I think this is overreaching. We agree on nonrape. Generalizing this into nonaggression ... can you defend the leap of reasoning? cnSo with the exception of all but one crazy person we all agree that rape is wrong under any circumstance, rape obviously but not so obvious to some of you being non-consensual. So I think we can all agree that criminals shouldn't be sentenced to 'rape rooms' where in they are raped repetitively, further when a government or authority deems one rape worthy then their determination is also wrong, Additionally I only assume that we are all rational people (bar the one who voted that rape is okay) and wouldn't be as hypocritical or corrupt as to violate the very valid universally preferable ethics theory which find that any valid ethics theory such as RAPE IS WRONG must apply universally or it is invalid, I am glad we all agree, I also glad we agree that it doesn't make rape okay when its 'voted on', So finally I am glad we all have come to agreement on the non-aggression principle as well assuming we are not corrupt.
so your point is criminals are sent to jail, where rape happens. So jails are immoral?So with the exception of all but one crazy person we all agree that rape is wrong under any circumstance, rape obviously but not so obvious to some of you being non-consensual. So I think we can all agree that criminals shouldn't be sentenced to 'rape rooms' where in they are raped repetitively, further when a government or authority deems one rape worthy then their determination is also wrong, Additionally I only assume that we are all rational people (bar the one who voted that rape is okay) and wouldn't be as hypocritical or corrupt as to violate the very valid universally preferable ethics theory which find that any valid ethics theory such as RAPE IS WRONG must apply universally or it is invalid, I am glad we all agree, I also glad we agree that it doesn't make rape okay when its 'voted on', So finally I am glad we all have come to agreement on the non-agression principle as well assuming we are not corrupt.
Are you talking about that film maker?i vote other,
rape is only acceptable when youre sodomizing a 13 year old girl who is wasted on booze and quaaludes.
cuz then it's not RAPE rape...
Yes he is.Are you talking about that film maker?