Club 600

My 1st Outdoor Grow ready for chopping....Mamadude Sour D pheno.

This was a re-veg clone that I stuck outside. I got a clone of this vegging awaiting a SCRoG.

Mamadude pr0n

Duch thats a beauty my friend, love the knuckle!!!

@jig we need to plan a smoke out in chaka's garage soon! You got to smoke my flowers this time.

Peace 600

Can I come?
you guys are so lucky to live where you do, just being able to pop over for a smoke of a fellow med card carrying friends herb is a liberty i may never know. i know you probably don't, but don't ever take it for granted. i know it's still a long way from being accepted for what it is, even in california but over here it's still a dangerous narcotic!?!?.

i'm jealous!
Hang tight to that Dog, BB is out of stock at the moment. They have a BX1 though.

I don't think I'm going to make ISO anymore, and don't think I'll try BHO. It is a pain in the ass for me. I'm not really a doobie smoker. I like my pipes and with oil I always need something to put it on and it makes a mess. I also don't like the taste too much. Hash is much easier to deal with and tastes better to me. I think I need some bags and a nice hash pipe.

I gave up on oil and only make bubble hash.
I bought a set of 3 bags for $35 on ebay and a bubble machine from a hydro store for $125.
The machine is worth every penny. You fill the bag, drop it in, set the timer and come back when you are ready to drain it. I drain it through my 220 and 73 micron bags, I skip the 25 bag, it is too much work for a little piece.

I bought a concentrate bowl and a glass wand. I smoke a few puffs at night.

I just bought a Hakko soldering station, I love combustion.
You guys must be making your oil different to me then, as i find it a lot easier than fannying around with bubble bags and ice (although please do not get me wrong, I love the shit out of ice-olator as well, or inihilator, as my friend calls it).
In fact you can make it in about 10 minutes flat (as per my 10 minute video that I done).

And Duchie, if you extract more of the iso it will taste better, and you end up with a product that is much less messy than having gooey oil "aw ower" the shop! Saying that, I never used iso so not sure if it's the's what I end up with.

just made this yesterday.

peace and happy extracting.

For real, I'm only about an hour or so from Chaka's place. So, a little closer than you Duchie :)
Possibly. I'm doing lots of thinking and planning right now, and getting my passport process going today, and I noticed it doesn't cost much more to fly to London from LA than it does from here. That said, if I had the opportunity to meet some 600 member before I cross the pond, that would be great! At first I was thinking London for a couple of days, then CC25, a bit more of Europe, then home. Instead, I'm thinking, Cali, London, CC25 then home.

That is as long as my very old record doesn't stop me from coming over, and if any of you stoners would even want to meet an opinionated bastard like myself. That goes for you UK guys too. :lol:
Here's the little bit I got from a little trim recently. If I had let a little more evaporating take place before scraping it would've been more like the consistency of DST's stuff. It looked like that until I mixed it together with some that was still a little wet looking and got this:



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Possibly. I'm doing lots of thinking and planning right now, and getting my passport process going today, and I noticed it doesn't cost much more to fly to London from LA than it does from here. That said, if I had the opportunity to meet some 600 member before I cross the pond, that would be great! At first I was thinking London for a couple of days, then CC25, a bit more of Europe, then home. Instead, I'm thinking, Cali, London, CC25 then home.

That is as long as my very old record doesn't stop me from coming over, and if any of you stoners would even want to meet an opinionated bastard like myself. That goes for you UK guys too. :lol:

It would be pretty cool to have someone like yourself stroll through our area. I have yet to meet Chaka and F.M. but can tell you that SeedleSs and Jigfresh are both real stand up people. I don't consider many people friends and I consider them both to be friends of mine.
About the oil. That last batch I made was interesting. It was the cleanest I've made so far, in regards to plant matter getting through. When I scraped the dish I got lazy and left a bunch behind. I place what I grabbed into a shot glass and over the next couple of days I whipped it. I could see the consistency change and it took on this gold metallic look, but still had a consistency of thick syrup. After a few days I scraped what was left in my dish and the difference what incredible. It was hard thick, and when balled up it looks like a black pearl. Pulling it apart is like thick toffee with a nice tan/yellow color to it.

I agree DST, that more time gets more ISO out. I've also made it before where it crystalize's like yours and that's good stuff. So maybe with some more refining and good smoking gear it can become more enjoyable. I really do like my hash though. Maybe I need to try some OP's. Also, in my old province I could have gotten Everclear, but not where I am now, but I may be able to get some high proof Vodka. I'm betting the grain alcohols ARE much better too.

Ok I won't give up on the Erl yet.
You guys must be making your oil different to me then, as i find it a lot easier than fannying around with bubble bags and ice (although please do not get me wrong, I love the shit out of ice-olator as well, or inihilator, as my friend calls it).
In fact you can make it in about 10 minutes flat (as per my 10 minute video that I done)
peace and happy extracting.


I don't want to hate on any hash method, I just prefer bubble. If I had a co2 oil extractor, it would be a different story.
I use a bubble machine. It couldn't be easier. I just prefer the smell and taste of bubble to any oil or hash.
My bubble hash smells like flowers.

My shit stinks of roses, lol. No actually that's the wifes.

You got a pic of the bubble machine Trousers? I have got so much trim just now I need to be making some bubble hash sooner rather than later.