Growing Skunk lil help!


Well-Known Member
the only reason you think his answer is relevant and closer is because you like it better. face facts man, you sound like you have the magic bean that will drop 8oz of gold plated buds in your lap from just tossing it on the ground. this is the real world not fantasyland.


Active Member
I think i would like that answer the best to, i see his point though on why he likes it, royal is the only one that posted any viable info the others put 4 words or said some really nothing about the question at all and all answers other than royals were not answered with answers like, I grew some auto skunk and i used 600w hps or 400w or whatever without nutes and i yielded x amount of bud... I am also getting some auto skunk mass and would like to see the best way to grow it im not sure about yield but it says 3 to 350g m/2 but i know thats under perfect conditions so im assuming an oz to 2 oz with regular setup like he has indoors


Well-Known Member
hey stickyicky r u really this retarded? or do you like to go fuck up peoples threads all day? royalqueencheese is answering relevant and closer than the other
dudes that got on here simply talking shit as you have.. i dont need your biased opinion based on my post count... i could be an expert on all growing...
just never had auto and need advice as it is different genetically... i have no clue why your making such a fuss... and yes you can predict yield per strain on average if someone is growing exactly the same or remotely close to the same.. I honestly dont think you know what your talking about
get off the thread please and let the people that are trying to give answers give them thanks
lol yea ok why dont u look at my grow then douch bag and growing an auto isnt that differnt then growing any other strain just shorter veg time every auto has a differnt flowering pierod and no even if someone is useing the same equipment you can still not predict your yeild and it deffintly isnt going to be anywhere near 4oz i can tell you that right no and if you were an expert grower like you say you would know this why dont you look at other first grows on avrage even with longer veg times they only get 1 oz your clearly not an expert grow if you were you wouldnt be asking about yeild douch bag. an no absolutly no you cannot predict yeild unless your a mind reader u know what your problem is? your problem is that you dont like what your hearing so you want to day dream like your going to pull 4 oz off of your 1 auto. go fuck your self douch bag i didnt even look at how many post you had before giveing my answer but i can tell you one thing your not a master grower as you say o and i wouldnt have all this rep with this little post if i didnt know what i was talking about you stupid fuck


Well-Known Member
I think i would like that answer the best to, i see his point though on why he likes it, royal is the only one that posted any viable info the others put 4 words or said some really nothing about the question at all and all answers other than royals were not answered with answers like, I grew some auto skunk and i used 600w hps or 400w or whatever without nutes and i yielded x amount of bud... I am also getting some auto skunk mass and would like to see the best way to grow it im not sure about yield but it says 3 to 350g m/2 but i know thats under perfect conditions so im assuming an oz to 2 oz with regular setup like he has indoors
llol no one grow with out useing nutes there for no one would beable to answer the question i told him what my opinion was on the subject he didnt liike it that doesnt mean my opinion shouldnt be valued i told him that with out useing any nutes he isnt going to yeild more than 1 oz and i can almost garntee that.


Well-Known Member
I would use at least a 3 gallon pot for plenty of room.

I grow without nutes but pre amend the soil with ewc and Rainbow Flower mix for flower.

A few ounces would be the best guess of a auto which has a limiting genetic profile. Can not veg for ever. I would try to get some other plants in there with it as that light has more potential than the auto can yield for you.


thanks yesum, as to you sticky i never said i was an expert.. i just said how do you know because you kept saying i was new... anyway sticky ill show you pics when im finished you bitch you have no idea what your saying.. lay off the crack this is a weed forum bitch, and yes people do grow without nutes... your a dumbass dude get your own thread to go on your rant you need to stay off my shit im asking real questions your giving answers about bullshit...........
THANKS AGAIN YESUM that is the great answer that im looking for!


Well-Known Member
LOL NO IM GIVEING realistic answers an no one grows with out nutes i think u getting organic growing mixed up with not useing any nutes at all your still being a little bitch and i cant wait to see you fucked up 1 plant grow. and is there somehting wrong with being new? lol i mean after all you are new to this fourm? everyone was new once but not everone though they would pull anymore then 1 oz off a first grow. clearly growing isnt for u man good luck and i hope that 1 plant is a male or a hermi if its a female witch it probbably will be considering the way your going to grow it. dont be such a dick to every one i started getting mad cause u called another guy a dumb ass when he was actully being serious. lol i cant wait to laugh at your plant not because your new but because your act like your first grow is going to yeild a qp off of 1 plant lol good luck with that pipe dream


Well-Known Member
1/4oz-1oz, hows that?
why wasnt this answer good? insted you called him a jack ass for answering your question and on my first grow i didnt even yeild a whole oz per plant i had over 20 plants and only ended up with 3 females that doesnt mean you cant pull 1 oz off of it or that your first grow could be dank but this is a more realistic expectation lol. ok you can yeild up to 13oz but your not going to i have personaly seen a 11oz plant but that shure as hell doesnt mean your gonig to pull 11 oz lol ur just mad because the real answers by actual experinced growers wernt what u wanted to hear ask any real grower that has been here for a while what they think u could pull off of 1 auto they will tell u the same think i bet your plant dies from nute burn or salt build up causeing lock out i bet it doesnt even make it to flowering stage of its growth lol


Well-Known Member
the only reason you think his answer is relevant and closer is because you like it better. face facts man, you sound like you have the magic bean that will drop 8oz of gold plated buds in your lap from just tossing it on the ground. this is the real world not fantasyland.
exactly man :)