But anyway, fuckit, more trickledown is what you hags clearly want.
nope, it doesn't do that. What it does is just increase the liability we all have to pay for. If you are given a dollar today but have to pay back $1.20 tomorrow what are you gonna do tomorrow? Borrow $2.20 right?yeah, ppl buying leads to people selling, more selling leads to more hiring, it gets us out of recession, unlike austerity, which makes it worse.
I must have missed it, maybe it wasn't so hard, still mad about how Rawn Pawl gets no love?Typical blanket cop out from a leftie. You got owned, hard.
no, 100% of people, lol you always try this bs, nobody ever falls for itLets continue this line of reasoning until the end shall we? If food-stamps create jobs and we get 100% of the people on food-stamps then so many jobs will be created that no one will be on food stamps anymore which means there won't be any jobs.
Sounds viable.
Another typical response from someone who is failing, you must have missed the past 2 pages where everyone was pointing out your extraordinary hypocrisy.I must have missed it, maybe it wasn't so hard, still mad about how Rawn Pawl gets no love?
Oh ok, so to accomplish this you are voting for the guy that extended the Bush tax cuts and is increasing spending on Afghanistan......................
and your solution is to give more money to the government through taxation, and expect them to end the wars overseas and use the money to pay off the debt.........
You know of anyone who made themselves rich by going into more and more debt?no, 100% of people, lol you always try this bs, nobody ever falls for it
Bush did it, or a racist made it happen, either way there is no possible way that the demigod known as Barack could have anything to do with negative information. Sunny with a chance of sun.Another typical response from someone who is failing, you must have missed the past 2 pages where everyone was pointing out your extraordinary hypocrisy.
you know of anyone who bought something to eat with no money?You know of anyone who made themselves rich by going into more and more debt?
years back, when i was constructing and tweaking my first little grow space, i put more and more money i didn't have on the credit card.You know of anyone who made themselves rich by going into more and more debt?
the president has tried to remove those tax cuts since he has been in office and you know it. Congress won't approve any budget that doesn't include them.Another typical response from someone who is failing, you must have missed the past 2 pages where everyone was pointing out your extraordinary hypocrisy.
How much did you put on it and what was the APR? It took you YEARS to pay it off? How much in total did you pay in interest charges? Now if you had bought a higher yielding interest rate debt instrument than what your CC interest rate was, THEN you might convince me. But using a CC to subsidize consumption is probably one of the worst things you could do, but that explains why you are poor as a pauper, unemployed, and got your hand out every time the in-laws come over.years back, when i was constructing and tweaking my first little grow space, i put more and more money i didn't have on the credit card.
years later, that little grow space i built is still in action, has paid off its own construction, and besides light/soil/nutrients involved with each grow is pure help.
so yes, i can imagine a debt-funded investment realizing its potential and leading to positive returns. that's kind of how the entire capitalist system works, modrama.
You do know that presidents can only serve two terms right? Maybe not, perhaps I thought you might be able to think, but I guess not.As for A-Stan, dubya couldn't finish what he started, madbro?
lololo lmao!We aren't hemorrhaging jobs or soldiers anymore, and rich folks is gonna pay mo tax. Say bye to the deficit and greet economic growth.
Not renewing bush tax cuts on top 2%, along with reducing military spending, along with reducing it even more when troops come home from A-Stan, yes, the deficit will dwindle as a result.
Strawmen? You don't even know what that is, if you did you would be able to quote it or show us all.also you're a retard tossing around strawmen. go check the mailbox for those government checks for your GMO corn and GPS guided tractor, loafer.
i have less time to mince words with my harvest which includes actual work besides setting a GPS, so i have to be precise and to the point when i call you out for the plagiarizing, cheese eating hypocrite that you are.
come to halp your little bro eh...lololo lmao!
You saw the humor in that too didn't you? I LOLed at the fact he thinks the deficit will go down too, he doesn't realize that if we taxed all the rich 100% the deficit would still grow.lololo lmao!
if you tax at 100% it will grow even faster moron, nobody suggested taxing at 100% but youYou saw the humor in that too didn't you? I LOLed at the fact he thinks the deficit will go down too, he doesn't realize that if we taxed all the rich 100% the deficit would still grow.