• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

President Obama Falsely Claims Fast and Furious Program “Begun Under the Previous Adm


Well-Known Member
yes buck

shabaazz was guilty of First Degree Dickery and being a public embarrassment. unfortunately those are not crimes so he walked. his polling place shenanigans would have resulted in a small fine and a few hours of community service at most so holder let it slide.

this does not absolve holder of his responsibility for the insane bullshit that went on right under his nose in "Fast 'N' Furious" nor does the "Massive coverup to conceal the program from Holder" absolve him of his mismanagement that allowed a coverup to conceal criminal acts within his own department of justice when he takes such delight in micromanaging the affairs of the states with cannabis laws.

incompetence does not excuse incompetence.

his inability to see the coverup (particularly a "Massive" one) does not excuse his inability to see a multimillion dollar gun running operation in his own living room.
Holder's incopetence does not excuse the treasonous conspirators in the massive coverup.


Well-Known Member
did i say that? no. i said for MOST illnesses it is as useless as vaginal fumigation for psychosis.

it is an excellent pain reliever (when i dont have to be able to do anything afterwards) a fine sleep inducer, excellent for mood maintainance, and superior to liquor at relaxing my stress and easing my muscles out of their knots at the end of a day.

it does NOT cure my injuries, spped the healing of wounds, reduce the appearance of my scars, smooth away wrinkles, enlarge my penis, increase my Q zone, enhance my body's ability to eliminate "toxins", increase my balance and agility, enhance my physical strength, promote alertness, balance my humours, exorcise demons, make me more in tune with the natural world, treat my allergies, repair the damaged kidneys in diabetic rats, or make me grow fuller more luxurious pubic hair or allow me to seal in the freshness of my favorite foods with it's patented Flav-R-Seal technology.

it's not malpractice to give a patient something that might help, but also cant harm him.

plus i like smoking weed.
So you're an oncologist?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
So you're an oncologist?

did i say i have cancer?

did i say cannabis doesnt work on cancer?

did i even MENTION cancer?

that shit wasnt even TLDR, it was short. easy to read.

cancer never came up. if you insist on puttin words in my mouth could you at least wash them first?

one of my uncles died of cancer, another of aids, both found the ganja quite helpful in treating their symptoms, despite the fact that cannabis was COMPLETELY ILLEGAL at the time. another uncle grew some fine herb and made with the smokeables. i am NOT a physician (though i play one on Arrakis) so i cant tell you if dope actually has cancer fighting properties, but my uncle with cancer smoked a LOT of dope on his way out, and he still croaked. make of that what you will.

if i had cancer i would smoke every day, wake and bake. i would never wear pants, fuck hookers, smoke cigars, shoot heroin, shove my cock in every gloryhole i see, and generally make an ass of myself on my way to the grave, and make sure that everybody around me is always having a bomb ass time. we are all gonna die, but when you got your wierd and you know your doom fuckit. cut loose. why the hell not.

or should we all face death with the dour and fearful demeanor expected of a good christian?


Well-Known Member
did i say i have cancer?

did i say cannabis doesnt work on cancer?

did i even MENTION cancer?

that shit wasnt even TLDR, it was short. easy to read.

cancer never came up. if you insist on puttin words in my mouth could you at least wash them first?

one of my uncles died of cancer, another of aids, both found the ganja quite helpful in treating their symptoms, despite the fact that cannabis was COMPLETELY ILLEGAL at the time. another uncle grew some fine herb and made with the smokeables. i am NOT a physician (though i play one on Arrakis) so i cant tell you if dope actually has cancer fighting properties, but my uncle with cancer smoked a LOT of dope on his way out, and he still croaked. make of that what you will.

if i had cancer i would smoke every day, wake and bake. i would never wear pants, fuck hookers, smoke cigars, shoot heroin, shove my cock in every gloryhole i see, and generally make an ass of myself on my way to the grave, and make sure that everybody around me is always having a bomb ass time. we are all gonna die, but when you got your wierd and you know your doom fuckit. cut loose. why the hell not.

or should we all face death with the dour and fearful demeanor expected of a good christian?
so you're a psychiatrist?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Holder's incopetence does not excuse the treasonous conspirators in the massive coverup.
not treasonous. treason equires giving aid and comfort to thhe enemy in war, or selling national secrets to a foreign power. the coverup might be considered criminal, bit not treason.

further, coverups only work if the man in charge is willing to look the other way. holder either was involved, or he is incompetent as a leader.

the man in charge has to take the blame for shit that happens on his watch unless it is a specific incident.

Fast N Furious went on over YEARS with MILLIONS of dollars and THOUSANDS of guns. that shit should have been VERY hard to keep quiet. and holder did keep it qiuiet till a Fast N furious gun was found at the scene of a border agent's murder then shit went sideways.

instead of rising up from his torpor and demanding the head of the malefactors, holder jumped around like a rat with it's balls on fire trying to hide documents and conceal the misdeeds. theses are the acts of a bureaucrat caught with his hand in the cookie jar, not a dim witted fool duped by his underlings.

holder acted like he was the flea in charge, not the sleepy dog unaware of his infestation.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
so you're a psychiatrist?
do i have to be a psychiatrist to not believe that cannabis makes penises grow bigger, tightens saggy vaginas, improves the look and feel of leather and vinyl, has the power to cut through this tin can and still slice this ripe tomato, and to reduce the absorption of fats while still tasting as good as regular chips while only causing minor anal discharge?

nah i think i made my point.


Well-Known Member
If you disagree with the findings of the inspector general, you could write Issa, now that the documents concealed by Obama's invocation of executive privilege have been made available through his report which exonerated Eric Holder.

So it isn't treason to sell thousands of weapons to cartels fighting a war against the Mexican Army and then cover it up so the administration won't find out? Sounds treasonous to me.


Well-Known Member
do i have to be a psychiatrist to not believe that cannabis makes penises grow bigger, tightens saggy vaginas, improves the look and feel of leather and vinyl, has the power to cut through this tin can and still slice this ripe tomato, and to reduce the absorption of fats while still tasting as good as regular chips while only causing minor anal discharge?

nah i think i made my point.
so you aren't a psychiatrist or an oncologist, but you think anyone should give a flying fuck that you think cannabis has very little medicinal use

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
If you disagree with the findings of the inspector general, you could write Issa, now that the documents concealed by Obama's invocation of executive privilege have been made available through his report which exonerated Eric Holder.

So it isn't treason to sell thousands of weapons to cartels fighting a war against the Mexican Army and then cover it up so the administration won't find out? Sounds treasonous to me.
if holder were the AG of mexico then yes Holder could be held for treason.

treason is betraying you OWN government to it's enemies, like benedict arnold's plan to sell west point to the hated british. arnold was a traitor to america, but NOT to britain, or spain. or france or portugal.


Well-Known Member
if holder were the AG of mexico then yes Holder could be held for treason.

treason is betraying you OWN government to it's enemies, like benedict arnold's plan to sell west point to the hated british. arnold was a traitor to america, but NOT to britain, or spain. or france or portugal.
So the cartels are the good guys?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
so you aren't a psychiatrist or an oncologist, but you think anyone should give a flying fuck that you think cannabis has very little medicinal use
so all the doctors in ainslinger's posse who claimed cannabis was poison were right? after all they were doctors...

doctors can be wrong, and farmers can be right. i dont usually try to tell doctors how to treat sick people, and doctors dont try to ell me what crops to plant, but if anybody wants to know what cannabis really does he would do a lot better getting answers from me than from Eric Cockbreath Holder.

the gish gallop of things cannabis is alleged to treat is not created or promoted by doctors. it is promulgated by hucksters, legalization fans and other people with an agenda (an agenda i share by the way)

i am unwilling and in fact UNABLE to spin fanciful yarns about the miraculous powers of cannabis, while i am more than willing to discuss it's actual benefits which i can confirm myself.

i refuse to indulge in the wild speculation and expectation inflation of the rabid legalization lobby.

if i KNEW that pot shrunk tumors or increased the sperm count i would shout it from the rooftops. but this is not something i know so it is not something i claim.

TRUTH is my bond. i cant shirk it.


Well-Known Member
My back has been sore for about a week. Do ya think they will hook me up??
i believe the wording of the law is "chronic and persistent muscle spasms".

so it has to be ongoing, like mine have been since trying to fit under a shower head while on vacation in 2008.


Well-Known Member
Hate to join the party late, but "Fast and Furious" did begin under a previous administration.....it just wasn't called "Fast and Furious"

Doesn't make it right, but the gunwalking did start in 2006. You can't deny that

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
i believe the wording of the law is "chronic and persistent muscle spasms".

so it has to be ongoing, like mine have been since trying to fit under a shower head while on vacation in 2008.


thats kinda fucked up.

and kinda pussy

i cant stop laughing

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Hate to join the party late, but "Fast and Furious" did begin under a previous administration.....it just wasn't called "Fast and Furious"

Doesn't make it right, but the gunwalking did start in 2006. You can't deny that
operation gunrunner is NOT gun running, gun runners are the target, by allowing mexico guatemala, brazil chile et al access to our gun serial number tracking database and software. it had nothing to do with placing guns into the black market to track them, that was wide reciever, a small pilot program with GPS trackers placed inside of a small number of guns which were then inserted into the black market with the assistance of the mexican federal police....

fast n fiurious was unrelated to the PILOT PROGRAM "wide receiver' that was canceled in the first year for being unworkable, while "operation gunrunner" was expanded, because it was about tracing guns through their transaction history, not selling guns to the cartels you insufferable dimwit.

youre a moron. there are 3 separate programs and you have squeezed them all together like a child with a lump of play-dough.

"Gun Runner": tracking guns seized in crimes by their serial number through their transaction history to see if any particular person or company has resulted in an abnormally large number of guns winding up in the hands of criminals. it is quite simple. the forms you fill out for the ATF when you buy or transfer a gun these days goes into a database that is "Totally Not Gun Registration" gun registration. if your gun later winds up in the hands of the cops from a crime scene, you may have to answer questions about this gun. if a dozen guns belonging to you wind up in a cartel shootout with the federale's you may wind up in a mexican prison waiting for your turn at trial.

"Wide Receiver": a small pilot program started under dubya's administration, with the intention of fitting GPS receivers into the bodies of a FEW guns, and inserting them into the black market to track the migratory patterns of black marketeers. this program was a JOINT operation with the DOJ, ATF, and Mexican Federal Police. few guns, tracking devices, with mexico's help and consent, it was canceled as unworkable after the first year and about 20 guns.

"Fast 'N' Furious": wholesale distribution of blackmarket guns by the DOJ and ATF and their informants to mexican drug cartels with no tracking devices, no limits on the number of guns, and no consent from the mexican government. it was actual gun running performed by agents and informants of the us government to supply criminals in mexico for a profit, and the seed money for the enterprise was from the stimulus bill. millions of dollars, thousands of guns, no control, no tracking, no law enforcement utility, just gun running for profit at taxpayers expense, and the cost of many lives in mexico and the US.
i know in big threads posts get lost, so i reprinted this one homey.
also "gunwalking' is a bullshit euphamism for what Holder and the O-man allowed to happen right under their noses, which was gun running.


Well-Known Member


thats kinda fucked up.

and kinda pussy

i cant stop laughing
you wouldn't if you saw the number that low hung shower head inflicted upon me.

one second i'm taking a shower, the next second i am screaming bloody murder on the floor, unable to move or breathe. muscles locked up and seeming like they were never going to unfuck themselves.

i thought that was the end of it, freak shower head incident, but no. we get home and a few days later i am waking up in the middle of the night doing the same routine.

if i put in a heavy day of grunt work pulling weeds or building a greenhouse, i am very liable to lock up for the next week. there have been times when i have been lying on the floor, unable to even get up and get the aleve, waiting helplessly for my wife to get home.

but the vacation was great minus that incident. some silicon forest foreign guy hit my wife's bumper in a parking lot and even though we are a no fault state and they were on private property and not public, the dude volunteers himself to be at fault and has intel's insurance cover the accident. some insurance goon comes by, tells us what we already know about her busted bumper, headlight, and quarter panel and they send us a check for $1500 the next week.

well, i bought some cheap, chinese made after market parts for $300, slap those fuckers on there, and we take an 8 day tour of the state of oregon with the rest of the loot.

good times.

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
you wouldn't if you saw the number that low hung shower head inflicted upon me.

one second i'm taking a shower, the next second i am screaming bloody murder on the floor, unable to move or breathe. muscles locked up and seeming like they were never going to unfuck themselves.

i thought that was the end of it, freak shower head incident, but no. we get home and a few days later i am waking up in the middle of the night doing the same routine.

if i put in a heavy day of grunt work pulling weeds or building a greenhouse, i am very liable to lock up for the next week. there have been times when i have been lying on the floor, unable to even get up and get the aleve, waiting helplessly for my wife to get home.

but the vacation was great minus that incident. some silicon forest foreign guy hit my wife's bumper in a parking lot and even though we are a no fault state and they were on private property and not public, the dude volunteers himself to be at fault and has intel's insurance cover the accident. some insurance goon comes by, tells us what we already know about her busted bumper, headlight, and quarter panel and they send us a check for $1500 the next week.

well, i bought some cheap, chinese made after market parts for $300, slap those fuckers on there, and we take an 8 day tour of the state of oregon with the rest of the loot.

good times.
... and you did the right thing and sent back the difference, huh?