Well-Known Member
........Sorry i tried to edit previous post. Just last line!!Please do as I would be intrigued to read them.
Plant numbers is another thing that really gets to me. I wish if you were unfortunate enough to get a knock and taken to court that the courts/judge would be educated on the matter and not just determine the length of your sentence by the number of plants that you have. It's just silly. I could have on average 128 minimum little plants on a 4x8 table or 20 decent sized plants. 128 plants they will value at 102,400 euro even though they would just be sitting under 2x1000hps or they value the 20 plants at only 16000 sitting on the same table under the same lights. It's pure madness. There's a huge difference in the size of both plants and what they are capable of producing yet they value them the same.!!