Is this Normal? Day after frost


My girls were exposed to frost the other night, and yesterday they seems to be doing okay. I went and checked on them this morning to see a major change in all the tops, and some leafs. The hairs seems to be dying, I'm not sure whats up with my plants, I just know that it is all three that have changed dramatically overnight. Not sure if I should just leave them be, and see what happens in the next few days, or should I just yank them now & salvage whats there? Hairs Changed Overnight.jpgBrownHairs.jpgAcid Sept20.jpgAcid DayBefore.jpgAcid DayAfter.jpg


Well-Known Member
yank now you will not be harvesting at 100% potential.. you are at 60%-70% now

have 2-4 weeks left... anyway to wrap em?


I'm sure I could build some type of tent to cover them at night. I hear people saying to just use sheets? Is it okay if the sheet touches the plant while it covered? Not planning on just throwing a sheet directly on top the plants lol Just curious.... this is all new to me. Sucks that the weather is as screwy as it is. Dang geo engineering!


Well-Known Member
The hairs do change color, like the above said your a ways away from being done, and you say its the day after frost? Cold temps can make plants/buds turn purple'ish. Kinda hard to tell from pics but why do you think they are dying? You gotta give more detail then saying what you think. Describe any recent changes to the environent/nutes/ph etc..


Well-Known Member
Dont use sheets the point in doing this is too keep the plant warm sheets are very airy use something thicker, old quilts/blankets etc..

One main thing, what ever you do, no matter what. Dont PANIC!! In most cases when ppl panic they try to do what they thinks right or make a fast temp solution till they find a better one. Just gotta be calm and do alot of reading :p


Well-Known Member
They look fine. Cannabis can tolerate some light frost. Worry if it's going to drop below 28 degrees for more than just an hour or two.


The hairs do change color, like the above said your a ways away from being done, and you say its the day after frost? Cold temps can make plants/buds turn purple'ish. Kinda hard to tell from pics but why do you think they are dying? You gotta give more detail then saying what you think. Describe any recent changes to the environent/nutes/ph etc..
Thanks for the reply, reason I think/thought they were dying was the other night the temp here dropped to 0.4 degrees C (32.72F) & They were covered in frost when I woke up. The only change in the environment was the drop in temp. It has warmed up since, & is supposed to get warmer over the next couple weeks. I haven't used any nutes with this grow. Just good ole Horse/Cow poop, & soil from the swap. I water with either rain water, or swap water. I have also been adding Nirvana bloom enhancer the past couple weeks 0-0-1 .. the only thing that seems to be noticeably different is the change in the hairs, and some of the leafs. Though maybe all the frost they were covered in might have damaged them somehow/someway. This is what they looked like 2 days ago. SAM_0863.jpgSAM_0862.jpgSAM_0858.jpgView attachment 2342113


The coldest temp this week is 7C (50F) on sunday night. The rest of the week is supposed to average around 15 C (60F) ... looks like it will warm up over the next 2 weeks thank gawd. Just crossing my fingers & hoping for the best.


Active Member
I harvested this past january and my girls were exposed to 30f for a few hours on 3 days in a row and still lived. And they were clones from a strain grown only indoors. So these plants are tough. Oh... And my hairs did the same exact thing dont worry. You might start to see some purple on the tops of the colas too. I would just ride it out! IMO


Well-Known Member
You should be fine...30 degrees and above won't have much effect other than add a lil color...marijuana is pretty hardy for the most part.


Well-Known Member
Place newspaper if another frost warning comes. It works on tomatoes, should work on plants.