1800W HEMPY SCROGs (Vertical/Horizontal) Simultaneously in High Definition! (video)

Day 26 - Flower Day 1 - Video Update

No sound, but that doesn't really matter in a grow video unless I am talking anyway... Premiere is really stupid about audio issues with AVCHD.

The spinning of the bulb is hypnotic, how many bulbs did you break perfecting that lol? But yeah in all seriousness the plants look great and glad to see you got your veg room set up and going i need to get mine taken care of I'm almost ready to flower and I've got no place to put my mother clones.
I moved my carbon filter to the corner and as high to the ceiling as I can get it (actually as high as it will go, vertically) on the metal table it started on... plus a speaker stand lol. I don't have metal screws and don't want to screw the filter into the fan so I don't trust hanging it. I just wrapped bungees around it too as I was going to try hanging it then I remembered the fan is resting in the filter not screwed to it.

This is as good as it's going to get I think... temps are pretty ouch right now but I have it @ 1800W and I also have all my electronics, ballasts, etc inside the grow room as it's not very stealthy if you have all that crap outside... I am not settling on these temperature/humidity conditions just stress testing more I will attempt to figure something out to bring them down some. I can always cut back the power on my ballasts but that seems like a really rough trade off.. might keep the MH @ 50-75% this is everything @ 100% right now.

Temps don't look to bad shit im running a 400 watter and my temps aren't much lower than that I've got a lot less space though, you do have that fan and filter secured up there right? wouldn't want that tower to come crashing down on all you hard mad scientist work.
Yeah it's 'somewhat' secure but I am still working on getting it nice and settled in... luckily if it falls it's got a nice clear area of concrete to break on and shut off hopefully!

I added another oscillation fan directly under the A/C raised up so it's working in unison with the other one and I am holding 82 steady (which I am happy with after doing a bit of reading past hour) and this is @ 1650W which means I have both HPS cooking @ full blast and the MH @ 75% and that's honestly not too bad IMO, I think I can still stay under 85 with the full 1800W though. I am rather impressed considering I am not air cooling my lights and almost everyone does that to manage temps.
I think this is my signal to smoke a bowl... haha

Nearing the end of Day 1 Flower (Day 26)... updated photos.

PPM: 1040
PH: 5.6-6.2 (Adjusted today, not quite settled at a perfect 5.8 yet, well haven't checked in a couple hours)

Day 2 Flower (lights on soon) Day 27 Total

I have all of my nutrients now, will be making a full transition to flowering schedule soon (when I figure it out) the other day I mixed up a batch of...

(10 Gallons)

FloraMicro (80ml)
FloraBloom (160ml)
FloraLicious Plus (Label)
CaliMagic (Label)
FloraNectar (Label)
PH Down to 5.8

All of this in roughly 10-11 Gallons gives me 1040 PPM

I also have Liquid Koolbloom, Dry Koolbloom and Dutch Masters Reverse (to see if it will prevent any hermie issues w/ the 2 bag seed plants) I am considering spraying it ASAP BEFORE I see any signs of hermies, or even sex for that matter... any thoughts? I think I am going to avoid using it on any of the clone plants though as I don't think it's necessary. I am reluctant to have those 2 plants in with my others but they're probably NY City Diesel and I wouldn't mind having some of that in my harvest... If I see male flowers I don't think I am going to risk 'picking and maintaining' them I will likely just remove them and kill them unless they're far enough along to make some hash or something.

Unsure of Koolbloom ideal schedule right now too... or even when I am going to start it, from what I read the Liquid helps increase bud sites while the Dry is more for adding weight toward the end & ripening.

I'll bring on the Liquid anytime but I don't think people do it straight away... thoughts on that?
Anything else I should add?... I am looking at the Expert feeding schedule they have and Diamond Nectar is under weight... I haven't even looked into it yet (about to) but definitely don't want to miss out on anything I should really add during flowering. Also sucks my strains have different flowering times because I am using one reservoir for automated feeding. I suppose I will have to hand water those which are further along when it comes time to flushing and switching to Dry KoolBloom, etc. If there's anything I absolutely should add though please let me know. I stopped using the RapidStart since I don't think I should be wasting it on 12/12...
If you are planning on keeping the smoke for your self you could always use a water cure to counter act the lack of a harvest flush, you also have the added benefit of using nutes all the way until the end of flowering with out all of the harshness that comes with it. I am planning on doing a water cure because i am using a premixed soil and my nutes are all in my soil already i wont be able to flush them all out, i also don't have a drying room that has its ventilation filtered and i don't want to stop production to dry out my harvest in my flowering room. There are many many benefits to a water cure over a regular one ill go threw just a few of them, speed with water curing it takes about 7 days from start to finish and it will be the smoothest smoke you have ever had with out having to wait months on a jar cure, mold you don't have to worry about mold setting in while you are drying them you also don't have to worry about drying them to much and ending up with dust weed, odor and space requirements when you water cure all of your plants are submerged in water so they do not smell you also you do not need nearly as much space since you can pretty much just put your entire harvest into a couple of coolers and submerge them.

There are 2 more pros or possible cons depending on how you look at them, the water cure makes the smoke smell a lot less because when you cure it in the water a lot of the chemicals that are leached out of the plants are the ones that create the smell, i have heard people say that you could smoke the stuff in front of a cop and he wouldn't be able to smell it, as i said a pro for some and a con for others. The other pro / con is that the water cure actually reduces the dry weight of your harvest but that actually increases the potency of the marijuana, because the water cure leaches out all of the chemicals that are harsh and useless to you it decreases the weight and since thc is not water soluble the % in the marijuana actually goes up.
From everything I have been reading I am starting to wonder if i should have went with Bud Blood / Big Blood for flower instead of Kool Bloom, sounds like it can pack on quite a heavy increase... my friend also uses "Shooting Powder" and swears by that too... any advice, anyone? I want the best possible results I can get all things considered.
I just sprayed them all with a liberal dose of peroxide solution just to help keep it at bay until I have a proper solution... this sucks, they look good fine at the moment but there were a few mild traces and I doubt it was perlite dust (although I did transplants in there with dry perlite a few times and topped off) so maybe I am lucky there's tons of air movement and that stuff does fly around easy... especially since I had a half used open bag in my room past 2 days I kept kicking by accident. lol... but yeah, it's probably mildew.

I think I will buy a Sulfer Burner here in the next day or two and solve the problem the real way... need to do my research first and get everything down, it should be done ASAP though if it is in fact mildew since I am flowering now and don't want that being done much later than the week or so.
You mention a problem and i give you a solution and that's spam garbage? Alright man ill stay out have fun talking to yourself...

Dude... there was a spam post right above that message, a moderator deleted it... Not talking about you!! It was some guy with 10 posts spamming about some india spammy type stuff.
I honestly cannot tell if this is or is not powdery mold... I have white powder residue on my reservoir (from perlite, 100% certain) and in other places... plus loose pieces of perlite (a whole damn pebble) resting on some lower leaves in various places... I am REALLY holding onto hope that it's perlite dust since my fans do blow air around pretty intensively and that stuff is light and fluffy like nothing when the surface is dry. Now that I did the spray with H2o2 / H2o It might not keep spreading as fast if it is so I guess time will tell... I figure within a few days from now I will just let everything take it's course and if I see it increasing I will bust out the milk or fungicide... possibly even a sulfur burner if needed.

HUMIDITY IS ONLY LOW 40% RANGE... Dehumidifier running @ Night... feels pretty dry in here to be honest, crossing fingers still...

The rest of my basement does seem like a suseptible area to mold though I may actually focus more on the whole basement than just my grow space a couple dehumidifiers I think would help and give me plenty of water to boot (and cleaning it up nice and neat down here)
Day 3 Flower - Day 28 Total

PPM: 1270
PH: 5.8

40% RH
81-84 degrees

They're looking good as far as I can tell, just fed them again as they had dried up (well not dangerously dry) since last night... crazy buggers love the nutes solution, I already gave some some Liquid KoolBloom although I think some people wait til a week in, also gave me a mild dose of Protekt to help combat any potential heat stress although they really haven't seemed to be unhappy with the conditions in here as far as I can tell. A few of the leaves in the Horizontal SCROG look a little beat up / shiny but that is carries over from weeks ago.. new growth is nice everywhere, again, to my knowledge.




I have never seen a grow in a circle like that. That is very interesting. What's the ideology behind it?
Oh it's been done plenty of times, I got the idea from forums like this... Just a take on vertical/cylinder scrog optimized for a vertically hung light... surround it by plants and it's pretty great use of a single 600W they seem to be loving it. I have always wanted to try this style since seeing the results and journals from some other people across the web. I definitely had to do a horizontal one as well to see which way I liked it more though and may adjust for the next round. I think I'll probably keep doing both though I really like the vertical too... my light rotates with the air current from the fan too continuously non-stop in a controlled fashion and it never keeps it sitting in one hot spot... ever so I think that helps too.
Dude... there was a spam post right above that message, a moderator deleted it... Not talking about you!! It was some guy with 10 posts spamming about some india spammy type stuff.

Oh sorry about the miss understanding... From what this article says, it doesn't sound like you have good conditions for a powdery mildew problem, http://buymarijuanaseeds.com/blog/general/what-causes-powdery-mildew-when-growing-medical-cannabis# it says prime conditions are between 60-70f and a high humidity level, 40% RH doesn't seem high to me. When your lights go out are you keeping you ventilation on, also do you have a min/max hygrometer so you can check the conditions over a 24 hour period?