How do i use CITY power so i dont have to use my power?

i dont know why people rag on comercial growers,im not one,i dont have the health or the desire,maybe when i was younger with out dependents,but the fact of the matter is with out those guys makeing the big cash growing large amounts,half the people in the country dont have weed to smoke and then tell me what the prices are,i lived in isolated communities were it was 15 dollars a joint,you want that in your neighbor hood.if you think its sts stupid for someone to grow big,then be willing to pay through your teeth when there is no supply.

I wouldn't be paying 15 bucks a joint cause id be smoking my own..high prices are just another incentive for people to grow their own bud.
Thunderchuckie...I agree 100%..Dumb fucking thread..and this guy will never get it.
Entropic...I want to try some of that stuff your smokin...
i wanna rig my lighting to use the city power. does anyone know how to do that?and if i do find out out to do it will there be any risk of me getting caught? help me

no risk at all... call your local power company and ask them you fuck-tard..... I hate you!!!
I wouldn't be paying 15 bucks a joint cause id be smoking my own..high prices are just another incentive for people to grow their own bud.
you never lived in the bush with no power and the average winter temperature is 40 below,if you could grow under those conditions where your away from the shack longer then a generator can run,and this before solar panels and what else,i tip my hat to you my friend.
-40*C is nothing, I spent 2 years in the NWT, -50+. believe it or not there was plenty o shit to go around. i cant believe ppl are still posting on this thread. hasn't all the stupidity been accounted for as far as the original subject goes? stealing power is dumb ass, you'll get caught really fast and you'll go to jail, plain and simple. go ahead and do it, ill have a good chuckle while you're being sodomized because of your own stupidity
-40*C is nothing, I spent 2 years in the NWT, -50+. believe it or not there was plenty o shit to go around. i cant believe ppl are still posting on this thread. hasn't all the stupidity been accounted for as far as the original subject goes? stealing power is dumb ass, you'll get caught really fast and you'll go to jail, plain and simple. go ahead and do it, ill have a good chuckle while you're being sodomized because of your own stupidity
im not talking yellowknife or any town im talking the fing bush,im talking no power no nothing,and if you think rankin and chesterfield inlet have plenty then man your the first to say it,im talking about trappers and hunters in the far north,were you dont see any one but your trapping partner for months,or liveing on a sleigh pulled accross the tundra,so if you never seen 15 dollar joints your young and never been to the places im talking about.and believe me ive seen my piss freeze before it hit the ground,and hyperthermias a drag not a reason to be sick.