Has anyone chopped yet??


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2362230View attachment 2362231Here are my White Russian clones. It was so lazy of me to put two clones in one 11 L pot. Took all day to cut as I had to inspect it for bud mold. The buds were so dense.

View attachment 2362232It´s been baking over the last few days so Ive been wearing my favourite outfit - my bikini.

View attachment 2362233My friends had to help me cut this today ! Still lower buds to finish tomorrow. I estimate a good few hundred grams of this Double Dutch!!
Gorgeous plants Lahadaextranjera, Beautiful I have some White Rhino very close looking to your White Russian. Sexy legs too IMO!


Well-Known Member
Hi, I´ve grown White Rhino before and its really quite potent. smelt like a dirty animal. This was a while back and it was from Greenhouse House Seeds.


I pulled one of my two girls last night, and trimmed them up before hanging them. The frost hit really hard the past couple nights, so I wanted at least one of them out of the ground in case we got hit again overnight. We didn't, I'm glad to say, so I've left the bigger one in for now. I'll hold out as long as I can with that one. Will toss up a couple pics when I get home.


Well-Known Member
damn the mold...............full speed ahead. its cold and raining here, but i do not fear. we have some cool sunny weather to follow to ripen my plant. i will chop before the next wet weather for sure. i've pushed my luck already. better a couple ounces of hash, than a pound of mold. but hopefully she'll just ripen up for me. i love hearing about all the successful chops, and hope to join the team at the winner's circle soon.


Well-Known Member
nice thread lahada! thats some awesome work. im feelin a lil rookie again now. well enjoy. i just cut my berry kush a couple days ago. ill post some pics when i trim down


Active Member
my two jack herers are comming along. im removeing alot of fan leaves now. its oct 9, as i type this, im in western wash, so im hoping for no rain, or freeze, till end of month. last year, i had just one (now two, plus a runt), i had to cut at oct 19, due to wet. and mold. looks to be a bit dryer this year. ive never really pushed this strain, much longer than ten weeks indoor. the one last year, gave me over 13 oz of bud, that seemed the same as my indoor, for both taste, and quality. next year, im using aurora indica outdoor. it has a faster finish, i beleive? or even , if my "extreama" seeds come, that may be one for outdoor, as well.


Well-Known Member
Hi guys!! I cut the Dutch cheese today. Only a bit early and it was ready. Not worth the risk of caterpillars and then mold. That BT spray does work but u need to use it regularly. I'll def do JD again as it's finished end of Sept. It's not good if u have loads of plants finishing on the same day/week.

Lets see some pics guys and if ur lucky I may post some of mine!!
I chopped my Girl Scout cookie garden over the last two days with 4 of us. Yesterday was long. Taking a break now and got one more trash can to run through the trimpro plus a Rubbermaid container of little buds to run through the trimpro then gonna hang. Barely any mold til the last plant I bucked just a few minutes ago. Had about 30 of these and think I may over perform on my expected yeild.

got 2 10 foot tall jilly beans and and 6 big sour d's in the otheR gardeN that will be getting chopped in about 10 days or so.

The trimpro is freaking life saver you have no idea. You still got to touch shit up after it dries but it increases efficiency time wise by 3-4X. Got the blade set at the right point it doesn't fuck the bud up at all. Really glad I bought the thing. I'm gonna use it for indoor too.


Well-Known Member
Wow!! Sound like you've got a lot of work on. Can u post some pics? My friends had a 2.5 metre jungle in their garden. I put up a thread of 'their 2.5 M monsters'.

Would love to see ur work. 30 is a huge amount of chopping.!!!

That's a 20x50 foot area. Plants closer to the fence were about 5.5' tall and bushy. Closer ones where like 3ft. Hole garden was colas. That's 24 plants I believe all GSC. I'll take pics of buds tonight.



Well-Known Member
Guys!! What's the latest with the outdoor harvest? It must be all done by now? I've only got one left and that's a 6 ft sat Caribe. Gotta be ready next week!! Haven't been on this thread for ages!!