Keep Failing At Cloning

i will say this again, why do you insist on prolonging your turmoil with trying to root shit in trays..... just for fucks sake i checked the humidity in the room where i run my bubble cloner and it was less than 15%..... why i say this is because i never have any type of dome on my bubble cloner and I never have any problems with them drooping, i never fuck with any fan leaves or nothing, meaning i dont snip them in half to retard the transpiration that takes place in them, there is no need to halt that process when using a bubble cloner. I put the clones in and forget about them. In 6 days you will note lil root nubs on most of the cuttings, by day 10 every cutting has substantial rootage for me to put them in there first pot. KISS , the cloner will tak a bit of ingenuity and macguyver skills, but once you have it you can have clones whenever you want and not have to worry about them rooting or not rooting. the best part is you dont have to continually monitor the clones. you put them in the machine and you walk away for 7-10 days and wallah!, you have clones..... Fuckin so simple it hurts. quit beating around the bush and take the plunge, you will be glad you finally have
using a cloner has nothing to do with snippin leaves for rooting. its to do with keeping them green longer is all and they do that in any cloner...been there. sometimes do sometimes dont. depends how much food was in the cut to begin with.
whats a waste about spending 5 bucks to get roots within the week?> same time as you but 100`s less in not needing the cloner. t5rays dont need ingenuity or mc gyvering either. so seems the tray is already ahead of the cloner. for $400 it shouldnt need any touching or adjusting id think, the 5 buck trays dont need any attention...
same goes for a tray. cut, clone. walk away till rooted. seems its all the info making it harder than it realy is, just threw my 400 buck cloner in trash cause i hate em so bad. trays is 100% again and faster for me. its not about what to use, its about what works for each guy. trays work better for some.
Hey guys, happy to report that my cloning success has improved dramatically.

I now use Root Shooters (similar to rapid rooters) as my medium because you can't really over-water these things, which was a mistake I was always making with rockwool. I also don't like rockwool due to the environmental concerns. Root shooters are basically just a peat and perlite amalgam that is molded into a little spongey cube and pre-moistened and pre-fertilized with a very gentle nutrient charge.

I also picked up a thermostat for my heating mats, and set it at 75 degrees f. I stick the little probe from the 'stat into an empty cube so I can get perfect temperature control at the root zone. Since picking up this little gadget, I am no longer cooking the crap out of my clones and making them wilty and mushy in just a few days. More than worth the $50 price tag.

I take my cuttings much longer than I need them and stick them in a cup of water overnight. This allows the cutting to such up a bunch of moisture which I find really helps to keep them from wilting initially.

The next day I trim the excess foliage off the cutting, and make my final cut just below a pair of nodes that have been trimmed flush to the stem. A quick 30 sec dip in my rootech rooting gel, and then into a root shooter. The humidity dome stays on until they root because this helps me keep a stable temperature for the clones that wouldn't be possible due to the massive fluctuations in ambient temperature we have here.

I keep the cubes moist by filling the tray with water for 30 minutes or so when they start to dry out. I let them soak up all they can and then drain off the excess. I usually do this two to three times before they root.

Rooting usually takes 8-12 days, and I no longer have clones that look yellow and sickly.

For a guy who killed nearly every clone cut at one time, I am now seeing about a 70-80% success rate. This is huge for me, and while I have a lot of learning to do before I master cloning, at least I now am able to start more plants from clone instead of resorting to seeds all the time.

I will move on to a homemade aero-cloner eventually, which is a lot more 'set-it-and-forget-it' than my current tech, but I just wanted to master the basics first.

I'll admit that I'm a ways off yet, but certainly a massive improvement from a few months ago!

Hopefully this will help someone else who was struggling as much as I was.

Just remember that if you think you can't clone right now, all you have to do is follow some basic rules to get the environmental conditions right, and success will happen.
Too wet! Try Oasis, or some folks like RRs. Oasis dries out too quickly for where I live, but perhaps would work for you! MOIST NOT WET
I built one of the DIY aero cloners and had no success with the first use. Should the cuttings be suspended above the water level or submerged?
I didn't have any problems cloning using rockwool cubes and a tray, I even rooted some in ice cube trays with dirt I drilled a drainage hole in each cube, as well as plastic cups... Cut it at an angle, dip it in rooting powder, stick in moist/damp (not wet or sitting in water) medium, give less light than normal, keep humid. If you give too much light it'll die because it doesn't have a root system and you're blasting it with light but it can't grab what it needs from the soil. I had more than I knew what to do with cause I was planning to fail and did a ton from each plant but then almost every one rooted.
I solve all my p
roblems with cloning switching to PermaClone collars and their methods, which include water treatment and techniques for sterilizing cloners and their collars...which are heat resistant and can be microwaved.

Here's some article by PermaClone that are all the methods that made my cloning 100% reliable for minimal effort. ONce you got the technique down, it's a breed.
