Id anyone comes to the netherlands. PM me. Free everything at the coffee shop. We'll throw in a stoner gal as well....
Hey oceangreen, maybe you can give me the real story.
I heard that magic mushrooms went from legal at the shops. to dry mushrooms being illegal, and the shops using a loophole to be able to sell fresh (wet) magic mushrooms.
to magic mushrooms being completely illegal.
And some story of a tourist dude, eating mushrooms, and then disapearing, and then his friends finding him in the hallway of his hotel. but when they tried to approach him, he broke a bottle, and gashed his own throat, and died. and they found a cocktail of drugs in his system, including coke. (but i think the mushrooms were blamed)
which led to mushrooms becoming illegal.
and then i heard that they arnt liking the tourists coming for the weed, and getting in trouble, so is it true that weed is now only "legal" for residents, and "illegal" for tourists?
Maybe you can give us a insider view.