What do you think of psychics?

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
I personally hold the belief that Psychics and paranormally Blessed individuals are better off Sucking dick/vagina than spewing the nonsense they speak. Same goes for politicians, i mean, they already are the proverbial dick suckers of the world, i just want them to be the actual dick suckers of the world.

Mister Sister

Active Member
Science is still catching up with reality IMHO.

Remember when science said the world was flat?

This is because science is only half of the equation!! Blend science and intuition and then you're getting somewhere.

Albert Einstein had something to say about this debate:

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”

Let the servant work for/with the gift. Then you will start finding answers.


Ursus marijanus
Science is still catching up with reality IMHO.

Remember when science said the world was flat?

This is because science is only half of the equation!! Blend science and intuition and then you're getting somewhere.

Albert Einstein had something to say about this debate:

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”

Let the servant work for/with the gift. Then you will start finding answers.
Science never ever said the earth was flat. If you disagree, please provide a citation.
As for the Einstein quote, it is worth remembering that the intuitive mind is not the same thing as our capacity for the mystical. cn

Mister Sister

Active Member
Science never ever said the earth was flat. If you disagree, please provide a citation.
As for the Einstein quote, it is worth remembering that the intuitive mind is not the same thing as our capacity for the mystical. cn
True that was a lazy example.

And I see what ya mean, intuition itself is but one facet of the all.


Well-Known Member
Everyone can have psychic abilities. It's a matter of raising your consciousness.

If you have never had a telepathic experience, or premonitions, or dreams that came 100% true, then it might be harder for you to understand this. It makes me sad that this is not something everyone knows, just because mainstream science hasn't figured it out yet. It's not magic... It's science. As is everything. Frequencies.... waves.... It's like tuning a radio to a certain radio station.... you can do that with your brain with the right practice. I'm not saying I have these abilities, but I have had several experiences.... I just can't tap into it anytime I want like some.

Anybody that is a psychic for a FAIR, is almost certainly a fraud. The real psychics are free. They realize material objects in this existence are worthless. SOME psychics are still power driven selfish people.... but most of the time, in order to reach that level of consciousness, they aren't.

I know you've heard the saying, "you can do ANYTHING you set your mind to".... Take it literally.... 100% literally.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Everyone can have psychic abilities. It's a matter of raising your consciousness.

If you have never had a telepathic experience, or premonitions, or dreams that came 100% true, then it might be harder for you to understand this. It makes me sad that this is not something everyone knows, just because mainstream science hasn't figured it out yet. It's not magic... It's science. As is everything. Frequencies.... waves.... It's like tuning a radio to a certain radio station.... you can do that with your brain with the right practice. I'm not saying I have these abilities, but I have had several experiences.... I just can't tap into it anytime I want like some.

Anybody that is a psychic for a FAIR, is almost certainly a fraud. The real psychics are free. They realize material objects in this existence are worthless. SOME psychics are still power driven selfish people.... but most of the time, in order to reach that level of consciousness, they aren't.

I know you've heard the saying, "you can do ANYTHING you set your mind to".... Take it literally.... 100% literally.
Pfft, you crazy ;-)


Well-Known Member
True that was a lazy example.

And I see what ya mean, intuition itself is but one facet of the all.
There is more to it than that. Your example actually proves the opposite point. Intuition is what tells us the earth is flat and the sun revolves around us. It was science which showed us the error of those beliefs. When people were shown the evidence they resisted in favor of their intuition, because it is very hard to overcome what seems right in our head. It took a long time for common sense to catch up with science. Intuition is both necessary and inherently flawed.

Intuition and common sense should never be ignored, but neither should they be allowed to trump real world data. Intuition is enough to start an investigation but then it has no further place.

Mister Sister

Active Member
There is more to it than that. Your example actually proves the opposite point.
So true.

Intuition is what tells us the earth is flat and the sun revolves around us.
To me it seems less like intuition and more like limited perception, but I humbly digress.

It was science which showed us the error of those beliefs. When people were shown the evidence they resisted in favor of their intuition, because it is very hard to overcome what seems right in our head.
I think you and I attach different meaning to the word 'intuition'. But you are still absolutely correct - it seemed so right at the time, how could it be otherwise?

It took a long time for common sense to catch up with science.
It makes me wonder if some day we will approach an era in which science will have to catch up with 'common sense'. I see the rising and falling in all things. But maybe I'm just attaching meaning to pattern ;)

Intuition is both necessary and inherently flawed.
Isn't that the truth. I think that's what draws me to it. The great mystery of life is the best story ever written. Thanks for being a part of it.


Well-Known Member
To me it seems less like intuition and more like limited perception, but I humbly digress.
Perception is indeed a limiting factor of intuition. Intuition is what you 'know' without reasoning. It's based on experience. It is subject to bias. It is confined to a low-information perspective. It is not useless, but it will, time and again, lead to bad answers.

When you observe the sun rise and set everyday throughout life, intuition automatically constructs the view that the sun revolves around us. You need no inference, no reasoning, just observation. If this was your view throughout life imagine how hard it was to accept when someone said things were actually opposite. You look up at the sun and try to imagine it still while the earth moves around it. Absurdity! We required great evidence to accept this great claim, yet the only support we had for our view was intuition. The flaw was not that our observation was limited, the flaw was that our observation was sloppy. The more serious and accurate we need our answers to be, the less we can pay attention to intuition.

Believe it or not there are people today who still believe that sun goes around the earth because they have not been exposed to the facts, or haven't payed attention. One study suggests that one in five adult Americans think this way.


It makes me wonder if some day we will approach an era in which science will have to catch up with 'common sense'. I see the rising and falling in all things. But maybe I'm just attaching meaning to pattern ;)
You seem to see science as a knowledge base instead of a method. Science is a systematic way of carefully and thoroughly observing nature while using consistent logic to evaluate the results. Can you think of one useful body of knowledge that intuition gave us yet science denied? Intuition is happy to arrive at an answer and stop, science is forever doubting itself, forever searching for mistakes, and forever refining it's answers. Intuition avoids and resists disconfirming evidence, science seeks it out. It is for these reasons that science will forever be on the cutting edge while intuition struggles with itself.

Isn't that the truth. I think that's what draws me to it. The great mystery of life is the best story ever written. Thanks for being a part of it.
I admire your humble curiosity. The good news is some of the mystery has been sorted out. People have been asking these questions for a long time, but it's not always easy to differentiate answers from mistakes. That is why most of us hang out here, to be challenged about what we know and to defend against bad information.

"Science is the best thing that humanity has ever come up with. And if it isn't, then science will fix it." - Bill Nye

"The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not 'Eureka!' but 'That's funny ..." -Isaac Asimov

"False facts are highly injurious to the progress of science, for they often endure long; But false views, if supported by some evidence, do little harm, for everyone takes a salutory pleasure in proving their falseness; and when this is done, one path toward errors is closed and the road to truth is often at the same time opened." -Charles Darwin