sending weed thru US mail?


Well-Known Member
Im not familiar with it at all, but a buddy of mine says it happens way more than i would think. Long story short, he's sending me 7 grams thru US mail. What concerns me is he said he's just gonna stick it in an envolope and mail it. If it doesnt make it, he said he will just try again but with more precaution. Im fienen like a mofo and praying it makes it here.

Anyone kno anything about sending it thru the mail? and i wonder what my odds are of it actually making here.
Sounds pretty risky to me. I'd be afraid they'd trace it to me and back to him. sounds crazy to me. why take the chance?
i just moved to NM 2 weeks ago and dont kno any1. thats why im going to drastic measures here lol. I think its pretty crazy myself. He was makin it sound like no big deal whatsoever, and he apparently does it or kno's people who do it often. I can see it making its way over here if it were packaged properly. He's obviously not gonna put a return address, so if it does get picked up, they have no way of tracing it back to him. Plus, its just a quarter oz, i doubt any1 will make a big deal about it even if they do find it, just kinda seems like a waste of tax dollars to me. I figure worst case scenario, and this would be extreme, is if they were staked out spying on my mailbox waiting for me to accept the package, and then rush in and "try to bust me". of course if theres no return address, i can just say i have no idea who or why someone would send me something so terrible. must be a prank of some sort..... I figured id take the chance cause i dont really see what i could lose. buddy is sending it no charge.
know this is very different but when I worked for UPS, this guy found a partially ripped package ripped at the corner, it was a couple ounces and had candles and coffee grounds around it. I asked what do they do when they find it and my manager said they will send an undercover to deliver the package and arrest him there if he accepts it. Not sure how true that is but just a personal scenario for ya, so no telling how far they will go.
You and your buddy's plan is 1 starred.

yea yea i kno man it sounds fucking crazy. im just gonna go with it and see what happens, since he's not charging me and all. If cops somehow get involved in this fiasco, then i guess i will have learned a valuable lesson.
Dude believe me it happens thousands of times everyday. Where do you think I get my weed lol it's hard to get good medical in florida. I wouldn't advise putting it just in an envelope though. A smelly proof bag would make it's arrival chances a lot more, so would a small box instead of an envelope. Also if he could get a mylar bag put it in there. x-rays cannot see through mylar. I got some coca through the mail one time and it came in that.
know this is very different but when I worked for UPS, this guy found a partially ripped package ripped at the corner, it was a couple ounces and had candles and coffee grounds around it. I asked what do they do when they find it and my manager said they will send an undercover to deliver the package and arrest him there if he accepts it. Not sure how true that is but just a personal scenario for ya, so no telling how far they will go.

thanks for the input bro. my buddy was pretty much saying what u did, like if theres a large quanity, cops might actually pursue it. But he said with a small amount like this, theres no way in hell they would waste their time with it. He really did seem like he knew what he was talking about. Said fed ex and UPS take more precautions, and us mail is cheaper and cuts corners and doesnt look into it as deep. I have no idea how the system works, he sure did sound reassurring tho
This I know for a fact. Certain cities have vice officers who's sole job is to X-ray packages all day at UPS, FedEx...
I know people that have sent shit for years through the mail and have not been popped. A quarter is small beans but at least tell your buddy to make an effort to conceal it. A fake addy would better than NO addy. If you're gonna do it, try to do it right.
You might be lucky since USPS takes in more volume so it does have a better chance of slipping by, g'luck if you follow thru tho but if it does I wouldn't do it too often. Since you said you both live in weed states, I do agree now that they prolly won't go far with it.