Ghetto LST?


Active Member
so, i didnt want to stress my girl TOO much as she is in the beginning of her 3rd week of flower. I took a clone from her last night so hopefully i can keep my genetics :)

I digress,

my question is.... since i dont want to stress her, i tilted her away from the light at a decent degree, is that a ghetto LST? i mean will it help my yield to give her a tilt? here's some pics

photo (66).jpgphoto (65).jpg


Active Member
You're opening the bottom of the plant to more light but losing the penetration on your main cola. If you are using a CFL than the bottom won't get enough light to fatten up those buds like you could by concentrating the light on that top cola. If it were me, I would concentrate on that top cola. The plant looks good regardless and you should get some bud. Good luck. Get that bulb as close as possible if its a CFL.


Active Member
dunno about a better yield... But i doubt there is any disadvantages, plant looks great. :leaf:
ya i wasnt sure if it would help my buds any by tilting her, i need to remember to LST for my next grows, (which were started yesterday, ill post pics and stuff tom.)

And thank you! its my first full fem in YEARS so im excited most of my other grows were strictly learning experience


Active Member
You're opening the bottom of the plant to more light but losing the penetration on your main cola. If you are using a CFL than the bottom won't get enough light to fatten up those buds like you could by concentrating the light on that top cola. If it were me, I would concentrate on that top cola. The plant looks good regardless and you should get some bud. Good luck. Get that bulb as close as possible if its a CFL.
400W MH not cfl's but either way anyone think it will be better or worse for my overall yield?


Well-Known Member
ya i wasnt sure if it would help my buds any by tilting her, i need to remember to LST for my next grows, (which were started yesterday, ill post pics and stuff tom.)

And thank you! its my first full fem in YEARS so im excited most of my other grows were strictly learning experience
Thats great man:) i have started a grow and 3 females just started showing pistols! ha Goodluck with everything. :leaf: