It's been a couple of weeks since I checked 'em. Don't know why. A couple of months ago I was checking all of the time. Not anymore. I just now checked & don't see any amber. I have a Hawaiian Bagseed going & she has a lot of clear trichs still. If I go solely by trichs, I have a few weeks to go... I reckon.They look great... If you dont already own one.. you should buy yourself a little microscope with light...or usb one...ensure you harvest each plant correctlly...especially with multiple strains the Harvest dates could be days to weeks aparts
This Bud's for ME!How bout some bud shots?
I ran out of the green 6' stakes. I found 'em on Amazon & I got 10 6' green poles alright but when you hammer them into the ground they bend. Pieces of dog sh!t. Anyhoo, I just picked up some Velcro for plants but I'm afraid that if I mess around with them, then they'll snap. They're hangin' all kinds of weird ways & looks pretty rough, but they're still going strong. I haven't cracked a stem so far I've Been lucky. I definitely hear what you're saying. I need to move 'em around anyways because as they lean over they get tangled with the others. I screwed up & put 4 in a 13X5 flowerbed. Originally I had 7, but thank God they were boys. I planted 3 in back & staggered 4 in the front of the flowerbed. The back 3 wouldn't have done anything so I am very glad they were males. Live & learn. Next year I'll know better.Stake those up buddy. Pretty soon those branches are gonna snap and break. Looks like they need at least two more more weeks to harden up. Any moisture or dampness is gonna weight those down or wind could snap the branches... I'd stake em tomorrow unless you plan on harvesting in less than a week.
That's funny... I mean That isn't funny, but after reading your "rant" if you will, I went out & staked the hell out of my plants. I appreciate the rant. It got me off of my lazy stoned ass to do something.After my rant I had a huge branch break on me LOL.. Foliar sprayed for bud worms. Not the end of the world it was almost ready. Will have some eArly smoke.. Go figure.. I know what you mean staking at this point I feel like I'm gonna break branches just by touching them
I'm more of a Sour Diesel kinda guy, but I guess I've never had any decent NYC Diesel.... That is until now!!! Stuff kicked my ass!NYCOne of my favorite strains!