pics of my baby


Well-Known Member
rain for the next few days here. October is supposed to be dry. found 3 different caterpillars in my veggies and some grasshoppers. nothing on the kush. but they concern me. i think i'll go buy some BT


New Member
yea we have had few days of rain here already and its still raining. i didnt get any bud rot yet so hopefully none by next week cause ill be harvesting the rest of it in about 8 to 15 days.


New Member
lol yea scissor hash is the shit and trimming is great because you know soon you'll have some good shit to smoke, but the process of doing it blows donkey wang.


Well-Known Member
i love bamboo, but it is invasive. i used to grow it, and just harvested medium poles for the garden, and kept it in check that way. ya put a piece of maskin tape around pole and cut thru that with a fine-tooth saw, so it doesn't fray. that's the secret to cutting bamboo.


Well-Known Member
My mountain friends have wild bamboo in the garden. It's so tall, grows fast.
I reckon I'm smoking less coz my hands are busy!! That BT can work but only if u spray right inside on the stalk.


New Member
i got a buddy who grows opium. somehow its legal, as long as you dont harvest it. at least thats what he told me but i dont got a clue