Best advanced nutrients..

Garden weeds

Active Member
Sorry but in IMO you cant be given a name of 'the best' advance nutrients currently in the market. Different peoples opinions will help you if you hear the same brand a few times i guess. I use Bio-Bizz range (root juice, top-max, bio-grow, bio-bloom and bio-heaven) and IMO they are all very good, and have done me proud :) hope this helps, happy growing. GW


Well-Known Member
Advanced Nutrients is the biggest ripoff in the cannabis growing industry.
What would you suggest instead of these for flowering mate? Currently on my first grow and im open to suggestions...the ladies are on big bud at the moment and will be getting overdrive for the last few weeks. Gonna keep it at that for my first


Well-Known Member
ive used a LOT of different brands

sum cost more, sum cost less
its not 100% true but usually u get what u pay 4

its not like sum companies just slap a higher pricetag on the same bottle
people say they do but thats just BS

take an econ class if u dont understand why no one really does that
price isnt determined by what u want to profit per unit
its determined by the optimal point between selling more at a lower price and less at higher profit

everyone does it the same becuz thats how u make the most money and keep your company in business

in my exp better products cost more 99% of the time
Advanced Nutrients just works better for me
everytime i try to save a buck and get something cheaper i regret it