The Irish Growers Thread!

Sugar punch has sprouted a tap root and is on it's way 36 hours after taking it out of the pack, quickest little sprout ever. No signs of life from the alien abduction yet...
never marked the pot, but upon looking at them i could swear there the two hazes that are in the mix, the rest were bag seed from the brother...

i say this as they look the same as the girls in the flower room now, and were the best two in the veg cab... the rest are all the same height and node height so are almost certainly the bag seed..
Man am done with bloom and grow, been waiting everyday this week on a package from them and no response from my email so i rang them today and they told me some bs about having problems with the website and they dident even post it yet.

yeah piratebay is back thank the gods just bring back demonoid now
Man am done with bloom and grow, been waiting everyday this week on a package from them and no response from my email so i rang them today and they told me some bs about having problems with the website and they dident even post it yet.

yeah piratebay is back thank the gods just bring back demonoid now
Order from the big shop, free postage and cheap prices :P
just wondering what my timelines going to be, i messed up re vegging after the cropping, should have just let them stay on 12/12... i`m thinking the first should be ready in say 3 or 4 weeks with the following ones being a week or so behind and the third the following week or so..

was to then toss in the small ones but as they started flowering now sure they should follow the last of the flowering girls by say 2 to 3 weeks so by accident i think i got perpetual growing going on hahahahaha......
have you switched to soil yet? or are you still working on the dwc?
Bit of both tbh, waiting for the sprouts in spongepots to emerge. Sugar punch has gone into the dwc for now. Below 22c and I'm golden I reckon. Bu if that fails I will still have the soil plants.
What big shop are you talking about dig?

heres a pic after watering still problems with the fan leaves but after a good feed today the ph is lower at around 6.2 so it should be ok i hope, it needs to start growing well soon or ill have no choice but to revert to soil again