World Of Hempy


Well-Known Member
Ya hydroton is so absorbent! I still like the look of the product and agree a mix with perlite would probably be best. I still really want to check out these PBRH - par boiled rice hulls. Not a whole bunch of info out there but looks interesting.


Well-Known Member
Its the original cali cut of BD. I havent had a chance to see HSO bluedream yet but im sure has to have a keeper pheno. Yeah the PSD looks dank but no color even with night temps down to 67 but the day night swing isnt big. Lights on temps been 74-78.

The elephant lol im not sure why its called that aside from some tips have long nipple/trunk looking growth. The buds are rock hard and i have one blue dream the same size. Ill let ya know which produced best in about a week n a half.

I crossed a male maui wowie that i got from legget cali right down in mendocino/humbolt with a BD the elephant and the PSD. seeds are starting to bust out! im very excited to see if i get any gems from the approx 300 seeds.

are you kidding me? look at the sparkling on those girls. Looks very tasty indeedy.

Is that the Humboldt Seed Organisations 'Blue dream'? ... Attitude notified me i was to get that as my freebie but instead sent me 'Chemdog'.

Damn, no purple pheno's coming out on that PSD. ... I hope I get some with the Ken's Grand daddy Purple. ... I think the genes will do the work but I'll just keep the fans on full at night to make it chilly.

LOL@elephant. Its appropriately named. Is it the largest?



Well-Known Member
The cooler temps have been great for my indoor. But the flip side is I'd still like to get another wk on my outdoor girl. 2 nights ago she got a little frost bite on a couple of top buds. So last night I pulled her indoors. She's in my bedroom it was like sleeping in a citrus orchard.

Frost bite MW_12-10-03 003riu.jpg you can see the yellowing in the sugar leaf of the bud head.

She could be considered to be done, MW_12-10-03 001riu.jpgMW_12-10-03 002riu.jpgMW_12-10-03 004riu.jpg but with another wk she'll get even danker.

The CS project is over again, and the pollen sac's would not open and the plant was dieing, so I pulled the sac's and I'm drying. I'm hoping there is some viable pollen in there, I would really like to get me some fem seeds. MW_CS_pollen_sac 003riu.jpg


Well-Known Member
Nice Job WattSaver.

Ive never tried breeding my girls. If I get a strong male in my 10 reg 'Ken's GDP' i'll try and creates some crosses. I'll be looking for some tints from you guys. Fingers crossed. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I just checked out the RIU Maps, and they still need some work. I checked out my home town, and it only shows 2 dispensary's, but there are 7 that I know of in town.


Good afternoon Hempy brothers. I thought that you might like an update on how the little girls are doing. I’m happy to report that, thanks to your help, all 3 have responded very well, and are sporting some nice new green growth! I’m going to let them get a bit bigger and then begin upping the strength of the nutes a bit, like half strength next. I am really excited about these new strains, and can’t wait until I can flower them out. Thanks again for the help dudes, I’ll continue to keep you updated on their progress.


Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
Good afternoon Hempy brothers. I thought that you might like an update on how the little girls are doing. I’m happy to report that, thanks to your help, all 3 have responded very well, and are sporting some nice new green growth! I’m going to let them get a bit bigger and then begin upping the strength of the nutes a bit, like half strength next. I am really excited about these new strains, and can’t wait until I can flower them out. Thanks again for the help dudes, I’ll continue to keep you updated on their progress.
When you do bump it up,I suggest you go 1/4 strength instead 1/2.This way if 1/2 is bad?It will be only half as bad.

Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
I read thru the first 20 pages of this thread and am really thinking about changing from DWC to Hempy. I would use a perlite/growstone combo of sorts. I figure since some use straight perlite that adding the grow stones can only help with my air/water ratio.

About nutes; Do most people just use the manufacturers recommended dose and wait till a little drains out of the hole at the bottom? Water every few days?

The principals of DWC work.It is basicly a res in soilless medium that you reset by what you poor the more you poor in of what you pour in,the more the res resets to what you poor in.If for a couple feedings you see very little water usage,you know nutes instead of water was used.A generous overflow resets the res of nutes.Once you know your plants you can give them exactly what they want.The res should be treated on the lighter side of DWC nutrient strength,and gradualy brought up to ease learning process.

It is super easy,and I will only DWC with cloning only for now on (except for experiments).


When you do bump it up,I suggest you go 1/4 strength instead 1/2.This way if 1/2 is bad?It will be only half as bad.
Thanks bro. Solid advice, will do.
How do you like posts on here?

What is you guys opinion on watering hempys before they hit the res? Does it encourage root growth more if you if you water, or let them dry out more between watering?

The thing I like most about hempys is the sheer simplicity of them. It always makes me chuckle a bit to read all the posts on here from folks that want to over complicate them more somehow. If it ain’t broke…


Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
Thanks bro. Solid advice, will do.
How do you like posts on here?

What is you guys opinion on watering hempys before they hit the res? Does it encourage root growth more if you if you water, or let them dry out more between watering?

The thing I like most about hempys is the sheer simplicity of them. It always makes me chuckle a bit to read all the posts on here from folks that want to over complicate them more somehow. If it ain’t broke…


How do you like posts on here?

I do not know what you mean?If talking about the size of your letters......then

My opinion on feed/water till RHR (Roots Hit Res).

light nute feeds will grow Seeker Roots.Long and skinny they will find the res.

Heavy nutes grow Comfy Roots.Fat,and stubby they hang out by the Taproot playing with themselves.



How do you like posts on here?

I do not know what you mean?If talking about the size of your letters......then

My opinion on feed/water till RHR (Roots Hit Res).

light nute feeds will grow Seeker Roots.Long and skinny they will find the res.

Heavy nutes grow Comfy Roots.Fat,and stubby they hang out by the Taproot playing with themselves.

I mean, for example, my post a couple back, #546 in the thread, it says a few different people “liked” the post, Moebius and Shivaskunk, and two others. Sort of how you “like” things on Facebook I guess. I don’t know how you do that on here?

[FONT=&quot]*Edit- Never mind, I think I figured it out. It says that when you give positive rep for a post or whatever I think.[/FONT]*

Cool about the watering frequency. I have been watering them daily, because I’ve been afraid the roots would dry out too much if I went longer.


Well-Known Member
I mean, for example, my post a couple back, #546 in the thread, it says a few different people “liked” the post, Moebius and Shivaskunk, and two others. Sort of how you “like” things on Facebook I guess. I don’t know how you do that on here?

[FONT=&amp]*Edit- Never mind, I think I figured it out. It says that when you give positive rep for a post or whatever I think.[/FONT]*

Cool about the watering frequency. I have been watering them daily, because I’ve been afraid the roots would dry out too much if I went longer.
The word 'Like' is at the bottom right corner of every post (above where it says 'REPLY WITH QUOTE'). Just click that word to show your appreciation of a post.


Well-Known Member
Cool about the watering frequency. I have been watering them daily, because I’ve been afraid the roots would dry out too much if I went longer.
When Dalek mentioned Heavy nutes / Light nutes. I believe he's referring to the strength of your solution and NOT frequency.

You may indeed need to water a little everyday or every 30 hrs or so at this stage. This will depend on how quick your small cup drys out. You'll be the best judge. .... You're wanting to drench, dry, drench, dry. .... but never completly dry.

They do not need STRONG (or heavy) feed atm. Roots are undeveloped, young and tender. .. It may be OK to give a baby a drop of whiskey when they're teething, but you don't pour them a double.

Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
When Dalek mentioned Heavy nutes / Light nutes. I believe he's referring to the strength of your solution and NOT frequency.

You may indeed need to water a little everyday or every 30 hrs or so at this stage. This will depend on how quick your small cup drys out. You'll be the best judge. .... You're wanting to drench, dry, drench, dry. .... but never completly dry.

They do not need STRONG (or heavy) feed atm. Roots are undeveloped, young and tender. .. It may be OK to give a baby a drop of whiskey when they're teething, but you don't pour them a double.
Moeb is correct.Light strength feed to moisten medium,and grow seeker roots.Oversaturation,or drying out of medium are roots enemies.
You will know when roots hit res when Vegetative growth speeds up.

Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
My overflow chamber (above flower chamber).120 Watts of CFL's all 2700K pictured.
I swap out the cfl's for experiments,waiting room,ending room,mum retirement etc.
I am currently running 2 6oz cup Spacequeen experiments.The middle plant is a clone replaced (MangoXBlueberry) mother that was madly super cropped.The right hand side is another retired mother (BlueberryXNL#5) freshly,and madly super cropped.

I can gut it,and experiment with T5's or more PLL's but the versatility of the cfl's are good enough for now.

Then here is a pic of a Hempy cup main cola.bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
I did some hempy a few years ago, in my signature is a tutorial i made on transplanting hempy plants, I got some pics around here somewhere of the results...let me investigate.........Im not jacking ur thread, just donating pics. :)....ENJOY!!!



Well-Known Member
@ lilmafiaThanks for the hempy porn, I really like the root shots during transplant. Just shows how efficient a little hydro cup can be.


Well-Known Member
Now ya tell wonder my niece is a raging alcoholic lol.

When Dalek mentioned Heavy nutes / Light nutes. I believe he's referring to the strength of your solution and NOT frequency.

You may indeed need to water a little everyday or every 30 hrs or so at this stage. This will depend on how quick your small cup drys out. You'll be the best judge. .... You're wanting to drench, dry, drench, dry. .... but never completly dry.

They do not need STRONG (or heavy) feed atm. Roots are undeveloped, young and tender. .. It may be OK to give a baby a drop of whiskey when they're teething, but you don't pour them a double.


Well-Known Member
I did some hempy a few years ago, in my signature is a tutorial i made on transplanting hempy plants, I got some pics around here somewhere of the results...let me investigate.........Im not jacking ur thread, just donating pics. :)....ENJOY!!!
Love the pics lilmafia, thanks. ... Picture 12 of clones in party cups is something I may do, to veg before moving to bottles.

Please feel free to post whatever you wish, its an open thread for all Hempyneers. :weed: