What's For Dinner Tonight?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
that lobster looks crazy. like it's been through a mangle or it's the cardboard cut out to fold into the real shape lol.

tonight i have the pleasure of being cooked for. curry of some description. no doubt hotter than i prefer but what the f@ck it's friday i'll be drunk enough not to care till the morning and my rings like the jap flag.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Last night I ate 2 brownies and then fixed dinner.

Baby back ribs with extra bbq sauce, plus some for dipping. Swedish potatoes with thinly sliced garlic, butter and olive oil. Corn bread, yum.

Anyway by the time the ribs were ready I was HUNGRY, I swear it was because of the brownies. I dug right in, man were they good. Then suddenly I was just so, so tired. I wiped my face off, asked the hubby to get the dishes to the kitchen and off to bed I went.

This morning I wake up and there is bbq sauce dried to my face and on the pillow case. OMG, I'm a brownie and rib addict. I didn't brush my teeth or wash my face, I just fell into bed and caught a few zzzzz's. Hope the better half didn't take any incriminating pics.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
I'd kill him if took any. This morning he fessed up to dropping a bbq sauce encrusted rib on the off-white carpet. Then he tells me he cleaned it up with beer. Damn, I couldn't find the spot until I stepped on it and it was still wet.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I'd kill him if took any. This morning he fessed up to dropping a bbq sauce encrusted rib on the off-white carpet. Then he tells me he cleaned it up with beer. Damn, I couldn't find the spot until I stepped on it and it was still wet.
Must have been budweiser white-out. :p

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Please tell me you suck the juices out of the head. People hate it when you say brains so I say juices. But, OH MY GOD, that's the best part. hmm... I think I just may have meal plan when I host the next dinner for my friends. :p It's a rule that you have try EVERYTHING. So I'm going to make them suck the brains out. muahahahahaahahah!!! :fire:
Hell yes. I mea sure it is gross in a way, but it tastes so godamned good. I found out the recipe for the nut crunch that goes iwht the scallops abd prawn. crutons, roasted hazelnuts, rosemary, thyme, cinnamon and lemon, then all blended up. Tasty as hell :)


Well-Known Member
late Wendy's lunch. tasty, although just above :spew:

canna Browinies for dinner.

dessert only tonight!:weed: