Do males always grow faster than Fems??


Well-Known Member
i just want some smoke i have wasted too much effort trying for the best. so ill just grow it the natural way see what i get. with all i have learned from aquaponics dwc ect. soil is easy.
so ill hopefully get some good smoke .​
your own words! You can't even cultivate a plant to get smokable buds lmao. I have learned all I needed to about you in 2 clicks of a mouse :) good day sir


Active Member
well defoliateing is not my idea its keef treez look it up . at least 5 chemicals for your flower power feeding vary noob. and you had to flush them or they would be burned. we trust a bunch of chemicals but not defoliateing some leafs. its natural for animals to eat some if not alot of leafs off in the wild but what ever how will takeing leafs off help to make it flower is what you asked well after defoliateing it allows more light so it can make alot more bud sites i have a pest problem in flower so im a dick right now sorry but i got like 12 heads on a 2 foot tall plant right now


Well-Known Member
well defoliateing is not my idea its keef treez look it up . at least 5 chemicals for your flower power feeding vary noob. and you had to flush them or they would be burned. we trust a bunch of chemicals but not defoliateing some leafs. its natural for animals to eat some if not alot of leafs off in the wild but what ever how will takeing leafs off help to make it flower is what you asked well after defoliateing it allows more light so it can make alot more bud sites i have a pest problem in flower so im a dick right now sorry but i got like 12 heads on a 2 foot tall plant right now
You scrub I never flushed my plant and it is still doing fine want pictures?

Just in case you can't read those posts said "IF something happens I will flush" IF IF IF......I....F....

I poured that crazy ass solution into the plant and it is thriving so say what you want I have pictures and the plant to prove it didn't care about all that flowring nute.

.......Just no aggression and no name calling I want to ask you a serious question.

Why did you say this .
at least 5 chemicals for your flower power feeding vary noob. and you had to flush them or they would be burned.
That quote right there is stating I indeed flushed that plant....which I never did...I haven't even watered it since that feeding. Why are you making things up....?

Just for shits and giggles I am going to go in my room right now and takes pictures of that very plant


Well-Known Member
at least 5 chemicals for your flower power feeding vary noob. and you had to flush them or they would be burned. we trust a bunch of chemicals but not defoliateing some leafs.

DAYUMMM!!! THEM PLANTS BE BURNIN UP BAD! Wouldn't you say sorethumb?? Oh and they haven't been watered or flushed one time since that flower power feeding :)

I like this back and forth with you. It is just so easy, it is kind of entertaining because it is so easy


Active Member
ok lets start over sorry for my rudeness im loseing my plant to pest i cant use nothing its well into budding so im being a douch right now looking for ways around it then i seen i was ripped on for something i just showed works like i said sorry and i thought warlock told you to flush my bad


Well-Known Member
Damn .....Pests at flowering :( all that hard work for it to get taken by bugs...... What kind of bugs?

Oh what you never told me what kind of light you were runnin in your grow room.


Active Member
why you ask im getting a 400 hps for 80 bucks next pay but t5 2 foot and 2 4foot t8 flourescents is all i got so its not my lights its my method


Active Member
my wife brought her palm in and put it in my grow room she didnt know not too she just didnt want it to die it was a weekend i went fishing grrrrr


Well-Known Member
Ah Inside or outside grow? I never understood how people get spider mites indoors. Well...I can't say never...Bringing an outside plant indoors will do it but that's like the #1 taboo of indoor growing. NEVER EVER bring a plant indoors that has been outside.

but other than that rule I never understood how people can get them indoors without doing that.


Well-Known Member
my wife brought her palm in and put it in my grow room she didn't know not too she just didn't want it to die it was a weekend i went fishing grrrrr
ahhhhh there it is ....... :( poor wifey...I would be so pissed off.....well I guess it is just ignorance and you can't be mad about that. Someone should have informed her if you were both growing indoors and out. I think that should be the first thing told to indoor growers. Never bring an outside plant in, NEVER EVER NEVER EVER EVER NEVER lol


Active Member
well i always get them i wont use soaps anymore killed one before flower once but my wife does not smoke or want anything to know about what i do lol until til i told thanks for the mites hun ill just start over next spring after i bleach my room oh well i am trying to beat them with hands on attention trying


Active Member
im sorry man im just loseing my war here and hopeing for a good harvest even with the pest its still smokeable lol


Well-Known Member
im sorry man im just loseing my war here and hopeing for a good harvest even with the pest its still smokeable lol
Mighty wash man mighty wash. It works and can be sprayed on flowering plants. Just spray with lights out. You will need 3-4 sprayings 4 days apart.