Well-Known Member
I don't watch 4chan. So I have no idea. I guess I am if they play Hot College Girls 4 often lol. It's the only one I was in. And I was younger so I had long hair. Lesbian scene.
I don't watch 4chan. So I have no idea. I guess I am if they play Hot College Girls 4 often lol. It's the only one I was in. And I was younger so I had long hair. Lesbian scene.
Well. I don't. I don't even know what 4chan is....
It is on DVD, love. It wasn't one of those low budget filmed and put online for a few bucks a show. It was an actual, pick me up at the video store DVD. And no, lol, I haven't been down on any girls in...meh...well....ok nobody's taken pictures of me lol. I STILL think it's interesting that your brain is looking for me in porn pictures...
I apologize, I thought you were asking for a link to a website that has like...small porn clips and stuff.
LoL. Funny Bucky. Of *course* I was fucking with you. Good grief. You and your "high" hopes...
Ohhh goodness lol. What is 4chan, anyway?
you don't pay attention to much do you?