I dont think he has any idea what *hold more wealth* actually means...
Oh, I'm sure he doesn't, I just believe he prefers the easy path and justifies it internally by speaking out against those who chose to save and sacrifice.
I dont think he has any idea what *hold more wealth* actually means...
To be honest, I never give it a thought.
I'm curious as to how this affects you personally, does it stop you from bettering yourself?
I dont think he has any idea what *hold more wealth* actually means...
define "bettering yourself"
To the OP. A simple reason this can't work.
Take wars. Wars are endorsed by government. The government can't exist without people.
If you want to maintain freedom, who pays for the equipment, including soldiers, weapons, etc. Right now the most used fighter is the F-16. We have about $24 billion worth of them. That doesn't include R&D, etc. Who pays for that?
We can give aptitude tests and force people into jobs. Then not count everything needed for those jets as part of your wealth cap. But then you have a form of communism, socialism and/or fascism.
Or you some sort of genius and have this all planned out to end all wars?
This is just one example. There are often far reaching consequences to what we first think is a simple suggestion.
The rich simply would keep their money in their businesses. What then? A cap on business assets?
Rich people dont roll over and take it, they figure out ways to beat the system. BTW, most of the congress and senator's are millionaires. You think they are going to cut their own throats?
To be honest, I never give it a thought.
I'm curious as to how this affects you personally, does it stop you from bettering yourself?
Oh, I'm sure he doesn't, I just believe he prefers the easy path and justifies it internally by speaking out against those who chose to save and sacrifice.
The OP is under the delusion everyone has equal potential. If only the rich weren't holding back the poor, there wouldn't be poor. If that were true, we'd all be Michael Phelps.
Easy, you get the best paying job you can with the education and skills you've attained.
If it takes going back to school, so be it. Then you work your tail off and sacrifice your play time while you're saving your money and investing it, you have to train yourself that your finances come before expensive toys and your social life (except for your kids), before you know it, you'll be so wrapped up in your own life that you're no longer concerned with how much others are making!
just what is it we're supposed to do with the "excess" wealth? are we supposed to give it to our corrupt government officials to distribute as they please? are we just supposed to throw it up in the air and let anyone nearby grab it as best they can?
yes, in fact it is. a quick look back just a few short centuries shows us just how well we are doing. a scant three hundred years ago, nearly all of the political and economic power was held by a fraction of a single percent of the population. though the job is by no means complete, we have made great strides in separating finance and politics and have given the power of self-determination to the general population. what the OP proposes, the aim of new liberalism in general, is actually a gigantic step backward in the evolution of our society. it is essentially the demand for a new system of modern feudalism, where every facet of our lives is controlled by the few and enforced by their agents throughout society. it is giving those with the violent power of government ever greater say over the lives of supposedly free men.This current system is working brilliantly anyway.... right?
He unsubscribed from his own thread?
Sorry to pop your bubble padwan...
i am not for a cap on attainable wealth but i am for regulations that make it all but impossible to attain a monopolistic amount of wealth.
having all the wealth centered is a great way to have a plutocracy or feudalism, but a horrible way to run a nation that does best when powered by a strong middle class.
americans certainly think that the distribution of wealth is out of sorts. it hasn't been this bad since right before the great depression.
I agree with your post and the charts and graphs make it wonderful, much better than average.
I hate being poor and hate how things are, it's set up so the rich get richer and the poor are fucked, I am always getting ripped off by big companies and stuff, where if it was the other way around their would be big problems but when its me getting ripped off their is nothing I can do, bank can steal from me but if I stole from bank Id be killed or imprisioned, if I called cops to say bank stole from me they would laugh or give me a hard time, this is just one example of many, phone company, furniture store etc its all the same.
stop doing business with companies you object to then. vote with your dollars.
I agree with your post and the charts and graphs make it wonderful, much better than average.
I hate being poor and hate how things are, it's set up so the rich get richer and the poor are fucked, I am always getting ripped off by big companies and stuff, where if it was the other way around their would be big problems but when its me getting ripped off their is nothing I can do, bank can steal from me but if I stole from bank Id be killed or imprisioned, if I called cops to say bank stole from me they would laugh or give me a hard time, this is just one example of many, phone company, furniture store etc its all the same.
the solution is to stop the redistribution of wealth that is being perpetrated upon us, the top is redistributing your wealth and wealth creation to themselves concentrating the wealth into their small concentrated system and this redistribution is being enforced with force and threat of force.I saw this video on youtube where this foreigner ordered an orange juice in the middle of the night from a Burger King. The teenagers thought it was funny to take his money but not give the drink. So he called the police telling him he was robbed. They police did nothing. The dude kept complaining and was arrested. Had the guy reached over the counter and took the OJ without paying, he'd also be in jail for shoplifting. What gives?
But that has nothing to do with advocating communism or too much attained wealth. It's just part of the broken system. Redistributing the wealth isn't the solution.
I saw this video on youtube where this foreigner ordered an orange juice in the middle of the night from a Burger King. The teenagers thought it was funny to take his money but not give the drink. So he called the police telling him he was robbed. They police did nothing. The dude kept complaining and was arrested. Had the guy reached over the counter and took the OJ without paying, he'd also be in jail for shoplifting. What gives?
But that has nothing to do with advocating communism or too much attained wealth. It's just part of the broken system. Redistributing the wealth isn't the solution.
What gives? Ask yourself if those little punks would have gotten away with that 50 years ago or longer, or if that would happen in small town USA.
Liberals, lawyers and laws!