my back yard grow

when the vk and bubbleberry fill out some more ill get some closer pis they are only as big as a loonie so far hope they get pop can size
forgot to say this grow is for my dad we found out just after xmas that hes got cancer on his spine and liver been buying is meds for to long knowing i can grow way better the bud helps him so much with the chemo the gov wont give him his lic to smoke but the doc at the cancer clinic told him to smoke as much as he wants got to hate health canada sometimes
Looks good Josh, Should be great by the 20th of October. Probably will be good by tbe 10th even. It's nice to see a fellow Canadian's grow, Fuck the rain has been shitty this Month eh. I'm in Sudbury but I'm pretty sure all Of Eastern and Northern Ontario have been getting hit hard. Not a lot of nice days either. The ground around some of my plants are literally flooded, one plant has about a foot of water in the grow hole the soil is reseeding too lol.
Well just went out to one of my corn fields to check up and some goofs stole 90% of my plants I'm so pissed
Looks good Josh, Should be great by the 20th of October. Probably will be good by tbe 10th even. It's nice to see a fellow Canadian's grow, Fuck the rain has been shitty this Month eh. I'm in Sudbury but I'm pretty sure all Of Eastern and Northern Ontario have been getting hit hard. Not a lot of nice days either. The ground around some of my plants are literally flooded, one plant has about a foot of water in the grow hole the soil is reseeding too lol.
the rain has been nuts why couldnt we get it in july what kinds are you growing codster
forgot to say this grow is for my dad we found out just after xmas that hes got cancer on his spine and liver been buying is meds for to long knowing i can grow way better the bud helps him so much with the chemo the gov wont give him his lic to smoke but the doc at the cancer clinic told him to smoke as much as he wants got to hate health canada sometimes
Gotta follow doc's orders :)
Hey Josh, so sorry to hear that man. I'm growing Purple Kush, White Rhino X Ice,Happy Outdoor Mix, and Indoor Mix. Started out with several dozen and am down to a couple dozen medium and some 1 and 2 footers. We'll see how things fair out it is hunting season here for us though. I'm in Sudbury man
That's too bad, I hate thieves, but especially like in your case when it was meds for dad.
Any idea who might have done it?
well they did leave the bottem 10% of the plants and no idea who took them the rippers are going up in the air to look for them the last few years