gonna try outdoor bbk bonsai

Title says it all. Have 5 bbk seedlings started and they will all be going towards a bonsai grow outdoors.
Will post pictures as i go. I am no great grower by any means so advice is always welcome. Comments/advice?
Quick post of my plants there is actually six at the moment dunno if the last one will go for bonsai though.
These were all planted on the same day, a couple have stunted growth unfortunately, but i think i have worked out the problems (hopefully)
picture #2 had a very odd wilt, that developed over the course of around 2 hours, i feared that it was a disease possibly and cut the "diseased" part off with a razor.#6 is growing oddly and i personally have not seen a plant do this.


Well-Known Member
First off, what kind of soil are you using? By the looks of it, it can definately use alot more perlite for the drainage. It also looks like the soil is a little hot for seedlings
That last pic looks like its gonna have mutant genes and grow all fucked up.. if it continues to grow all weird, your gonna want to pull it out.
What do you mean by a bonsai grow?
Are you in an area that will be getting alot of light this time of year? Cause where im at, ive got a plant outdoor but the days arent long enough anymore so i need to keep a light on it overnight as well if i want it to survive winter.
The more general info about the grow you put up like water, soil, nutes, etc.. the more people on this forum can help you out
It is supersoil. I am in the lower half of az and I planted them late on purpose in hopes it will make forming the bonsai( going for 12" apiece maybe 18") easier to come about.
As far as nutes go I am mid research and have yet to go out and splurge for them. Water once in the morning at this point so as not to overwater, they see sunlight in the morning till noon then get shade till 4pm then back into the evening sun till it drops


Well-Known Member
I wont feed any nutes until my babies look like they need it.. If the foliage is dark green, my water is nute free!
If you are watering once every morning, thats probably way too much water and could be the reason of the wilting leaves.. You want to wait for the soil to dry out until you water again.
Yes I want to have them looking like a bonsai tree, going to be doing root trimmings and whatnot to achieve this effect. I did not think that watering them in the morning once a day would over water. Also I want to be able to keep them even after I harvest it, for the purpose of another harvest and so forth. Plant #6 was planted into a pot outside alongside another plant, dug up, and replanted elsewhere. Could this be the reason of deformity?
Plant #5 the picture is not showing true colors it has browning on the outer (cotyledons?) And what seems like a good green color, but it had stunted for a few days. Plant #4 has a rather thick root system but it has no growth above soil yet. Unsure as to why this is currently.


Well-Known Member
Reading about the bonsai effect seams rather difficult haha props to you for trying this method bro! Yes overwatering can be a pretty big problem with seedlings, what i usually do with seedlings is dig my finger about an inch into the soil and if its all dry and loose dirt, i will water but if its still even the slightest bit damp, wait another day or two OR take the same pot fill it up with dry soil, get used to the weight and dont water till the pot with the plant in it feels about that same weight again. How good is the drainage?
Plant 6 has a healthy color to it so just wait till more leaves form and if the next couple nodes come out looking like that, it is probably mutated genes.
Plant 5 could be nute burn from the soil you used and plant 4 looks like it is dead from what i can see

I dont know much about bonsai growing but i do know what its like to start a seedling so i hope this helps
Ok i did not dig deep enough on plant #4 to see that it was like completely stunted and that the root system is very short, thick but short very short, but alive(probably not by this time tomorrow). i changed the soil on it which seems pointless, if it dies i will replant #5 into #4's soil as #5's soil is just as wet as #4 was. i plant to aerate the underside/sides of the cups tomorrow, but the drainage HAD seemed good till i changed the soil of #4. i checked on #6 yesterday around noon, then again via my window around a half an hour later and noticed SOMETHING had pulled it up. i am guessing that this was a bird in search of worms because it was stretching and this is the only (viable?) excuse i could come up with as it does seem anyone would get into my backyard and pull it up, also small animals that dont fly could not have done this as my yard is blocked off with a six foot fence( i have since put up a training fence, or so i believe it is called). #6 is the only one that is outside 24hours at this point since it is not in a pot.

bonsai is just a thing i really wanted to try since i dont have alot of room, and i think the concept is pretty cool. i hope at least one of these truly becomes the bonsai i would like to have, also i am not sure i could handle a 3-4 foot plant so a 1 to 1 and a half foot plant will be nice.
one last thought is that i am really, really hoping #6 wont be a muntant, but it will be interesting to see where it goes from here. prolly take new pics in the morning and post up.


Active Member
Interesting thread, I also had thoughts of doing a "bonzai" this year. I used some very non traditional methods to acquire my desired height and look but here is a pic. photo (12).jpg Bud production suffered a little bit but they are frosty as hell! and the height of the plant is about 14" high but obviously I trained it.


Well-Known Member
Ok i did not dig deep enough on plant #4 to see that it was like completely stunted and that the root system is very short, thick but short very short, but alive(probably not by this time tomorrow). i changed the soil on it which seems pointless, if it dies i will replant #5 into #4's soil as #5's soil is just as wet as #4 was. i plant to aerate the underside/sides of the cups tomorrow, but the drainage HAD seemed good till i changed the soil of #4. i checked on #6 yesterday around noon, then again via my window around a half an hour later and noticed SOMETHING had pulled it up. i am guessing that this was a bird in search of worms because it was stretching and this is the only (viable?) excuse i could come up with as it does seem anyone would get into my backyard and pull it up, also small animals that dont fly could not have done this as my yard is blocked off with a six foot fence( i have since put up a training fence, or so i believe it is called). #6 is the only one that is outside 24hours at this point since it is not in a pot.

bonsai is just a thing i really wanted to try since i dont have alot of room, and i think the concept is pretty cool. i hope at least one of these truly becomes the bonsai i would like to have, also i am not sure i could handle a 3-4 foot plant so a 1 to 1 and a half foot plant will be nice.
one last thought is that i am really, really hoping #6 wont be a muntant, but it will be interesting to see where it goes from here. prolly take new pics in the morning and post up.
By watering too often the roots dont go down into the pot in search of water, ending up with a thick, short root system
Also what do you mean by bonsai? you mean you want to LST your plant?
By watering too often the roots dont go down into the pot in search of water, ending up with a thick, short root system
Also what do you mean by bonsai? you mean you want to LST your plant?
Makes sense, didn't really think about it like that. Yea I plan to try a few different methods to attain bonsai, LST being one of them.
Interesting thread, I also had thoughts of doing a "bonzai" this year. I used some very non traditional methods to acquire my desired height and look but here is a pic. View attachment 2361716 Bud production suffered a little bit but they are frosty as hell! and the height of the plant is about 14" high but obviously I trained it.
That's how I would like one of my plants to end up. Also want one to be a true bonsai with the miniature root system and all. Root pruning is gonna be a bitch for me since I have never attempted such a thing. Did you root prune this one or just LST?
Update.#1 IMG_20121005_120628.jpg#2IMG_20121005_120549.jpg#3IMG_20121005_120841.jpg#5IMG_20121005_120859.jpg.#6IMG_20121005_122718.jpg #4 is not looking good so i wont be taking pictures unless if it does anything new, #6 succumbed to something not sure what prolly a lil mix of everything honestly, couldnt even get a non blurry picture of it unfortunately.
Wow. this turned into a 400w closet grow....... IMG_20121116_113410.jpgIMG_20121116_113442.jpgIMG_20121116_113628.jpg One bbk. Two blue dream x pineapple express

i like to think i learned quite a bit in the last month and a half or two, got alot more reading and growing ahead of me though!