Cannabis Sativa!


I heard oven drying method is not as good as the natural drying one but this will do the job just fine for this purpose


Well-Known Member
I heard oven drying method is not as good as the natural drying one but this will do the job just fine for this purpose
Tupperware container. Place a dry paper towel in the bottom, your bud on that. Wet paper towel over the top with the lid to hold in place. LEAVE ONE CORNER OF THE LID UP!!!!!! Then microwave at 40% power for 1 minute. Let cool for a minute and check. After a couple of times use the paper towel on the bottom to wipe the container dry and start all over again. This tightens the bud while drying it and it enhances the flavor instead of making hay.


Well-Known Member
Why keeping the seeds if its not smokeable?
It could be hemp it could be good smoke... Wont know until you smoke it. If it's good then the OP will have plently of seeds to grow from if he wanted to. Free seeds is always a plus... If its bad theres no loss...


Well-Known Member
Maybe dry, crush and add some 90% alcohol. Shake for about 30 sec. Strain alcohol thru coffee filter then evaporate it. Scrape up "hash" and try it. You can repeat for a lower grade. Might optimize whats there.


hello every one im new to roll it up and also a new grower, i was wondering if n e one orderd from Herbie seeds n r they consistent w/ shipping? also need a little advise on how to order, thanking u n advance. Oh by the way talking bout US orders


Well-Known Member
hello every one im new to roll it up and also a new grower, i was wondering if n e one orderd from Herbie seeds n r they consistent w/ shipping? also need a little advise on how to order, thanking u n advance. Oh by the way talking bout US orders
Start your own thread........
It's impolite to threadjack like that, and also you most likely won't get many replies to your question this way. (but in answer to your question, I have no experience ordering).


Well-Known Member
hello every one im new to roll it up and also a new grower, i was wondering if n e one orderd from Herbie seeds n r they consistent w/ shipping? also need a little advise on how to order, thanking u n advance. Oh by the way talking bout US orders
Im with chucky on jacking threads ..also never used them.common sense tells me must be on up Ana up.. look at big banner on top page RIU trust them to advertise. Sorry op!


Maybe dry, crush and add some 90% alcohol. Shake for about 30 sec. Strain alcohol thru coffee filter then evaporate it. Scrape up "hash" and try it. You can repeat for a lower grade. Might optimize whats there.
it might but its no use if the plants are hemp,in that case the sample bud probably will have under 1% thc(0.5% and so)if its hemp so theres nothing to optimize at the or tomorrow im going to take a sample and announce the results..Then your "hash" method would/might be very useful if the bud is ok.thanks anyways..


Today i took sample buds,unfortunately...they look like shit..I dont think theyll do anything but ill try them when dried
I got a pic of the bud: IMGP0375.jpg


Well-Known Member
Dont let looks get u down . Lay ur test bud up let dry good slow..remember its been growing wild without proper nutes and care. May be good smoke.


Tried has some thc(very little) but then it gets u a headache.Its bad bad weed,maybe its not even a weed.Thats a shame it would be very nice to have some good smoke for free..probably a hemp i dont know..