Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Haha, c'mon now. You and I both know that starting them earlier wouldn't have made a lick of difference.

They'll finish when they finish, yeeep *leans back in rocking chair, pulls on overalls and puffs on corncob pipe*
Tell me about it. My he-who-must-not-be-named relative in an unnamed neighboring medical state still has plants that are about two weeks away from harvest. He lives in the mountains. They're dipping into the upper 30's. I call him daily and say, "dumb ass" and hang up. He doesn't like that. I can't imagine why.


Well-Known Member
Tell me about it. My he-who-must-not-be-named relative in an unnamed neighboring medical state still has plants that are about two weeks away from harvest. He lives in the mountains. They're dipping into the upper 30's. I call him daily and say, "dumb ass" and hang up. He doesn't like that. I can't imagine why.
Hahaha. Yeah, it's getting low here at night. During the day it's like 70-60, but at night its been getting down to mid to low thirties. My partner has been covering the plants some nights. It frosted last Saturday already. He said that he noticed a substantial growth though just last weekend when it frosted.


Well-Known Member
I am frightfully ticklish. I have colossal tickle trust issues after two sisters and an xgf who didn't Get It. cn
rofl! I know, man, I know. Trust me, I feel your pain. My older sister used to take advantage of my ticklishness when we were younger. Then there was the one time when I accidentally (unbeknownst to her) pushed her down the stairs when she surprisingly accosted me when I left my upstairs bedroom one day when I was 13.

She never tried tickling me again.


Well-Known Member
Friend who recently just got out of jail was killed this morning,robbery gone bad,and he wasn't even out of jail a full month,just alot of dumb ass decesions people are making nowadays and not considering the consiquences,now his body is just laying in middle of the road,with a sheet over him.It's hard bcuz I use to walk home with this man,from school every since elementary school,skip class,and smoke out in the bathroom,trying not to get caught by security,laghing and joking,now I have to see him get buried.


Well-Known Member
Was he participating in the robbery or was he the target/victim of one?
Yeah he was one of the robbers,he was killed,and another guy who was with him was shot also,and is fighting for their life,he was always short fuse,don't give a fuck kind of guy,I can't say I did not see this coming.


Well-Known Member
He got what he deserved.
I can see why you would say something like that,he did what he did,and suffered the consiquences,but for you to say that,if I could rewind time,I would have rather your mother to be under those same sheets instead of him,now do what you do and post a picture of some dumb shit,bcuz thats what you do don't you? frankly I don't give a fuck how you feel about the situation.


Well-Known Member
But my mother wasn't robbing people, your stupid friend was. Who else was robbing people, his stupid friend. Not my mother, so please take your momma jokes back to whatever GED class you just left and save them for children. It's the reason why I'm sitting at work, my mom is enjoying a nice lunch, and your friend is the one laying under a sheet waiting to be put into a cheap wood casket. And it's the reason why your other friend is waiting to join him, in hell. I don't need to post any pictures, your friend robbing someone and getting shot himself is stereotypical enough. I'm glad your friend is dead, along with any other rippers. I hope the guy in the hospital dies as well, they are a waste of space and time. Both of them.


Well-Known Member
Request denied.

Hid friend get's killed trying to rob someone and he says it should be my mother instead? That is unkind and unjustified. Those who commit violence against others are deserving of any violence or harm that comes to themselves.


Ursus marijanus
At the same time, saying "he got what he deserved" to someone in grief over a dead friend ... in another time and place, it would be the same as picking a fight to the death. You're being an Internet Tough Guy imo, and it does you no honor. cn