The Irish Growers Thread!

stem colour is really down to the nutes... could be that little bit to strong for them as seedlings, none the less two fine looking plants there......
yeh there supposed to stay small, mainly just the main cola that gets it so thats why theres two,, gona do one ak auto after in that big huge tub the last one was in, its around 50lts ,and the roots really spread wen it went in there , the whole tub and soil where covered in roots, so i think the auto roots must grow to the end,, anyway im hoping to get a nice big ak going ,,
no the regs stay going to the near end too, but at a slower rate, i can prove this by my own, there showing around the top of the tub the last few days so the soil is well filled with them, could go root bound if it don`t slow up even in 20 litres, well give or take as there hempy style i`ll be looseing say 5 of those litres to the res..

have a 50 litre bucket here too but its a little while off being used, wanted to use it with scrog so i`ll get proper yeild and have the bases covered with that size root ball....
they can get rootbound as the roots from each plant gets established, but you could fit a simple divide in the middle, how true this rumor is i don`t know, i mean in the wild they grow like "weeds" and theres a couple of threads about plant "beds" as in a garden with rows of plants in them as there would be in the outdoors..

that said even outdoors they plant them a good few feet apart to let the roots out so....!!!!
off to the bed.......... school run in the morning and i`m still getting used too it...hahahaha..

last ponder tho... wonder how the boyos are getting on har, lu and such...
god i`m not able for these early mornings.. makeing progress tho ..

so todays plans are... expand the flower side of the room by about a foot and thus shorten the veg room, i need too tho theres no room in the flower side and too much on the veg side...

also need the room for the hps, that been done then its on to hang the hps and i`m about done then, just the fans and ducting to go in should i go that way about it, i have another idea but will keep it under wraps for now...

will be shopping for some flower addatives aswell, found a local shop that does some hydro and specialist growing stuff so will see what they have...

on the plants well... the best girl is really pushing on, can see the difference by the day, frosty as anything and flowers (for a cfl grow) are getting fat and thick..

  • I grew it 2 years ago and was grand.​

Right now if you buy any hazeman seeds you get a free 12 pack of hippie headband and hazeman is a legendary breeder use to work with resin seeds I think.

his fugu is suppose to be fantastic, didnt know he worked with resin seeds, deffo worked with a good few others. Do you know if hes canadian by any chance?
yeah battling on outdoors, been playing around with so much nettle and horse tail tea it feels like its stained into my nose and skin lol
was on about addatives for flower yesterday, whats your recipe for your tea? if you`ll share, and in your opinion is it working, even tho your outdoors have you seen an improvement?

how are they going for you, i hope the little bit of sun we got helped them along for you, its getting dark and cold very quick now so you must be close to finishing??
so do any of you lot remember the couple of plants i had in the 5 litre tubs, they were left overs from the veg of the first lot, was going to chuck them but kept 3 back as they were green and ok looking, so they been in the back of the flower room since we started, they then showed flower, and in the last say 3 days have spurted up and are like little hedges there that thick, well one of them is showing red hairs and no frost yet... wonder how its going to turn out...

also one of the seedlings in the new batch has developed itself into a ball of messed up green something hahahaha looks like it was chewed up or something..

pic later..
Also this new RDWC has no leaks after a few days of running, and water temps are very low and stable which is good. Water is struggling to break 17c atm and I can lower it if need be be with some air circulation. I've never been excited about growing like I am with this thing. Going to upgrade to a 600 and get as much as possible out of it. 1 GPW should be doable.
My air and water pumps are silent, the only thing I can hear is my fans running and the gentle sound of trickling water. It's actually very good for getting to sleep, soothing for the mind. Which is a good thing since I am on a tolerance break and the sleep thing isn't really happening at the mo.
hahahaha tollerance break... yeah thats what im doing aswell....(cause theres no weed)..;)

that was my next question.. the waterfall, i like this idea and think your onto a winner was wondering if its a runner...

no sleep is a nightmare to get through, i`m seriously more wrecked from not smokeing and getting no sleep than if stoned all day..
was on about addatives for flower yesterday, whats your recipe for your tea? if you`ll share, and in your opinion is it working, even tho your outdoors have you seen an improvement?

how are they going for you, i hope the little bit of sun we got helped them along for you, its getting dark and cold very quick now so you must be close to finishing??

topdress with kelp + bb and then 2 part horetail extract 3 part water, then slop on some molasses occasionally , was planning to buy some additives this year but alas.

majoritysgoing to be well into oct , my moneys on the frost killing them unfortunately , fucking cold these days

Some grow house pics posted on reddit few days back