sativa or indica?


Well-Known Member
they both offer different highs.sativa is a head high and indie is a body high,and then theres u know the sex yet?bag seeds are primarily hybrids,rarely a pure line cross.also bagseed has a tendency to be hermies,it depends of its origins

[email protected]

Active Member
sativa is a lighter green and has long skinny leaf's indica is darker green with fat leaf's. But lots of mix's out there and you might get a mix. that's my 2cents some one with more knowlage will probley be more help.


Well-Known Member
u are wrong,its indies they use for medical.personally if im home then i love to smoke a indica strain,but if im out i want a sativa cus its more of a social high.

LeRoy JaBluntski

Well-Known Member
yea i got 2 out of 2 female and they are beautiful. i think they are a mix b/c they vary in size and color, some are skinny and light green and others dark and fat. i'm on first week of flowering after 1 month veg and they are already 3 feet


Well-Known Member

sativas also grow more tall and spindly, rather than the denser short indica.

Indicas give you a mellow, relaxed high whilst sativa give you an energetic trippy high.