approx how long till they begin to grow?


Well-Known Member
just planted my seedlings yesterday morning. Im wondering how long till they sprout up? IM SO IMPATIENT!!! I KEEP STARING AT THEM! lol.


Active Member
thro em ina cup of water let thm sink to the bottom they shuld sprout a root ina bout 5-7 days depeding thn plant thm for veg stage


Well-Known Member
Thanks. 3 sprouted within hours of me posting this. one is already at least 2 inches tall and they were in soil for less than 48 hours! :D


Active Member
I have grown two plants from seeds and it took about a week after germination for the sprout and pop up of a little plant. O and staring at them might be good that way they get more CO2 which will help growth.