Romney lies about his taxes again!

"I pay all the taxes that are legally required and not a dollar more. I don't think you want someone as the candidate for president who pays more taxes than he owes." - Mitt Romney, GOP Primary Debate

By his own words he disqualified himself as a candidate for POTUS.

He artificially inflated his tax rate to cover his statement that he has never paid less than 13%. He is playing tricks and "cooking the books" to cover his stupid ass.

That's twice now he has fucked himself by opening his mouth and saying words.

Someone needs to tell him to shut the fuck up until the debates.
By his own words he disqualified himself as a candidate for POTUS.

He artificially inflated his tax rate to cover his statement that he has never paid less than 13%. He is playing tricks and "cooking the books" to cover his stupid ass.

That's twice now he has fucked himself by opening his mouth and saying words.

Someone needs to tell him to shut the fuck up until the debates.

this election should have been all about obama, and it would be except for one key thing. romney keeps saying stuff.
By his own words he disqualified himself as a candidate for POTUS.

He artificially inflated his tax rate to cover his statement that he has never paid less than 13%. He is playing tricks and "cooking the books" to cover his stupid ass.

That's twice now he has fucked himself by opening his mouth and saying words.

Someone needs to tell him to shut the fuck up until the debates.

its like he is self destructive or somthing

molesting hippies, terrorizing dogs, lying to the American public, whats next is what i think
Perhaps Obama isn't the best but what is the best?

Romney and Ryan are saying they will do "Unspecified things" to us and are not telling us the truth even on simple things like Romney's taxes.

Think about this for all these decades Social Security has improved the lives of everyone and it hasn't been privatized Romney and Ryan will offer up that to exploitation.
Medicare offers most of us a quality of life we earned through years of producing more wealth then we end up with for others. Romney and Ryan will reduce that.
War is something that we are now suffering to pay for and will continue to pay for and yet to pay for it Romney and Ryan will take from the benefit of all people to give more to a few.

It is the wrong direction for a Democracy.

Remember this warning!!


We are seeing the rise of American fascism if we reduce the social responsibility of our Government in favor of War Spending. This will be the first step in conquering for all time the Greatest Nation on Earth.
Perhaps Obama isn't the best but what is the best?

Romney and Ryan are saying they will do "Unspecified things" to us and are not telling us the truth even on simple things like Romney's taxes.

Think about this for all these decades Social Security has improved the lives of everyone and it hasn't been privatized Romney and Ryan will offer up that to exploitation.
Medicare offers most of us a quality of life we earned through years of producing more wealth then we end up with for others. Romney and Ryan will reduce that.
War is something that we are now suffering to pay for and will continue to pay fo and yet to pay fo it Romney and Ryan will take for the benefit of all people to give more to a few.

It is the wrong direction for a Democracy.

We are seeing the rise of American fascism if we reduce the social responsibility of our Government in favor of War Spending. This will be the first step in conquering for all time the Greatest Nation on Earth.

Myopic hyperbole.
Why do we vote against ourselves? Why not support a doubling og Social Security benefits instead of a reduction? After all things cost more today.

Logically we need increases not decreases.
Why do we vote against ourselves? Why not support a doubling og Social Security benefits instead of a reduction? After all things cost more today.

Logically we need increases not decreases.

talking heads in the media are as powerful or more powerful than elected officials, that's why
Why do we vote against ourselves? Why not support a doubling og Social Security benefits instead of a reduction? After all things cost more today.

Logically we need increases not decreases.
wake up people!
This is the year of Ron Paul
It is his time.
This is our chance.
Ron Paul is the choice, the viable alternative, our choice, we can do this, lets unite.
Ron Paul, power to the people
Why do we vote against ourselves? Why not support a doubling og Social Security benefits instead of a reduction? After all things cost more today.

Logically we need increases not decreases.

From myopic hyperbole to insane in 7 minutes.
wake up people!
This is the year of Ron Paul
It is his time.
This is our chance.
Ron Paul is the choice, the viable alternative, our choice, we can do this, lets unite.
Ron Paul, power to the people

I like how you used a socialist slogan to push Rawn Pawl, nice! Wait, didn't his son endorse Rmoney?
Why do we vote against ourselves? Why not support a doubling og Social Security benefits instead of a reduction? After all things cost more today.

Logically we need increases not decreases.
How much water should we add to the whiskey? If we give every social secuirty reciepient a trillion dollars will they be better off?
I like how you used a socialist slogan to push Rawn Pawl, nice! Wait, didn't his son endorse Rmoney?
im glad someone appreciates my posts.
His son isn't as great as Ron.
Rand is a possum head, if you would like & can both be yours, you can purchase the domain names through's domain purchace service, I think they should be worth $1000 each
I didn't mean why doesn't our media or other I asked why don't we.

Have we been trained to think our Country is not our own?
im glad someone appreciates my posts.
His son isn't as great as Ron.
Rand is a possum head, if you would like & can both be yours, you can purchase the domain names through's domain purchace service, I think they should be worth $1000 each

Godaddy already got hacked, I don't know anything about that though.
I didn't mean why doesn't our media or other I asked why don't we.

Have we been trained to think our Country is not our own?

Yup. Your property is not yours, your privacy is not yours, your body is not yours... why would the country be yours?