Big Game Hunters, Show Your Stuff

Hell of a view sir. Wow.

I lost my hunting and fishing pics from the virus that destroyed my laptop. Starting to shoot my bow this week to start getting ready for the early season private land antlerless hunt in September here in Michigan. Regular season starts on Oct 1. Hope the grey ghost I've been hunting for 4 years now is still alive and working my favorite stand....I'm gonna finally get his ass this year. At full draw twice and couldn't get a clean shot. Lucky deer.

Hoping you will grace us with the pics if/WHEN you get him.
I'm so jacked for this bow season. I finally, after 20 years of begging, got permission to hunt 80 acres that have never been hunted before. On the property is a $14M French inspired castle that the deer have been eating all the beautiful flowers and shrubs. They want some herd control, and I get to do it. I'm hoping to kill 3 mature breeders before regular season even starts. This is a big deal to me, a really big deal. I think if I can do this without upsetting anyone, I might be able to hunt the regular season.

Also got permisson to hunt 100 acres in Jackson that is unhunted for decades. Has low lying swamp, and bedding areas and vast eating areas, and everything. This could be the best season ever. I figure if I can fill my freezer early, then I won't be temped to let an arrow fly during regular season and have a better chance at the Ghost.
Hoping you will grace us with the pics if/WHEN you get him.

If it happens, I promise. He is a mainframe 10, last year, that I'm guessing is going on 5.5 this year in age. He is so smart though is amazing. I usually get him in range once, and he outsmarts me all the time. I even try to trick him by walking in on my regular trail to my stand, then tricking him by using my climber by moving to new spots nearby, but he always gets away. It will be the thrill of my life if I can get an acceptable shot. The window is closing on getting him.
The annual moose hunt is officially concluded for this year - score, GWN 0ne (Bull), Moose zero.
Did I mention the bonus plan?
That score is GWN one (Boar), Toklat Grizzly bear zero.

Managed to take home a really nice load of meat & a pretty Griz hide.

Bike & horns.JPGBike & horns 2.JPGBou.JPGGriz.JPGLow bush Cranberrys.JPGMoose.JPGMoose & bike.JPGMoose & bike 2.JPG
congrats GWN nice haul out there.. i myself was not successful this elk season. i missed23 elk this year.. hey cant kill them all the time..
The annual moose hunt is officially concluded for this year - score, GWN 0ne (Bull), Moose zero.
Did I mention the bonus plan?
That score is GWN one (Boar), Toklat Grizzly bear zero.

Managed to take home a really nice load of meat & a pretty Griz hide.

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What did you take the moose/bear down with?

Also, sick quad. Love the winch. Didn't even know people put winches on ATVs.
What did you take the moose/bear down with?
Also, sick quad. Love the winch. Didn't even know people put winches on ATVs.

My weapon of choice is a 30-06 Ackley improved in an A3/03 (Springfield) action. My dad handed it down to me years ago & I re-chambered her, added a synthetic stock, Swarovski 3-10 scope and a "Black ice" Teflon finish. The advantage of the "Ackley improved" is that she can keep up with a .300 H & H mag in a standard length action. I hand load and am pushing 180 grain Partitions @ a chronograph-ed 3050 fps while keeping chamber pressures in the comfortable zone.

On hunts like this I always have a back-up rifle should the need arise, and in this case it was a .375 H & H Mag - though not needed, it can be a hunt saver.

The bike is my 2011 750 King quad (AKA Black Betty) and is replete with all the relevant (to me) bells and whistles. Executioner tires, grip heaters, thumb heater, custom front brush guard, 3k warn winch, air cleaner upgrade, rear snorkel, s/s exhaust power tip & flame sprayed racks.
I'm pretty sure she will climb a wall if one has the proper sized cajones to keep the throttle pinned.
hell ya we do i have one on mine.. gotta have them 4 pull out our kills

As you can see I used the winch to process the Bull - pulled him up on his back & opened up the skin on the inside of his legs and then manually (as in up to my armpits) disconnected the offal sack from the upper & lower GI tract. Switching sides w/ the quad I pulled him back to laying on his side & then drug him about 20 yds uphill from the gut pile once it was free.
Clear sailing from there on - took only boned out meat in game bags.
Twas a good day scooter.
I just had to share this vid clip with you guys.
Who says fishing isn't dangerous?

Ky Tn line...Just pure luck was during the rut & i was headed back to the truck.TWRA est him as only a 3 yr old, would have been a brute this yr
Biggest elk shot in Nevada in 2010..........12yrds with a bow........score foster son......


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My first bow kill.....40 years ago.........25yrds..........


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