My Neighbor Ripped My Plant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP!!!


Well-Known Member
I only read a little of this but please do not poison a weed plant outdoors.
I know thieves suck but teenagers have impulse problems it is just the way they are wired
and I would hate to see a DUMB KID get hurt over a weed.
My buddy has been losing squash out of his garden also but he is not gonna kill anyone.
Maybe find a safer spot to grow and multiple spots that way the deer and thieves leave you something at the end of the season.


Well-Known Member
You are 18, yes? I am about as sure that you have friends who knew about your grow, as you are that it was your neighbor. Could be anyone. If you are 99% sure it was your neighbor, I would get a disposable cell phone and call 911 to report that you were jogging by (insert his address) and say a naked young girl ran out screaming and a man ran out after her and dragged her back inside. They will search the shit out of home. If he has it, they will likely find it. You won't get it back, but you will get revenge.

Who knows, maybe he does have a young girl captive in there.
now what happens when he doesnt have the plant and he does although have like an 8th or whatever, maybe a little grow of his own going...


Well-Known Member
You are 18, yes? I am about as sure that you have friends who knew about your grow, as you are that it was your neighbor. Could be anyone. If you are 99% sure it was your neighbor, I would get a disposable cell phone and call 911 to report that you were jogging by (insert his address) and say a naked young girl ran out screaming and a man ran out after her and dragged her back inside. They will search the shit out of home. If he has it, they will likely find it. You won't get it back, but you will get revenge.

Who knows, maybe he does have a young girl captive in there.
Remind me to NEVER fuck you over. lol

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
I only read a little of this but please do not poison a weed plant outdoors.
I know thieves suck but teenagers have impulse problems it is just the way they are wired
and I would hate to see a DUMB KID get hurt over a weed.
My buddy has been losing squash out of his garden also but he is not gonna kill anyone.
Maybe find a safer spot to grow and multiple spots that way the deer and thieves leave you something at the end of the season.
so passive agreesive, but assertive at the asme time . . but i dont know about collateral damage . . . . what if guys didnt steal it but has a coke habit . . . you know

but da,mn if this isnt close to perfect scenerio

if guy ddint steal your plant no smell no worry about cops other than some harrasment(whichis wear the possible collateral deamge may exist if hes innocent)

best to just chalk it up to . . . dont grow in your back yard in saburbia


Well-Known Member
Hang out at the bus station and dress slutty, sleep with as many nasty transients as you can and let them all bust in you and take pictures and or video of it, do as many as you can in one day and go for the really nasty ones then go home don't wash and put on a short skirt and bikini top and hang out in the yard and wait for him, then when he says hi, be extra friendly and extra intrested, let things progress and then get him to lick your filthy hole, then stop him and start messing with your phone and then say check out what I was doing today and show him the pictures and laugh...


Well-Known Member
Get some dog shit .
Put it in a paper bag and set it on fire on his porch every other night ..make sure you ring the door bell and run...

Might not get your plant back but it should make for a shitty situation on his part

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
Hang out at the bus station and dress slutty, sleep with as many nasty transients as you can and let them all bust in you and take pictures and or video of it, do as many as you can in one day and go for the really nasty ones then go home don't wash and put on a short skirt and bikini top and hang out in the yard and wait for him, then when he says hi, be extra friendly and extra intrested, let things progress and then get him to lick your filthy hole, then stop him and start messing with your phone and then say check out what I was doing today and show him the pictures and laugh...
beardo . . . . .remember the self destructive behavior post . . .well it applys to thoughts to . . . just go find a nice dirty hoe and make her yours . . .you will be much happier


Well-Known Member
Shit in a bag and light it fire after your done stomping it out the answer will come to you... Works every time


Well-Known Member
Hang out at the bus station and dress slutty, sleep with as many nasty transients as you can and let them all bust in you and take pictures and or video of it, do as many as you can in one day and go for the really nasty ones then go home don't wash and put on a short skirt and bikini top and hang out in the yard and wait for him, then when he says hi, be extra friendly and extra intrested, let things progress and then get him to lick your filthy hole, then stop him and start messing with your phone and then say check out what I was doing today and show him the pictures and laugh...
I think you need to go pay for a hooker.....


Well-Known Member
now what happens when he doesnt have the plant and he does although have like an 8th or whatever, maybe a little grow of his own going...

Then that is some serious bullshit on the OP. The neighbor should come here to ask for my advice on his retaliation on the OP.

I personally feel it is the OPs fault for getting ripped. They came here asking how to get their plant back or how to get even. I offered what I feel would get the job done, without setting fire, or causing bodily harm to the neighbor or wildlife. The decision on who to blame and exact revenge on falls on the OP. I'm the gun, not the shooter.


Well-Known Member
Then that is some serious bullshit on the OP. The neighbor should come here to ask for my advice on his retaliation on the OP.

I personally feel it is the OPs fault for getting ripped. They came here asking how to get their plant back or how to get even. I offered what I feel would get the job done, without setting fire, or causing bodily harm to the neighbor or wildlife. The decision on who to blame and exact revenge on falls on the OP. I'm the gun, not the shooter.
i think it was you who said OP probably told friends.. im counting on that one


Well-Known Member
i stole some1 plants when i was young before i grew myself and new how much time and effort it was now everyyear they think it was me who robbed them im good friends with the guy i took his weeds son his parents want my head i jus bring my mase when i go hang wiith him lol hes a pretty solid dude not to say anything but we been threw mad shit i was jus a bad ass not worth it get caught gota watch ur bak unless there soft but these guys aint but fear no man and jus be ready for whaqt you have comin to you you on the other hand are a bitch if some1 took my shit i dont care who it is im gettin you back if not right away soon timesss and if i suspected a neighboor hes fuked has to put up wit me everyday ima smash him and go threw the crib y would you even bne the place


Well-Known Member
That's exactly why I don't grow outside,or even want any neighbors around.I mean it's your shit,and if you know he got it,go get it,don't let nobody just take your shit like that.


Active Member
i stole some1 plants when i was young before i grew myself and new how much time and effort it was now everyyear they think it was me who robbed them im good friends with the guy i took his weeds son his parents want my head i jus bring my mase when i go hang wiith him lol hes a pretty solid dude not to say anything but we been threw mad shit i was jus a bad ass not worth it get caught gota watch ur bak unless there soft but these guys aint but fear no man and jus be ready for whaqt you have comin to you you on the other hand are a bitch if some1 took my shit i dont care who it is im gettin you back if not right away soon timesss and if i suspected a neighboor hes fuked has to put up wit me everyday ima smash him and go threw the crib y would you even bne the place


Well-Known Member
i stole some1 plants when i was young before i grew myself and new how much time and effort it was now everyyear they think it was me who robbed them im good friends with the guy i took his weeds son his parents want my head i jus bring my mase when i go hang wiith him lol hes a pretty solid dude not to say anything but we been threw mad shit i was jus a bad ass not worth it get caught gota watch ur bak unless there soft but these guys aint but fear no man and jus be ready for whaqt you have comin to you you on the other hand are a bitch if some1 took my shit i dont care who it is im gettin you back if not right away soon timesss and if i suspected a neighboor hes fuked has to put up wit me everyday ima smash him and go threw the crib y would you even bne the place
Did anyone understand a word that fucker wrote....???


Well-Known Member
The dude doesent have a car and he is the only one that could possibly have it, also i dont really know him.........I really need a good idea to do besides these retarded ones to burn his house down......
move the fuck on. learn from the experience. how do you know he has guns if you don't even know the dude?