how would we look un-shaven?

Except for those bitch ass people that are naturally unhairy...
My husband can go months in between shaving and look like most men look after a few days...he also has no chest or back he would look scruffly in spots on his face, but pretty much the same...
Or like all the dog breeds people have created that require haircuts for their health..they couldn't make it in nature without people to brush and clip it is too late to stop cutting hair now...I would love to not have to shave my legs every freaking day though.
I don't think I've ever heard you say one good thing about your dude. Dump him already, I'd hate to find out my girl was only staying with me for sympathy reasons.
We would look stupid.. Monkeys have nice straight fur. We'd look like them but with long as pube looking hairs all over our body..

see thats just nasty too. that old fuck looks like he is the dingleberry, tag-ending off a huge fucking turd. charlie needs a wash, trim and style like a motherfucker. he needs to get his old ass to the barber.
one word: natural

you idiots posting pictures/videos of people living their lives around their beard have no idea

a normal person wearing a beard would have it be shortened by daily activities. additionally, it is a sensory accessory
one word: natural

you idiots posting pictures/videos of people living their lives around their beard have no idea

a normal person wearing a beard would have it be shortened by daily activities. additionally, it is a sensory accessory
IDK... Lots of people have long hair, why isn't their hair ripped out during daily activities? Chest, legs, and armpit hairs also remain unripped. Also, there's lots of animals that have long fur that stays there. I have a feeling we'd hve long hair.
im sorry was in a craazy bad mood when i wrote this. nobody here is an idiot. yall are right with the pictures. i do think we'd have evolved different ( hair on head that doesnt grow foever ) or somethig cuz as mentioned we wouldnt be able to function....look at how many helpers that one dude needed for his hair. It must be so heavy too. also think of livin in super hot climate. oh man.....

woman with leg hair and armpit hair would be difficult to get used to. But i think its possible. With no more magazines telling us how ppl should look? It would be a smellier world lol
we would all look like armenians.

youre nasty for even considering having an un-manscaped coinpurse. if left unattended for too long my ball hairs hang almost to my knees.

I dont know a chick that is not into manscape. Hair is gross, bugs, bacteria, ugh. Just gross
ive also heard of hunters using their beard hair as sensory object, to guage the wind...who could not hunt when beard cut off because of this lost skill....i dunno how true this is
When Mon was a boy, Pops told Mon.....Boy eat yer dinner & finish that plate, it will put some hair on yer chest, worked every
Ha... I'm naturally hairless on my back and chest... save a few nipple hairs, makes for super easy manscaping....

I can grow a sweet beard though!
You all know that this has severely pissed off the rag-heads. Clean shave is not allowed in Sharia-fascism. But, when Gillette invented the safety razor, they put then in the Ration packs for WW2, we saw the value.

No President has been bearded since then. By deifintion in Sharia, we are "womanish." ص. نسوي, أنثوي, مخنث in Arabic

In Persian, اوقاتتان تلخ
You all know that this has severely pissed off the rag-heads. Clean shave is not allowed in Sharia-fascism. But, when Gillette invented the safety razor, they put then in the Ration packs for WW2, we saw the value.

No President has been bearded since then. By deifintion in Sharia, we are "womanish." ص. نسوي, أنثوي, مخنث in Arabic

In Persian, اوقاتتان تلخ

but in those languages "womanish" is synonymous with "doesnt smell like camel dung and three week old ball-sweat"

i can live with that.
but in those languages "womanish" is synonymous with "doesnt smell like camel dung and three week old ball-sweat"

i can live with that.

Yes, it means suitable for all manner of ass fucking and degradation. You can live with that?
Did anyone catch that non-story about a woman who claimed she was lured and given to Ben Laden, as a wife. Some dark model type from Algeria. Well, I don't know if it was true, but the story about the sex practices of Arab men was just too true. I had read about this stuff elsewhere. Women are dogs and "love making" just doesn't happen.

Now, boys, can you imagine a society that is so alien that sex is simply something brutal to do to a women.
But, you have a boyfriend for real respect. A society of birth trained psychopaths. Very real. How about the woman in Afgan that was being beaten in the street by her husband with a auto radio antenna. A beauty, rarely seen, without her Burkka. Looks like us. Western. Greek of Alexander.

The crowd was only worried about keeping her covered. Airborne would have opened fire. It's sick, we should be outraged about Sharia.

I think us Westerners have no idea what we are up against with Sharia giving religious cover to sadism.
Did anyone catch that non-story about a woman who claimed she was lured and given to Ben Laden, as a wife. Some dark model type from Algeria. Well, I don't know if it was true, but the story about the sex practices of Arab men was just too true. I had read about this stuff elsewhere. Women are dogs and "love making" just doesn't happen.

Now, boys, can you imagine a society that is so alien that sex is simply something brutal to do to a women.
But, you have a boyfriend for real respect. A society of birth trained psychopaths. Very real. How about the woman in Afgan that was being beaten in the street by her husband with a auto radio antenna. A beauty, rarely seen, without her Burkka. Looks like us. Western. Greek of Alexander.

The crowd was only worried about keeping her covered. Airborne would have opened fire. It's sick, we should be outraged about Sharia.

I think us Westerners have no idea what we are up against with Sharia giving religious cover to sadism.

ohh come on, they have a beautiful culture full of poetry and a marvelous religion of peace, thats why theres no gays in iran, the koran makes them all straight by praying away the gay.

it's only america where women are oppressed by being prevented from partaking in the liberal sacrament of abortion, unless they can pay for it themselves, and gays are prevented from marrying by nasty evil bluenosed trolls who let the bible do their thinking.

if we embrace othe rcultures, like islam, then surely we will be as enlightened as they are.