Need an experienced grower to give me a quick overview and feedback, please!


Active Member
you should get 1 oz+ per plant if you keep you plants healthy
northern lights is one of the best smokes and even better with a girl, hard to beat :)

In the next 2 weeks it will get very interesting
watching all these white hairs turning into buds and the plants could grow 2-3" a day,
The plant should stop growing in week 2-3 of flower

and i have just taken 3 cutting from the best 5 plants and turn them over to flower. :):)



nice man :) i will take clones in about a week.
The flowers have shown themselfs and it starting to look pretty cool. i will put up pics later on this week.

i can say i will be happy if i get over an ounze per plant, but i keep my "dreams" low this first run so i wont get so disappointed if it shouldnt... :)

now im starting to think about all the small details like if a person like me with all the time in the world, who can go into the grow and change and do whatever anytime...
is there some small things i could do to improve it all?
I was thinking about the osciliating fan, if it blows on the plants from left to right, it will create a bigger stem, but wouldnt that take alot of work from the plant and slow budding? in that case i could like move the fan to blow a little more "around" the plants for a day then change etc... ill do anything for a bigger end result really.
i mean i can go in and move the fan 3-4 times a day if i want...


Well-Known Member
nice man :) i will take clones in about a week.
The flowers have shown themselfs and it starting to look pretty cool. i will put up pics later on this week.

i can say i will be happy if i get over an ounze per plant, but i keep my "dreams" low this first run so i wont get so disappointed if it shouldnt... :)

now im starting to think about all the small details like if a person like me with all the time in the world, who can go into the grow and change and do whatever anytime...
is there some small things i could do to improve it all?
I was thinking about the osciliating fan, if it blows on the plants from left to right, it will create a bigger stem, but wouldnt that take alot of work from the plant and slow budding? in that case i could like move the fan to blow a little more "around" the plants for a day then change etc... ill do anything for a bigger end result really.
i mean i can go in and move the fan 3-4 times a day if i want...
Clones now will mature at same rate as the mother. Don't hold your breath waiting for an ounce off those.


hehe if i had all the equipment i would'v cloned that lady today, but im waiting for next payment so i can buy the 125w cfl lamp 6500k, buy soil and build my veg room :)

btw that clone i took as a motherplant is friggin as big as the ones i got in flower atm... she just went bezerk! i have to take her out of the growroom every night so she gets a few more hours of light so she doesnt kick into flower, real pain in the ass atm, and the days go so slooooooow.... !!! cant wait until the 25th ! :)

whats your take on misting the plants from time to time in flowering?


picture update flowering day 13


I guess the name of this thread is starting to get a bit misleading :P it has become more of my grow-diary... but any comments, help, suggestions, thoughts are welcome as long as you know what you´re talking about! Sorry about the light once again. I dont wanna risk anything right now by taking them out of the growroom for pictures.



8 clones taken :)


i soaked the rockwool cubes in water mixed with veg nutes and superthrive, and put root gel into the holes in the cubes...
will be back with the results of this.



Active Member
hi freddyoh
looks like a good job to me.
you can add a drop of super thrive and its a good ideal using someroot gel
in the holes but you need to ph the water to 5.8 and don't give any grow nutes at this stage
I don't think this will help

good luck, hope your cutting goes better than mine did


Active Member
These plants are looking very good, healthy and lots of bud, just how my plants look at week 3 of flower
not sure how hotrodharley could think, your not going to pull a min of an once off each plant

my average is 2-4 oz's a plant, (6 plants under a 600w hps)

good luck


Active Member
I am saying that 4 heathy bushy plants grown under a 400w
should easy give you 4oz's I would even say you have a good chance
of getting 6 oz's

you have got to do a lot wrong with your grow
to get less than 4 oz's under a 400w hps with 4 plants
I would be upset if i get less than 8oz's from a 600w


Active Member
i like the sound of that ;)

A 125w cfl is a good move and will help them grow fast :)

The plants in flower are looking great

how your clones looking

my clones have rooted ok after a bad start and temps/humidity have been a little low but only 2 clones did not root in the end
will get rid of a few more clones and should get 5 good plants out of them but it took 10-18 days from the first clone to the last clone to root
at one stage most of my clones looked like they will die but a few days later most of them pulled throw and are now over 50% are starting to look good.

hope this helps you will your clones :):)


Hey largebuds, yea that lamp is doing a great job so far... tho i think i "transplanted" the clones to early... they all look like shit tbh :P hanging like their dead... :(
they all looked perfect, and a few roots where sticking out from the rockwool, but i guess there wasnt enough roots to begin with, but on the other hand, why should soil
ruin that? it must be the humidity and that the roots cant suck enough water right? so im trying the best i can to keep the humidity high... think im gonna do a little "roof" from plastic for them to keep the humidity higher the next few days... what do you think?

might aswell post a pic of it :)


2 hours later

i never thought those 2 in the bottom corner would make it, but they really pulled through.... crazy! :)



Well-Known Member
You realy should of went to smaller pots at first. Like each in 1 gallon pots. Let them get a nice root ball and use the nutes in that soil. Then transplant to your large pots with good soil and let them use those nutes. Going right to big pots seams like a good idea but by the time the root mass is abule to cover the area you have flushed the soil of alot of nutes so you will be adding it sooner then needed. Not that it is a bad thing just pointing out you could of saved some money in the long run. And I don't like 2 plants in 1 pot. When I've done it the stronger fast growing plant took over the other. So it would look good and the smaller would need some help. But if I bumped up water or nutes to make it happy it would over do it on the other one. Your already doing it so let it go. But I would sugest next time use 2 gallon air pots each plant. Think you would be happier. Just my two pennies.


hey warlock, thanks for stopping by :) always nice with feedback from more experienced growers....
i actually had this idea to do smaller pots, not only for the root system but for space and easier watering etc but i have these ideas in my crazy head to do different things all the time, i wanted first to veg these maybe just one-two weeks to catch up the month i lost when i grew the motherplant so i can harvest each month, then i had the idea to trim the plants in the middle so theres a gap between the two plants in same pot, so they only grow outward and not toward each other... ever tried anything like that?
and you are so right about them growing over each other, same thing happend when i took 2 motherplants and planted them in the same pot, i had to cut one down just a few days ago... that i didnt think of that!! live n learn i guess :)

the money for the soil isnt that demanding, its about 10 bucks every other month :P

what would you guys do about this situation?


Active Member
"always nice with feedback from more experienced growers" is not a good thing to say
I get the point and will not make any more posts on your forum

but you may see in a few weeks that I am a lot more experienced than you may think
I am doing a low yielding organic soil grow but will still yield a lot more that a lot of soil growers on this site :wall:


Well-Known Member
"always nice with feedback from more experienced growers" is not a good thing to say
I get the point and will not make any more posts on your forum

but you may see in a few weeks that I am a lot more experienced than you may think
I am doing a low yielding organic soil grow but will still yield a lot more that a lot of soil growers on this site :wall:
I realy don't think he was talking down on you. If you look at the post there are almost no proper punctuation. And it's one big run on sentence. So I'm guessing it should of been like this. Allway nice with feed back from more, experienced growers.