Sexing Via Smell, is it possible?


Well-Known Member
Okay i found the thread and yes the males have a certain smell,i know this for a fact but just don't take my word for it,instead do an experiment yourself,
grow 10 plants and at about 2-3 weeks in start smelling,some males(stronger) will emit this smell even before before getting close and weaker males will
still have the same smell also but not as loud.I'm pretty sure they will give off a sour-ish smell.Females on the other hand just smell dank in flowering but
can have a smell in veg also but not the same and not as strong and in my case rarely in early veg.I can't prove smell through the internet so it doesn't hurt
for someone to try this for themselves before giving an answer they are not sure about.

thump easy

Well-Known Member
i usually smell the plants but not for sexing i rely on the pistals to tell me!!! but i do like to smell the human girls their perfume or skin and even better places lolz good luck!!!!


Okay i found the thread and yes the males have a certain smell,i know this for a fact but just don't take my word for it,instead do an experiment yourself,
grow 10 plants and at about 2-3 weeks in start smelling,some males(stronger) will emit this smell even before before getting close and weaker males will
still have the same smell also but not as loud.I'm pretty sure they will give off a sour-ish smell.Females on the other hand just smell dank in flowering but
can have a smell in veg also but not the same and not as strong and in my case rarely in early veg.I can't prove smell through the internet so it doesn't hurt
for someone to try this for themselves before giving an answer they are not sure about.

in my humble opinion this sounds absolutley ridiculous...spreading misinformation like this is the reason why so many questions are asked and re asked here...males dont smell more ''sour'' or ''loud'' than any others...


Well-Known Member
in my humble opinion this sounds absolutley ridiculous...spreading misinformation like this is the reason why so many questions are asked and re asked here...males dont smell more ''sour'' or ''loud'' than any others...
So it's just me and many others who notice huh? even thump relies on pistils so I'm sure many growers including you do the same.How many males plants do you
have right now? i got a few which i know are gonna be male and yep they got the same smell.I can post real pictures of mine can you?


Active Member
I mean, I wouldn't discredit someone so fast aknight. Have you attempted this type of sexing before?

pretty sure someone told someone else that putting a ziplock bag spray painted black on one branch of your plant in order to judge sex without flowering the whole plant was a stupid idea and would probably hermie the plant. Lo and behold, someone did it and now it's used worldwide.

TL;DR: ​don't knock it til you try it


So it's just me and many others who notice huh? even thump relies on pistils so I'm sure many growers including you do the same.How many males plants do you
have right now? i got a few which i know are gonna be male and yep they got the same smell.I can post real pictures of mine can you?
k now ive had are an idiot dude...i dont care about what pics or stupid videos you can post. you have no idea wtf your talking about..i dont need pictures or anything else to tell me that your WRONG, you cant smell a plant and determine its sex. i dont care what you say, if you did it before it was pure coincidence and luck, thats it..nothing more. I rely on sound scietific evidence to determine factors and sex of my plants...and by the way NO ONE notices it but you, wanna know why? because its a load of shit. the only way to tell sex of a plant is with preflowers, smell has NOTHING i repeat NOTHING to do with it man. you can make a 60 minute video if you want explaining it all day and every which way i wouldnt watch it because its wrong, its MISINFORMATION and im sick of it. stop making shit up cause youve been growing for 9 monthes so now your an expert on smelling plants to determine sex. frankly you have no idea what your talking about on this subject and in my opinion many other subjects, your shit looks mediocre at best man, im here to help new people learn how to do this, but when people like you come here and start postiung this crap about smelling plants to determine sex its JUST this sort of thing that gets people confused and later on hurts their chances of becoming successful growers. I tried to be as nice as I could about this subject and i beleive a few different times, but ive had enough of it, where is a moderator to close and delete these moronic threads?...This is worse than trolling in my opinion at least trolls have a common purpose.

ps. kuko you are correct i usually wouldnt discredit someone so fast but this has been an ongoing discussion now for awhile and im pretty much sick of it. i dont know it all and im not saying im an expert by any means but what im telling you right now is the 100 percent factual truth, YOU CANNOT DETERMINE SEX BY THE SMELL OF A PLANT. i promise you this dude i swear on my nutsack and dick. plants didnt start smelling 50 million years ago for us to smell them and go hm, this is male or female, their are reasons plants do things, evolutionary traits that are hardwired into them to make them do things to ensure their survival, there is a reason marijiuana plants smell skunky like they do, or sour like they do or whatever the different smell is, but i can ASSURE you its not because of the sex. it doesnt need to be tried, its incorrect, if it was the case we would have been doing this for years already.

another thing, im surprised more people havent come out to tell you this is all nonsense anyways, because thats what it is, nonsense, a complete waste of time. ive been here for 6 years now and this MAY be the dumbest thing ive heard yet.


Active Member
Lol, aknight. I'm honestly happy to have someone with your knowledge posting on my thread. It was a generic "high"dea. Now that I'm sober (and I'm pretty sure it's been stated on this thread) I'm sure if there was an amazing way to sex, it would defn be in use already.

And Hotshot, if you believe you can sex via smell then keep doing it. If it isn't broke don't fix it right?

now everyone needs to come to my house so I can smoke everyone up. No need for hostility. :)


Well-Known Member
Enough dick measuring. Let the OP take what he has gotten so far and experiment if he wants, it won't hurt anything.:confused::confused::confused:
AK, You have a point, I just can't picture a field full of mexicans going around sniffing each plant they have in the ground, although it does paint a funny image.


your a good guy kuko i like you lots, what i dont like is misinformation repeatedly being spread through the forum i choose to use to educate and help others, if you look at my posts im a very nice guy, but this utter nonsense has been going on for over a week now and thats what it is, nonsense, theres no place for it here, goto grasscity of icmag and post that crap. i refuse to allow it on this forum, i hold this place very dear to my heart and i dont appreciate people dumping garbage on it4

its not about a dick contest chucky, its about new people coming here and looking at this and going, ''oh wow, now i can tell the sex of my plant by the smell'' and then some poor kid who just spent 100s of dollars on seeds smells his plants and cause they stink he throws 5 females away..i dont like bullshit, its not like i run around this place whipping my dick out everywhere and saying how awesome me and my plants are, I just want people to get the right information so they can learn what I have here

and if this wasnt the first post or thread abiout this i wouldnt be anywhere near this hostile about it, but if you look at this kids posts and threads almost everything is pertaining to this subject and its all completley wrong, like 5 threads and 20 posts why do that?


Active Member
Thank you AK, and thank you for steering me to the right path. It's my first grow so I'm just gunna use the tried and true method, preflowers. Although, I'm doing 12/12 from seed. Just vegging for a week then switching. Don't want them too big.

Nothing against you hotshot, but I'm gunna go with AK on this. He's a vet.

And thanks for showing me there's another method, despite all the negative feedback


Well-Known Member
As i mentioned before many times it's a lot of variables to determine the sex of plants before hand mainly the way it grows it branches,but smell can help
weed out a few males.I hear people talk about many of their grow hero's and their grow books which have tons of contradictions and they never try to
discredit them,that's like black people voting for Obama because he is black even though he says some stupid shit some times.The only misinformation
is the gibberish people spew from their mouths before actually taking time to analyze things,I'm not the only one who wrote a thread about smell so
just keep striking Kunta Kinte with that whip until her decides to go along with the name toby lol


theres just no reasoning with you eh guy...i feel bad at this point, no one here is misinformed on this subject except you it telling you right now, whatever ''experiments'' you did was pure coincidence or luck it had nothing to do with the smell man...i mean think about it, it can only be male or female anyways so 50% of the time your going to able to guess right anyways, i can take a look at my plants and guess and be about 50 percent right, it doesnt mean i can determine anything. it just means the odds are 50 - 50....