• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

President Obama Falsely Claims Fast and Furious Program “Begun Under the Previous Adm


Well-Known Member
So many docs committing malpractice by prescribing mmj

Thousands of years of cannabis being considered medicine means nothing I guess.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
The administration wasn't aware of Fast and Furious.
the administration should have been fucking aware of "Fast 'n' Furious". they should have been TOTALLY aware of it, so aware that the agents involved got sent to prison. they now CLAIM they knew nothing, but Cockbreath tumbled all over himself desperately trying to cover up and conceal any information that showed he should have been aware of it, and certainly no information YET has proven that he was aware of it, or in fact that he was aware of, or involved in, any action by his department EXCEPT the crackdown on state licensed cannabis dispensaries and arizona's attempt to stem the tide of illegal aliens in their state. THOSE actions have Cockbreath's fingerprints all over them.

but "Fast n Furious"? nahh, i bet there was also "No Controlling Legal Authority" and he "Did Not Have Financial Relations with Those Gun Runners" either.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
So many docs committing malpractice by prescribing mmj

Thousands of years of cannabis being considered medicine means nothing I guess.
i hate to play devils advocate but for thousands of years bloodletting was "medicine" too, as was ritual cannibalism, ritual murder, ritual torture, drinking mercury, inhaling the vapours of smouldering opium pellets, and having one's penis trimmed to suit the "covenant" with an invisible man with a penchant for mass murder...

just because something was popular in the bronze age doesnt mean we should necessarily embrace it today.

all that aside, mmj is A-OK i love cannabis, in all it's forms, and yes im not ashamed to admit it.

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
the administration should have been fucking aware of "Fast 'n' Furious". they should have been TOTALLY aware of it, so aware that the agents involved got sent to prison. they now CLAIM they knew nothing, but Cockbreath tumbled all over himself desperately trying to cover up and conceal any information that showed he should have been aware of it, and certainly no information YET has proven that he was aware of it, or in fact that he was aware of, or involved in, any action by his department EXCEPT the crackdown on state licensed cannabis dispensaries and arizona's attempt to stem the tide of illegal aliens in their state. THOSE actions have Cockbreath's fingerprints all over them.

but "Fast n Furious"? nahh, i bet there was also "No Controlling Legal Authority" and he "Did Not Have Financial Relations with Those Gun Runners" either.
You left out the Black Panther voter scandal.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Hence the farce of MMJ,That a twat like you can lie to doctor and get a card.

Your neighbor deserves it,But a twat like you does not.
ohh come now, a twat like bucky DESERVES a card, if not twats then whom?

speaking as a twat myself, i am insufferable without a doobie tucked between my labial folds.

the important point in MMJ laws is that the government decides who may or may not enjoy the sweet leaf, while any asshole with 21 years under his belt can legally get faced on 4-Loko, zima, and schmirnoff ice. i would rather any twat with 21 years under his belt be able to grow, buy and smoke all the grass he desires with no more control over the stuff than there is over cigarettes, yet the MAN tells me herb is poison, but marlboro reds are a health potion.

mmj may be a fig leaf to many stoners, but the simple fact that they NEED that fig leaf is proof that some asshole is still arguing they are subject to "Original Sin" also, of you ever actually wore a fig leaf you would not dismiss the sacrifices made by those who wear them so easily. those fuckers will wear a hole in your bell end, and the fit is terrible.

plus you just cant find shoes to match.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
You left out the Black Panther voter scandal.
you mean Malik "Every Iota Of A cracker I Hate" Shabaazz and his dopey clowncar full of morons in hitler youhth outfits hanging around a polling place? yeah, Cockbreath dropped the ball on that one too, but there was never much of a case. that snood snuffler never actually did anything or approached anybody. he should have been thrown in jail, or "accidentally" deported to guatemala or some shit, but he really is an insignificant little bug.

he doesnt even rustle my jimmies.


Well-Known Member
the administration should have been fucking aware of "Fast 'n' Furious". they should have been TOTALLY aware of it, so aware that the agents involved got sent to prison. they now CLAIM they knew nothing, but Cockbreath tumbled all over himself desperately trying to cover up and conceal any information that showed he should have been aware of it, and certainly no information YET has proven that he was aware of it, or in fact that he was aware of, or involved in, any action by his department EXCEPT the crackdown on state licensed cannabis dispensaries and arizona's attempt to stem the tide of illegal aliens in their state. THOSE actions have Cockbreath's fingerprints all over them.

but "Fast n Furious"? nahh, i bet there was also "No Controlling Legal Authority" and he "Did Not Have Financial Relations with Those Gun Runners" either.
by the way, there was a massive cover up to conceal Fast and Furious from Holder


Well-Known Member
i hate to play devils advocate but for thousands of years bloodletting was "medicine" too, as was ritual cannibalism, ritual murder, ritual torture, drinking mercury, inhaling the vapours of smouldering opium pellets, and having one's penis trimmed to suit the "covenant" with an invisible man with a penchant for mass murder...

just because something was popular in the bronze age doesnt mean we should necessarily embrace it today.

all that aside, mmj is A-OK i love cannabis, in all it's forms, and yes im not ashamed to admit it.
in thousands of years of continual use, still no cases of cannabis alone causing harm

So thousands of doctors are committing malpractice then?


Well-Known Member
Hence the farce of MMJ,That a twat like you can lie to doctor and get a card.

I did not know having a micro-penis was a medical condition.

Your neighbor deserves it,But a twat like you does not.
i didn't fake shit. i had been to the doctor several times about a persistent muscle spasm in my back. shortly after starting to grow, i looked up the law and was pleasantly surprised to find that my condition was covered.

my micro penis is a point of pride, not a medical condition, neckbeard.


Well-Known Member
you mean Malik "Every Iota Of A cracker I Hate" Shabaazz and his dopey clowncar full of morons in hitler youhth outfits hanging around a polling place? yeah, Cockbreath dropped the ball on that one too, but there was never much of a case. that snood snuffler never actually did anything or approached anybody. he should have been thrown in jail, or "accidentally" deported to guatemala or some shit, but he really is an insignificant little bug.

he doesnt even rustle my jimmies.
why did the bush DOJ not go after that?

oh, that's right. no evidence. at all. not one iota.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Project Gunrunner(Fast and Furious) began in Laredo, Texas, in 2005 and was expanded in 2006. Operation Fast and Furious(originally Gunrunner) was operational from 2009 to 2011. The operations were committed by Justice and ATF. Not only did Obama not institute this policy(that happened under Bush) but Obama did not have first hand knowledge of the current operations.

You conservatives are trying to grab at anything just to create and promote propaganda in hopes enough people believe it so it has some effect. But it won't. It's both pleasing and sad to see this movement and the republican party slowly and surely dying. It's a weird thing to witness, but it definitely puts a smile on my face.

Obama by 9% in popular. Obama by 128 in electorals.

Accept facts, right-wing conservatism is dead. There are almost as many democrat conservatives as there are republican conservatives, so the fact 50% of the country identifies themselves as a conservative is meaningless. Almost half of those vote dem, about half a percent of the conservative dems vote republican.
Dems have the gays, women, the youth and the elderly.
The Obama re-election and the republican losses in congress will not be a fluke, it will be a new direction. Fucking just accept it, you lost.
operation gunrunner is NOT gun running, gun runners are the target, by allowing mexico guatemala, brazil chile et al access to our gun serial number tracking database and software. it had nothing to do with placing guns into the black market to track them, that was wide reciever, a small pilot program with GPS trackers placed inside of a small number of guns which were then inserted into the black market with the assistance of the mexican federal police....

fast n fiurious was unrelated to the PILOT PROGRAM "wide receiver' that was canceled in the first year for being unworkable, while "operation gunrunner" was expanded, because it was about tracing guns through their transaction history, not selling guns to the cartels you insufferable dimwit.

youre a moron. there are 3 separate programs and you have squeezed them all together like a child with a lump of play-dough.

"Gun Runner": tracking guns seized in crimes by their serial number through their transaction history to see if any particular person or company has resulted in an abnormally large number of guns winding up in the hands of criminals. it is quite simple. the forms you fill out for the ATF when you buy or transfer a gun these days goes into a database that is "Totally Not Gun Registration" gun registration. if your gun later winds up in the hands of the cops from a crime scene, you may have to answer questions about this gun. if a dozen guns belonging to you wind up in a cartel shootout with the federale's you may wind up in a mexican prison waiting for your turn at trial.

"Wide Receiver": a small pilot program started under dubya's administration, with the intention of fitting GPS receivers into the bodies of a FEW guns, and inserting them into the black market to track the migratory patterns of black marketeers. this program was a JOINT operation with the DOJ, ATF, and Mexican Federal Police. few guns, tracking devices, with mexico's help and consent, it was canceled as unworkable after the first year and about 20 guns.

"Fast 'N' Furious": wholesale distribution of blackmarket guns by the DOJ and ATF and their informants to mexican drug cartels with no tracking devices, no limits on the number of guns, and no consent from the mexican government. it was actual gun running performed by agents and informants of the us government to supply criminals in mexico for a profit, and the seed money for the enterprise was from the stimulus bill. millions of dollars, thousands of guns, no control, no tracking, no law enforcement utility, just gun running for profit at taxpayers expense, and the cost of many lives in mexico and the US.

do you see the difference no mister thehole? does it begin to make sense why the "bush gun walking" bullshit is just a fanciful silk stocking full of shit to distract you from the stench of the Holder/Obama regime's failures?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
in thousands of years of continual use, still no cases of cannabis alone causing harm

So thousands of doctors are committing malpractice then?
did i say that? no.

as "medicine" cannabis has as much utility for most illnesses as vaginal fumigation for psychosis.

for mood maintainance, recreation, stress relief, and appetite inducement cannabis is highly effective. the only thing that works better for me personally is a good hard shag with a hot chick, plus a blowjob on the side.

dope is often easier to come by.

dope good. me likey dope. me use dope for may things.

but me realist. me mostly use dope to get high.

that not bad thing. gettin high good.

me likey getting high.

me likey dope.

me wish not have to have medical problem to qualify for dope.

me much happy arthritis qualifying condition for dope.

if me wave magic wand and fix busted knee me still want dope though.

me not like other drug me take for busted knee and bad back shoulder and hip. if me fixxee them things me not take naprosyn and diuretics no more.

me still want dope though. cuz dope good.

and percoset.

percoset also good.


Well-Known Member
did i say that? no.

as "medicine" cannabis has as much utility for most illnesses as vaginal fumigation for psychosis.

for mood maintainance, recreation, stress relief, and appetite inducement cannabis is highly effective. the only thing that works better for me personally is a good hard shag with a hot chick, plus a blowjob on the side.

dope is often easier to come by.

dope good. me likey dope. me use dope for may things.

but me realist. me mostly use dope to get high.

that not bad thing. gettin high good.

me likey getting high.

me likey dope.

me wish not have to have medical problem to qualify for dope.

me much happy arthritis qualifying condition for dope.

if me wave magic wand and fix busted knee me still want dope though.

me not like other drug me take for busted knee and bad back shoulder and hip. if me fixxee them things me not take naprosyn and diuretics no more.

me still want dope though. cuz dope good.

and percoset.

percoset also good.
So you don't believe cannabis has actual medicinal value, therefore thousands of doctors are guilty of malpractice.


Well-Known Member
operation gunrunner is NOT gun running, gun runners are the target, by allowing mexico guatemala, brazil chile et al access to our gun serial number tracking database and software. it had nothing to do with placing guns into the black market to track them, that was wide reciever, a small pilot program with GPS trackers placed inside of a small number of guns which were then inserted into the black market with the assistance of the mexican federal police....

fast n fiurious was unrelated to the PILOT PROGRAM "wide receiver' that was canceled in the first year for being unworkable, while "operation gunrunner" was expanded, because it was about tracing guns through their transaction history, not selling guns to the cartels you insufferable dimwit.

youre a moron. there are 3 separate programs and you have squeezed them all together like a child with a lump of play-dough.

"Gun Runner": tracking guns seized in crimes by their serial number through their transaction history to see if any particular person or company has resulted in an abnormally large number of guns winding up in the hands of criminals. it is quite simple. the forms you fill out for the ATF when you buy or transfer a gun these days goes into a database that is "Totally Not Gun Registration" gun registration. if your gun later winds up in the hands of the cops from a crime scene, you may have to answer questions about this gun. if a dozen guns belonging to you wind up in a cartel shootout with the federale's you may wind up in a mexican prison waiting for your turn at trial.

"Wide Receiver": a small pilot program started under dubya's administration, with the intention of fitting GPS receivers into the bodies of a FEW guns, and inserting them into the black market to track the migratory patterns of black marketeers. this program was a JOINT operation with the DOJ, ATF, and Mexican Federal Police. few guns, tracking devices, with mexico's help and consent, it was canceled as unworkable after the first year and about 20 guns.

"Fast 'N' Furious": wholesale distribution of blackmarket guns by the DOJ and ATF and their informants to mexican drug cartels with no tracking devices, no limits on the number of guns, and no consent from the mexican government. it was actual gun running performed by agents and informants of the us government to supply criminals in mexico for a profit, and the seed money for the enterprise was from the stimulus bill. millions of dollars, thousands of guns, no control, no tracking, no law enforcement utility, just gun running for profit at taxpayers expense, and the cost of many lives in mexico and the US.

do you see the difference no mister thehole? does it begin to make sense why the "bush gun walking" bullshit is just a fanciful silk stocking full of shit to distract you from the stench of the Holder/Obama regime's failures?
by the way, The administration was unaware of Fast and Furious.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
why did the bush DOJ not go after that?

oh, that's right. no evidence. at all. not one iota.
yes buck

shabaazz was guilty of First Degree Dickery and being a public embarrassment. unfortunately those are not crimes so he walked. his polling place shenanigans would have resulted in a small fine and a few hours of community service at most so holder let it slide.

this does not absolve holder of his responsibility for the insane bullshit that went on right under his nose in "Fast 'N' Furious" nor does the "Massive coverup to conceal the program from Holder" absolve him of his mismanagement that allowed a coverup to conceal criminal acts within his own department of justice when he takes such delight in micromanaging the affairs of the states with cannabis laws.

incompetence does not excuse incompetence.

his inability to see the coverup (particularly a "Massive" one) does not excuse his inability to see a multimillion dollar gun running operation in his own living room.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
So you don't believe cannabis has actual medicinal value, therefore thousands of doctors are guilty of malpractice.
did i say that? no. i said for MOST illnesses it is as useless as vaginal fumigation for psychosis.

it is an excellent pain reliever (when i dont have to be able to do anything afterwards) a fine sleep inducer, excellent for mood maintainance, and superior to liquor at relaxing my stress and easing my muscles out of their knots at the end of a day.

it does NOT cure my injuries, spped the healing of wounds, reduce the appearance of my scars, smooth away wrinkles, enlarge my penis, increase my Q zone, enhance my body's ability to eliminate "toxins", increase my balance and agility, enhance my physical strength, promote alertness, balance my humours, exorcise demons, make me more in tune with the natural world, treat my allergies, repair the damaged kidneys in diabetic rats, or make me grow fuller more luxurious pubic hair or allow me to seal in the freshness of my favorite foods with it's patented Flav-R-Seal technology.

it's not malpractice to give a patient something that might help, but also cant harm him.

plus i like smoking weed.