Romney lies about his taxes again!

Yup. Your property is not yours, your privacy is not yours, your body is not yours... why would the country be yours?

I don't find your line of reasoning useful. We all die yet when we allow wealth to remain we enslave.

I have nothing else to say to you.
I don't find your line of reasoning useful. We all die yet when we allow wealth to remain we enslave.

I have nothing else to say to you.
you advocate for slavery, your call for taxation is a call for enslavement
I don't find your line of reasoning useful. We all die yet when we allow wealth to remain we enslave.

I have nothing else to say to you.

I don't find you trying to change America into a socialist's wet dream, useful. That's not progressive, that's old world, yesterday... the new and progressive idea is individual freedom and personal responsibility.
I don't find you trying to change America into a socialist's wet dream, useful. That's not progressive, that's old world, yesterday... the new and progressive idea is individual freedom and personal responsibility.

just try to take away social security and see how quickly you get laughed off stage.

the cold war is over, captain.
Thank you very much, coming from a pathetic loser like you, I'll consider that a compliment.

the guy who smokes brown schwag and has to pay overweight, mustachioed hookers to suck his dick is calling me a pathetic loser after i pointed out that no one shares his cold war mentality or "let grandma eat cat food" utopia.

wipe the sand out of your vagina, old man.
The cold War is over? No Mr. Ostrich. No, Mr. removedAlldoubt.

No, it's warmer war now than it's ever been. We can't hide. We have to fight. It's just made up stuff up for a sense of cheap-shot, put-down. It is still on, this War. Ideology cloaks are tools of the Cold War. Still here. The Fascists? Still here. Organized crime,. the Nazi Party, the Communist Party and now, this so called tea-party are aroused while they are belittled and called the ghosts of past.
Just Stupid. Dumbed Down.

The tea-partyers , being aroused are rousing the militias, the pissed Christians and even the drug gangs., All. This is how it happens. The fools want to call names and score gotcha points. The shit is hitting the fan again. The Cold War is heating up, again. America is acting stupid, again.
This thread just went from good to awesome.
The way buck is describing newtrons life in mexico makes me hope to someday join him, I guess there is still hope, I will just keep working hard and trying to achieve success and maybe someday I can retire and follow in the footsteps of great americans like jessie ventura & mr newtron and live out my retirement enjoting the good life if mexico, I found this inspirational
What if you really, really wanted to move somewhere. If you wait too late, like many of the Jews, the ones that had a chance, it's too late.

White guys seem to be the new targets, the new minority, the plowed under, re-distributed, white (only) middle class. iThe New Goats.
Old White Guys. The Fascists are no longer pure white Christians. And the Nazi never claim a Religious bent beyond Black Magic.

That's how class warfare works. Eat the Rich Folks Cake. Then...Drink their blood, Everyone does it.
White guys seem to be the new targets, the new minority, the plowed under, re-distributed, white (only) middle class.

you poor poor victim.

as a fellow persecuted white male, i feel your pain, i really do.

if you need a shoulder to cry on, i am here for you. as a fellow persecuted white male, i will understand your pain.