Romney lies about his taxes again!

Considering the circumstances not too badly IMO

now tell me how that quote about the whole USA compares to mitts quote about his personal taxes?

Frankly, I doubt any level headed person cares as long as he didn't break any laws.

Considering the the circumstances not so badly, really? I'd like to know how you would have judged George Bush had he said the same thing and our economy was in the state it is today?
No matter WHAT little b.s. crap people post it is still a sad day for America when anyone could re elect a man like obumma. He has sent our country deeper on the road to the New World Order & the loss of our freedoms thru governmet control. Made us look like fools to the rest of ther world & still will not act like a President & take control of our country, Our Country, & not make us into a third world nation.
To see Americans wanting our Country to fail with His policies is beyond belief to me. Wake Up America & take our country back.
No matter WHAT little b.s. crap people post it is still a sad day for America when anyone could re elect a man like obumma. He has sent our country deeper on the road to the New World Order & the loss of our freedoms thru governmet control. Made us look like fools to the rest of ther world & still will not act like a President & take control of our country, Our Country, & not make us into a third world nation.
To see Americans wanting our Country to fail with His policies is beyond belief to me. Wake Up America & take our country back.

Location Arizona Desert bunker let me guess
You love Jan Brewer
Think Sherrif Joe is a patriot
Think about joining the Minuteman border militia
And think Lynching an empty chair is not racist
No matter WHAT little b.s. crap people post it is still a sad day for America when anyone could re elect a man like obumma. He has sent our country deeper on the road to the New World Order & the loss of our freedoms thru governmet control. Made us look like fools to the rest of ther world & still will not act like a President & take control of our country, Our Country, & not make us into a third world nation.
To see Americans wanting our Country to fail with His policies is beyond belief to me. Wake Up America & take our country back.

The black helicopter is coming for you!
that's what Nader voters said before they handed America to Dubya

Ever heard of jingoism? I'm not even going to ask about the other rhetorical devices. "....they handed America..." So, badly stated.
Uplift of dialog is possible in your case, I can tell.

What do you really mean? Leave out the slogans and the inside sneers, the passive aggressive, the condescension, the "oh no, what if" and as many partisan jabs as you possibly can contain and just tell what you mean?

Surely the Left has not grown this inarticulate. "That's what Nader voter said...???" Please. Uplift? I don't remember any significance to the Nader vote at all.
“I will be held accountable. You know, I’ve got four years. … A year from now, I think people are gonna see that we’re starting to make some progress, but there’s still gonna be some pain out there. If I don’t this done in three years, then there’s gonna be a one-term proposition.” Barack Obama

How should America judge Barack Obama on his own standard?
Considering the circumstances not too badly IMO
What circumstances are you talking about? The nation being in debt? Is that your circumstance? So what would you say about Obamas second term circumstances, seeing as how he had 4 years, the house, senate, and legislature to get shit done?

But you claim this... Comical
I love watching this circus and rmoney's implosion you really couldn't make this shit up. The biggest cherry on the cake is people like you who are desperately trying to defend the train wreck

Gotta love hypocrites.
Ever heard of jingoism? I'm not even going to ask about the other rhetorical devices. "....they handed America..." So, badly stated.
Uplift of dialog is possible in your case, I can tell.

What do you really mean? Leave out the slogans and the inside sneers, the passive aggressive, the condescension, the "oh no, what if" and as many partisan jabs as you possibly can contain and just tell what you mean?

Surely the Left has not grown this inarticulate. "That's what Nader voter said...???" Please. Uplift? I don't remember any significance to the Nader vote at all.

Harper rules Canada with an iron fist because his opposition is split as a result of the 3 party system, it is far worse down here.

I almost forgot to condescend you for being a birther and ideologue of teabagger proportions who continually reminds others to refrain from partisanship. That makes you a hypocrite too.

If Romney avoided paying taxes he is a cheating scumbag.

If he paid too much in taxes then he is a liar.

I guess you guys wont be happy no matter what... Proves you are just a racist.... (hey, it works for the left)

romney overpaid. by his own words, this makes him unqualified to be POTUS.

and yes, i am racist against white people like my own mother, my own father, and your dead whore of a mother.

get real, kiddo.
Mitt Romney has never written a check bigger than what he OWED the IRS due to his tax calculations...

romney intentionally overpaid so that he would not contradict what he said in august about paying less than 13%. intentionally overpaying, by his own admission, makes him unfit to be POTUS.

go cry in your corn flakes now.
The real issue is the guy gives a staggering amount of his money to charity. You're trying to split hairs over the fact he didn't take enough deductions on his CHARITABLE DONATIONS. CHARITABLE DONATIONS!

The entire narrative has been he didn't pay ANY TAXES. Now, when that bullshit has been utterly destroyed, you think that anyone with a brain in their heads is actually going to be upset he paid too much in taxes...because he donated so much to charity?

Not to mention that his average tax rate was around 20%, even with an average charitable donation percentage of 13+%. He puts you, me, Obama, Biden, Reid, Pelosi and just about every scumbag in Congress to shame with those numbers. But as usual, the outright lies that endlessly come from the left and especially this administration, did what they were intended to do. Provide cover for the laughable ineptitude and criminal incompetence of Obama and the band of idiots we know as the Democratic leadership.

obama gave more of his money to charity than willard did.

now who else is up for putting minority rights to a majority vote? :lol:
Harper rules Canada with an iron fist because his opposition is split as a result of the 3 party system, it is far worse down here.

A third party is a problem for either side. Nader, Pee Row, any independent bid is facing uphill. But, both sides have to fight downhill and waste the resources. We might also consider that money is not a factor either. We have seen it all. Nothing really new in politics since Alcibiades played all sides and got pass after pass from the Athenians, won and lost major conflicts, changed sides, more than once and ended up advisor to the enemy, Darius of Persia (now Iran)

The broad view is what the Pro players are engaged. China's 500 year plan does not include the USA.. The blood craze of religion goes endlessly back. Fascists have not given up and now are rooting themselves in Sharia martyrdom. 100 years is nothing to this reality.

The uniqueness of our system is constantly being tested. Folks flock here, US citizens don't flock elsewhere. The infinite sub-division of detail and the practical requirement in a social sense to have opinions is the current confusion. Cocktail party chatter.

We are now so evenly divided we can have Independent Senators. They didn't take the $$$ fruit of the poison Party line. Need more of that.

We don't need a 3rd party and they don't mean much, never have. We need freedom from twisted, opinionated, Ideology. Get some Realism going again. We used to see a body count in Nam. The hard world flayed out hard. Walter Cronkite, good night. What happened to the Fire Eating Press? We are being schmoozed and lulled, and feed good lines to be actors on the stage, if we let it. Do you not think so?
A third party is a problem for either side. Nader, Pee Row, any independent bid is facing uphill. But, both sides have to fight downhill and waste the resources. We might also consider that money is not a factor either. We have seen it all. Nothing really new in politics since Alcibiades played all sides and got pass after pass from the Athenians, won and lost major conflicts, changed sides, more than once and ended up advisor to the ememy, Darius of Persia (now Iran)

The broad view is what the Pro players are engaged. China's 500 year plan does not include the USA.. The blood craze of religion goes endlessly back. Fascists have not given up and now are rooting themselves in Sharia martyrdom. 100 years is nothing to this reality.

The uniqueness of our system is constantly being tested. Folks flock here, US citizens don't flock elsewhere. The invinite sub-diviision of detail and the practical reqirement in a social sense to have opinions is the current confusion. We are now so evenly divided we can have Independent Senators. They didn't take the $$$ fruit of the poison Party line.

We don't need a 3rd party and they don't mean much, never have. We need freedom from twisted, opinionated, Ideololgy. Get some Realism going again. We used to see a body count in Nam. The hard world layed out hard. Walter Chronkite, good night. What happened to the Fire Eating Press? We are being smoozed and lulled, if we let it. Do you not think so?

I don't share your world view. Grassroots activism can and is guiding the left further left. This is better than having a third candidate to split electoral votes. The GOP is going to fall on it's face and will not return until it embraces it's popular voices, such as Ron Paul. Yeah I said it.
What circumstances are you talking about? The nation being in debt? Is that your circumstance? So what would you say about Obamas second term circumstances, seeing as how he had 4 years, the house, senate, and legislature to get shit done?

But you claim this... Comical

Gotta love hypocrites.

Then why is Obama back peddling, why is he now saying it was worse than they all thought? Why is he saying it now takes more than one term, did he not claim he could cut the budget in half by his first term?

Yep, gotta love them hypocrites!
Then why is Obama back peddling, why is he now saying it was worse than they all thought? Why is he saying it now takes more than one term, did he not claim he could cut the budget in half by his first term?

Yep, gotta love them hypocrites!

the hypocrites are the ones who stood behind the douchecanoe who said "deficits don't matter" while you were amassing record deficits, higher and higher and higher.

obama has cut the deficit that you retarded asshats left the nation with despite being left with a major fucking recession thanks to you retarded asshats.

and he has done it all while cutting down on federal employees, unlike how you retarded asshats got out of the comparatively little downturns you retarded asshats had to deal with.
Harper rules Canada with an iron fist because his opposition is split as a result of the 3 party system, it is far worse down here.

I almost forgot to condescend you for being a birther and ideologue of teabagger proportions who continually reminds others to refrain from partisanship. That makes you a hypocrite too.

sorry, I know you forgot to say that. I'm not pushing an ideology, I have no idea about what the tea party is suppose to stand for. I'm out on the Left coast. I really am detached from opinion. You can label that what you want. It took a lot of work. But, in the end, who am I kidding. I don't care enough about opinion to see what a tea partyer is suppose to say. It can't matter what you think of me.

I'm warning about Jehad and that a religious cloak on fascism from the actual gestapo element is what we are seeing. And we are seeing appeasement again. We are acting like it's all over, like WW1, then WW2, then WW3. It is not over. I'm not into the petty ideology. It lead me astray and I found my way back to just me. So, more issue, less personal. Maybe you do want to discuss what I know about Barry?
""I don't pay more than are legally due and frankly if I had paid more than are legally due I don't think I'd be qualified to become president," Romney said. "I'd think people would want me to follow the law and pay only what the tax code requires.""

Yeah this is all the "lefts" "doing".....

Hey I like that. Now put that together with BO saying that if he doesn't do his job, it will be a one term presidency and we might get somebody worth a shit.
I don't share your world view. Grassroots activism can and is guiding the left further left. This is better than having a third candidate to split electoral votes. The GOP is going to fall on it's face and will not return until it embraces it's popular voices, such as Ron Paul. Yeah I said it.

Thank you. Very well put.