That is just awesome. My fav pix atm. Flowa u have got her locked down hard. Props man!!!![/QUOTE]
Thanx alot man! love the re-post

LoL, I'm smilin' till pigs start flyin

definitely one for the books.
Simply amazing!!! Can't wait to have the space and time for a grow but working on the road sucks!!! Ur set up is the shift and so easy and I can wait to read what u write in that great report that's going to come out sometime!! I've been thinking of a px case to take on the road and I'm going to do a jackwidow in ther I have a clone flowering now but she's small really small the link is in my sig if u wanna take a look and ther a kandy kush in ther! Hapo y harvesting
Thanx man! working on the road must be super hard... i'm sure you must love what you do or you wouldn't be doing it right? thanx for following and liking my system

i will have a looksie at your link shortly Kandy Skush sounds deeeeelishishly tasty.
You are killing it! Mrs. FlowaMasta is a lucky woman.
That is some frosty-ass buddage you have there. The artsy shots are superb
Is the weather starting to warm up yet?
Thanx alot Mo

always come with huge positivity don't ya Mo! Gotta love that about you, you must live in a wonderful place full of awesome fresh air. I envy you and your growing is now Cervantes style

Superb work. Bet you're glad you cloned them now

Don'e forget the Cal/mag especially if it's getting hot over there!
Mrs Flowa knows she's a lucky woman, and i'm a Lucky gardener

mrs Flowa totally deserves ALL the skunk flowers she wants....... her cone sizes have dramatically decreased somewhat

hehe she can handle it better now. Skunk knocks newbs to the ground even if they've been smoking for a while, but i can't WAAAAAAAAAAAAAIT to try this stuff.
Cheers for the compliments! the camera talks to me... yours does too doesn't it?? My camera and my skunk have a love affair, The more rottenly potent she is the more sexy shots she comes up with
You inspired me to go out and take some pictures! I made an artsy one also.
Big Clone:
Big Clone Tips:
WOOOOOOOOOW Mo!!!!! man you're insane and i think thats awesome!!! in a great way i mean!! like einstein! what a beautiful nursery you have there! jut absolutely incredible! am i seeing some yellowish leaves towards the tips in some areas? the cal mag may need a slight boost and it certainly looks like you got some insaaaaaaaaane sun happening there. I try a bit of a dose at night and see if it increases some vigor by next morning, if she looks happier add another half dose of the small amount you gave, cal/mag is strong and effective and can help sustain your nitrogen hopefully for a little longer for that massive sativa flowering period!! do you know how many weeks in she is now? gotta be 3-4 yeah? a Prize garden Mo!! make a beautiful photo album and keep it under hardcore Lock & key.
Damn, just looking at this gave me a back/neck ache. How do you do it? You're a machine. Those purple shots are amazing. Hell, I need to do my blog piece on you soon.
LOL! funny man, what ... too many pics? i get a bit carried away when i went to upload i had like 75 pics to go through and edit. EVERY one near perfect and hard to hit that 'delete button' so adding that to the other 10 gb of pics on the hard drive lol I don't know how i do it?! i spend 3/4 my energy keeping my real woman happy and the other 1/4 on my green girl haha none for moving around as such i just merrily float around on a cloud of choof
Those cool purple pics are under the gro-lux tubes and they give off a remarkable uv colour only seen under the right colour correction by adjusting the colour temperature and bringing it right back into the blues and purples, (3000k) using no flash close to the tubes for good saturation and fast shutter

The tubes themselves are a 3000k and a 5000k and they bounce off each other and designed specifically for growing small plants. but because they are different colour temps i have to turn the plants or the light each week as one side grows more viscious (under the 5000k)
a bit of maybe helpful info for ya
So super impressive man. I read back like 30 pages and it was crazy to see where those beasties came from. Truly inspiring.
Thanx man! great to hear you read that far back! i wasn't quite aware i was up to this many pages.

time to buy a tent ey
So totally fuckin awesome Flowa, you seriously are the king of growing hey
Are you starting a new one now as well? Can't wait to follow again
LOL !! maaaan that's a big call! i'm sure there's stacks of growers out there that could pull what i did easily

just maintain and care for her and train , and make sure you have fun doing it, don't stress if you don't or cant set things up like that right away, you can easily design this system to fit a very small enclosure scaled down. Or save some pennies.... around $1000 will have you everything you see in my thread. Except my naked lady hehe you may have missed that. You have to a go more pages back for that
Always remember your electricity though

if you setup for atleast a 600 watt expect atleast a 50% increase in your bill. If you add all the adequate ventilation and carbon filtration. I may as well not of used my filters. Made no sense to me... did that make sense? i'm pretty high right now on a sample of early new Jack. and let me tell you The Good Ripe flowers are going to be my BEST erb yet. 100% GUARANTEED. i took a peek and WOW. i've been sleeping like a baby and didn't realize that some is a bit ahead of the rest and looking magnificent! totally crystal covered, almost a purple colour, not sure if that was from my flashlight... but WOW GUYS!! i'm so excited!!!! This is going to be a magical Harvest!