obviously the number isn't really correct....but a number even in the hundreds of millions is outrageous IMO
A liberal will attack a rich man for spending money on himself as being greedy and selfish, but when the president spends YOUR money on himself you roll out the red carpet. I laugh loud long and hard.Why? what is the problem with the leader of the free world and the president of the richest and most powerful country in history spending a few dollars?
"leader of the free world"
you gotta be kidding me
a few dollars? richest nation in the world?
wow you've got jokes for days don't you
I have never "attacked a rich man for spending money on himself". The president is our representation to the world of who we are. As I said, would you have him fly second class on United?A liberal will attack a rich man for spending money on himself as being greedy and selfish, but when the president spends YOUR money on himself you roll out the red carpet. I laugh loud long and hard.
Not this one.The president is our representation to the world of who we are.
Not this one.
They want him to travel in the back of the bus, silly. How dare that black man act like a white president! It's scandalous.How would we have him travel?
With operable windows, I would hope!If the author is including the cost of "czars" then he is probably also adding the cost of his cabinet and a whole bunch of other things that aren't rightly called percs in the real world.
this is a bullshit number unless it is compared with other president's costs.
Yeah, he uses AF One, big deal. How would we have him travel? Maybe he could use United first class? Or he could use a smaller plane that has none of the protections, communications and accomodations so he can be effectively out of touch when he travels.
You're mad at O'Bama because he's a job creator?I have a 24 hour projectionist too, his name is SONY.
how about this- ALL presidents spend WAYYYYY too much money....both personally and with their insane budgets. The fucking energy dept had a 27 billion budget!
They're supposed to represent us. Nothing about their lavish lifestyles are representative of ANYONE except the wallstreet crooks and industry monopolies that they subsidize and represent.
You're damn right I think OBAMA ought to fly coach across the country. WITHOUT all his ridiculous secret services, teleprompt speech writers, chefs, stylists, etc. etc. Why the fuck should we pay for this insanity? We pay for EVERY president to fuck us over...and in response, they use our money to constantly increase their security and restrict the public more and more. Obviously they're SCARED of a pissed off public
When I met Ron Paul during summer '10 at this speech/event in Concord, NH, guess what? You could walk right up to him after like ANY normal human being and shake his hand and ask ANY question you could think of without him ignoring you (that includes 9/11 questions, federal reserve questions, bilderberg/trilateral commission/CFR questions, etc).
I would sure hope it wouldn't come down to "oh we need obama's approval!" to do something to protect ourselves if we were suddenly attacked. I'd THINK the secretary of defense and or army generals would be capable of making these decisions...after all, we have a president who seems to think his decision overrides the constitution and rule of law, but that's nothing new. If assholes like obama and our other presidents didn't establish sanctions with countries who refused our worthless paper for their precious resources...before invading their country killing thousands of innocents via US and NATO drone strikes and taking their resources anyway, I wouldn't be afraid of terrorism (let's call it what it is- blow back. not TERRORISM)...ahh for fuck's sake!!!
LOL someone's gonna BOMB obama's plane? With today's gestapo-style x-ray machines and TSA molestations? Ok let's say, hypothetically, that DID happen... big fucking deal. A dirty wallstreet-catering tyrant with blood on his hands is killed. NOT A BIG LOSS FOR ME...NOR AMERICA