San Pedro


Well-Known Member
Because of the nasty allegations the poster above made about potential cancer from extracted mescaline because the solvent that won't be present in the final product I'll go the extra mile and use only food safe chemicals. You still should only use stainless steel or pyrex containers. Chemistry is not inherently bad nor is all natural inherently good. All water used in this should be distilled water.
If you're using dried cactus pulverize it, if it's fresh puree it in a blender.
Now we put our cactus into our container and use enough water to cover it so there is ~1/4" of water above the cactus.
Acidify this aqueous suspension. If you want food safe then citric acid (sour salt) is what you want to use. Aim for a pH of ~3. Mix this thoroughly.
Now it is time to defat so we don't end up with a crap product or worse an emulsion that refuses to separate. Add a layer of d-limonene (or other nonpolar solvent if you aren't terrified of OMG CANCER from toluene or xylene), use about 1/5 of the volume of water.
Thoroughly mix these (shaking in a capped container that is not plastic is the best way to do this). Now separate these layers and discard the nonpolar layer. It has the various fats and other nonpolar material in the cactus that would make it extremely difficult to get a decent end product. If you have a still you can distill the NP layer to recycle your solvent.
Now we use some lye (totally food safe, it's used to cure olives) to raise the pH of the aqueous layer to 11.5-12.0, you should see some white solids form in suspension. Nonsudsing ammonia (shake the bottle up, if soapy bubbles form it's no good) also works very well.
Now we again add a layer of the nonpolar solvent shake and separate. Save both layers. Raise the pH of the aqueous layer back to 11.5-12.0, and let it sit for 24 hours shaking it thoroughly for a few minutes every few hours. Then repeat the extraction with fresh nonpolar solvent. Do a total of 3-4 times total and pool the nonpolar layers.
Now make a slightly basic (ph > 7) concentrated brine solution (fully saturated with NaCl, table salt). Wash the nonpolar layer with 25mL of this 3 times.
Now reduce the volume of NP solvent by evaporation.
Now we salt out the mescaline. I like to bubble HCl gas through it but 1) it's not food safe and 2) and requires more skill than anyone who needs to read an A/B tek has. So we'll use vinegar to make mescaline acetate. Wash the nonpolar layer with ~25-30mL of vinegar and separate. Evaporate the solution (use mild heat to help speed the process, and oven at a max off 200F is really helpful for this) and keep repeating this until you stop getting a crystaline product. I'd start with like 5 of these done immeadiately and then continue doing acid washes from there if you keep getting decent crops of crystals. A much better alternative is to use glacial acetic acid which is just pure acetic acid. Add it slowly (dropwise into the nonpolar layer) until crystals stop forming.
Filter the crystals off and rinse them with a little dry isopropanol (use epsom salts that have been baked to dry them) or acetone.


Well-Known Member
mostly what i seen on the web was 2 methods,to slow cook or simmer for hours to a black goo then chase it down.option 2 use some chemicals to extract the desired chems.from the research ive done a lot of those active substances are heat sensitive thats why many people boil it down and say ah it wasnt that good.if you look at wiki definition there many,many naturally occuring substances that aid in the trip you get.when it comes to the chem to extract it some of the benzines and tolunes cause cancer! so out goes the window of a truly natural substace that is capable of healing,yes it has natural antibodies that can help your body.ok sorry for the long post.

so heres what i do,i weigh 400-600 grams of the cacti.then i carefully peel the plastic skin off remove the needles,then i slice it off its core which is like wood.i then blend it with water.put it in a large glass ans slowly drink it down.i should explain some more,400 grams is a good body trip last all day,600 grams is frying balls.ive takin cid quite a lot and shrooms so i know frying balls.oh and it taste bad,bad like a rubber tire.ive never thrown up,had slight naseau but thats it.

the trip especially on the 600 grams was magic,the whole body is very buzzed,music is wayyy awesome like smoke in my brain,and i had this very intimate trip like i was very,very relaxed,i could of snored right off in a hot bath be careful.i did my martial arts and had insights i havent had before.all in all a good compare it to 2-3 reall good hits of acid.from a plant i bought legally at the lkocal walmart.

since ive used this method ive never failed to have a good trip,my cactus is good stock i grow and drink my no rc's for me or shady deals.and im not puting anything dirty in my takes about an hour to prepare and another to sip slow so start early like noon and enjoy the ride ; ) ill post some more pics.
pic 1 is measuring 600 grams
pic 2 is needles removed
" 3 peeled core stripped ready for blender
" 4 ready to drink slowly sipp,yes its bitter but the price of the ticket to go on a journey
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What you seem to be describing is a baseline dose, perhaps in the 150 - 200 mg range. The curve tends to steepen above there to where at 350 you are immersed in a fractal universe of your own construction, much higher than that and you are looking at separation from your ego - 450. That is the biggest problem with going "all natural", you just can't choke down enough of this stuff to get to where some of us long to go.



Well-Known Member
Because of the nasty allegations the poster above made about potential cancer from extracted mescaline because the solvent that won't be present in the final product I'll go the extra mile and use only food safe chemicals. You still should only use stainless steel or pyrex containers. Chemistry is not inherently bad nor is all natural inherently good. All water used in this should be distilled water.
If you're using dried cactus pulverize it, if it's fresh puree it in a blender.
Now we put our cactus into our container and use enough water to cover it so there is ~1/4" of water above the cactus.
Acidify this aqueous suspension. If you want food safe then citric acid (sour salt) is what you want to use. Aim for a pH of ~3. Mix this thoroughly.
Now it is time to defat so we don't end up with a crap product or worse an emulsion that refuses to separate. Add a layer of d-limonene (or other nonpolar solvent if you aren't terrified of OMG CANCER from toluene or xylene), use about 1/5 of the volume of water.
Thoroughly mix these (shaking in a capped container that is not plastic is the best way to do this). Now separate these layers and discard the nonpolar layer. It has the various fats and other nonpolar material in the cactus that would make it extremely difficult to get a decent end product. If you have a still you can distill the NP layer to recycle your solvent.
Now we use some lye (totally food safe, it's used to cure olives) to raise the pH of the aqueous layer to 11.5-12.0, you should see some white solids form in suspension. Nonsudsing ammonia (shake the bottle up, if soapy bubbles form it's no good) also works very well.
Now we again add a layer of the nonpolar solvent shake and separate. Save both layers. Raise the pH of the aqueous layer back to 11.5-12.0, and let it sit for 24 hours shaking it thoroughly for a few minutes every few hours. Then repeat the extraction with fresh nonpolar solvent. Do a total of 3-4 times total and pool the nonpolar layers.
Now make a slightly basic (ph > 7) concentrated brine solution (fully saturated with NaCl, table salt). Wash the nonpolar layer with 25mL of this 3 times.
Now reduce the volume of NP solvent by evaporation.
Now we salt out the mescaline. I like to bubble HCl gas through it but 1) it's not food safe and 2) and requires more skill than anyone who needs to read an A/B tek has. So we'll use vinegar to make mescaline acetate. Wash the nonpolar layer with ~25-30mL of vinegar and separate. Evaporate the solution (use mild heat to help speed the process, and oven at a max off 200F is really helpful for this) and keep repeating this until you stop getting a crystaline product. I'd start with like 5 of these done immeadiately and then continue doing acid washes from there if you keep getting decent crops of crystals. A much better alternative is to use glacial acetic acid which is just pure acetic acid. Add it slowly (dropwise into the nonpolar layer) until crystals stop forming.
Filter the crystals off and rinse them with a little dry isopropanol (use epsom salts that have been baked to dry them) or acetone.

Acitate, hydrochlorate or sufate? Any real difference in potency? Weights the same enough to make no real difference? How about incidence of other alkaloids?


Well-Known Member
Put the flesh in a ceramic crockpot covered with water and cook low for approx 12 hours. Strain and evape down a little more if needed. You can achieve your " immersed in a fractal universe of your own construction" with enough cacti tea.

Hope this helps!


Well-Known Member
Mescaline acetate is almost equipotent with the HCl (molar mass HCl salt is 247.5g/mol, AcO2H salt is 255g/mol, sulfate is 309g/mol) while the sulfate is a bit weaker, with citrate being the weakest of all with a molar mass of 403g/mol.


Well-Known Member
Put the flesh in a ceramic crockpot covered with water and cook low for approx 12 hours. Strain and evape down a little more if needed. You can achieve your " immersed in a fractal universe of your own construction" with enough cacti tea.

Hope this helps!
Some of us like to go to that fractal universe without puking or shitting our guts out. Most people find mescaline only upsets their stomach a small amount, while tar, tea, and straight cactus fuck your digestive system up. I don't like my fractal universe to exist on a toilet.


Well-Known Member
Some of us like to go to that fractal universe without puking or shitting our guts out. Most people find mescaline only upsets their stomach a small amount, while tar, tea, and straight cactus fuck your digestive system up. I don't like my fractal universe to exist on a toilet.
Strange cause some of us never have purging issues, but for what it's worth, making an extract is great too, it's just some prefer full spectrum. They method mention is very simple and wanted to share with the newbs in case making extract is too much.

Get dirty with the Dirty Sanchez!! haha


Well-Known Member
Extraction pulls out non-mescaline alkaloids as well. It's really quite a simple procedure. You can use tea leaves and practice extracting caffeine to learn the procedure.


Well-Known Member
Mescaline acetate is almost equipotent with the HCl (molar mass HCl salt is 247.5g/mol, AcO2H salt is 255g/mol, sulfate is 309g/mol) while the sulfate is a bit weaker, with citrate being the weakest of all with a molar mass of 403g/mol.

So those who are more at ease with the more dangerous chems would opt for the HCL?


Well-Known Member
Some of us like to go to that fractal universe without puking or shitting our guts out. Most people find mescaline only upsets their stomach a small amount, while tar, tea, and straight cactus fuck your digestive system up. I don't like my fractal universe to exist on a toilet.

I always postulated that it was the spicules that caused the initial stomach upset - I was wrong, A small price to pay - I wonder if the various salts have different gastric affects. I'm with you, upchucking is ok for the peyote eaters, I recall the ease at which I lost my "lunch" and the comfort I felt afterword but I can't see doing that again if I can at all help it. Remember the tomato horn worm, always remember the horn worm.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, if you're not quite up to the dry HCl level you can use con HCl in isopropanol and it works very well.


Well-Known Member
I always postulated that it was the spicules that caused the initial stomach upset - I was wrong, A small price to pay - I wonder if the various salts have different gastric affects. I'm with you, upchucking is ok for the peyote eaters, I recall the ease at which I lost my "lunch" and the comfort I felt afterword but I can't see doing that again if I can at all help it. Remember the tomato horn worm, always remember the horn worm.
Peyote and San Pedro are very different in how they hit the stomach. Peyote is pretty much guaranteed to make you purge, but afterwards you're ok. San Pedro made me puke and then I had the joy of experiencing it's effects as a laxative. NEVER AGAIN


Well-Known Member
Some of us like to go to that fractal universe without puking or shitting our guts out. Most people find mescaline only upsets their stomach a small amount, while tar, tea, and straight cactus fuck your digestive system up. I don't like my fractal universe to exist on a toilet.
I have made several teas since I started the post. Each and every time I got a unwanted 'system cleanse'. I highly recommend extracting the mescaline unless you can be by a toilet.


Active Member
Here is my Key to Heaven On Earth.

One mean mother! I've tripped into the Spirit Land on this one quite a few times. Had some interesting conversations
with the Others. I've had her since 1978. She can, and does kick my mind around.

Never a bad experience. October I'll go again. Got a spot in Joshua Tree that's perfect.



Well-Known Member
Here is my Key to Heaven On Earth.

One mean mother! I've tripped into the Spirit Land on this one quite a few times. Had some interesting conversations
with the Others. I've had her since 1978. She can, and does kick my mind around.

Never a bad experience. October I'll go again. Got a spot in Joshua Tree that's perfect.
That looks like The Peruvian Torch! So cool! Im going to make a tea for this Wednesday. I have a couple small(er) San Pedro's