2.0ec in DWC. We will wait for the "OMG I have issues..." thread.

Umm... and yes my grows are more beautiful then yours (insert penis length here). Actually I have seen first grows from people more educated inclined as you, put out way better results even a blind squirrel finds a nut, and in your case probably gay guy as well. Silly wigger boy.. go on slanging your tweed son. I give honest, truthful advice from real world grows wiggs, so please save the hate private messages and your wigg replies for the other trolls. You don't like the truth, then maybe you should have had a dad stay in your life for more then three years of your childhood son.

Sorry to troll up the thread, but this idiot let pandora out of the box, she doesn't like to go back in. (sorry little man I know your non-GED educated ass will probably not know who that is or the meaning of the phrase.)

Come on down to Devenshire near the navy base here in San Diego and I will hook you up with some big buck navy men who love little @!()@*& ass wigger boy arse.


Well-Known Member
First of all, when did I ask what to run, what strain to use or what nutes to use, maybe you should read the thread before you make moronic statments. someone here said that they lower their ppm in dwc. That was my question! Is the ppm different in dwc as opposed to flood and drain. I'm a successful grower and ready to change to dwc. So read next time, before you answer. I don't see neither at the moment....donkey! Does this look like a novice grow to you?
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actually, with all of the burnt leaves it does looks like a novice grow. i would have got a better pic for that statement