Growing quanity outdoors.

Been thinking about growing a field for quite some time now 15-30 plants. So over the winter im going to buy a few books and self educate myself as best i could on the do's/ don'ts of growing quanity outdoors. But what i'm looking for is some quality advice and answers in a few categories?

How much more difficult is it to grow exotic weed oppose to growing good reggie or middys in bulk?

How much tending to/taking care of would it require to tend such a amounts of plants?

Is there any books you guys would reccomend me reading throughout the next couple months?

Any pointers you guys have found to make your plants as successful as possible?

Aproximatly how much money would it cost in seed's to grow 15-30 plants?

Any other pointers/advice would be greatly appreciated, i love to learn about as much as i love to burn so i'm interested in all techniques!
books are a good idea. but in my opinion you can find all the info you need on internet forums. just try to ignore the trolls with mis-information, you hang around this place long enough you will be able to spot them from a mile away. also try and youtube jorge cervantis. he has tons of good info. happy growing friend!
books are a good idea. but in my opinion you can find all the info you need on internet forums. just try to ignore the trolls with mis-information, you hang around this place long enough you will be able to spot them from a mile away. also try and youtube jorge cervantis. he has tons of good info. happy growing friend!

thanks mate
read, read, read !!
and imo i wouldnt worry about yield on my first grow
i would be focused on making it to harvest lol

good luck

read read read the info is here you just have to put the effort in to finding it ...

Edit: Do you know what is the ideal ph for a plant in soil ?
learn to grow one plant before you invest and fantasize about growing 30.

as far as quality... quality strains arent necessarily "harder". Some just have different diets. Some need a lotta calmag. sativas will need more calcium and nitrogen. some dont like a lot of nutes. you can have some bomb genetics that are easy to grow and yield lots of frosty nugs. you can have some picky eaters that take forever to flower and yield garbage.

if youre on the east coast and want to go outdoors, consider a mold/mildew resistant strain.

youre going to need to decide how you'll avoid deer and wildlife.

best get to reading
There are so many variables to growing good pot in the great outdoors. I'll answer your initial questions for starters.

1. There aren't any differences between growing exotic and reggie weeds in bulk. They are both cannabis, and can be cultivated to there greatest potential outdoors. That said, if you start your grow with Reggie seeds you have a higher likelihood of ending the season with mediocre cannabis. That is the very reason that you want to start with the highest quality Outdoor seeds you can afford. I personally like to buy from Nirvana, TGA, Trichome Jungle, House of Funk, and many others... People have a lot of opinion about seeds, you have to see what you like.

2. As far as workload goes, the bulk of the work is at the beginning and the end of the season. You've gotta dig holes, or fill containers, haul tons of potting soil and amendments, and really bust ass. Then at the end of the season, you've got to trim all that beautiful bud. Hours and hours of trimming those frosty nuggets, that is if you don't get caught... And in between watering, pest management, pruning, and odds and ends. I water no less than 3 times a week in the hottest part of the summer, so if you have to haul water it can be a bitch. There's lots of work in growing superb cannabis...

3. As far as books go, I've learned way more on this forum than from any book. I've read books from Ed Rosenthal, Cervantes, and S. T. Owner, and would recommend all of them, but only if money isn't an issue for you. Books are great to learn the terms associated with growing and get a basic understanding. There are numerous forums on this great interweb, and endless techniques to master.

4. Pointers? Soil is a good place to start, learn from the ground up so to speak. Grow organically, practice Low Stress Training, full sun, southern exposure, and be methodical. That's all I got for now.

5. Where and how your growing depends a lot on how many seedlings you need to start with. I lost about half of my Guerrilla crop this year to hogs. If your doing a guerilla grow I would recommend starting triple the amount that you want to harvest at the end of the season. For instance, if you want to harvest 15 strong females, I would start about 45 seedlings. Half will inherently be male, though some people get a higher ratio of fems, and some may die off. This approach also gives leeway for animals eating your shit.
Buying 50 seeds from Nirvana may cost a little over 100 bucks. That many from TGA $450:cuss:

I hope your future crop is successful Beastcoast. I've been growin for almost 10 years now, and have such a strong love for this plant I will never stop growing. With any luck you will join in our passion and learn the ways of the DANK:weed:

read, read, read !!
and imo i wouldnt worry about yield on my first grow
i would be focused on making it to harvest lol

good luck

read read read the info is here you just have to put the effort in to finding it ...

Edit: Do you know what is the ideal ph for a plant in soil ?

i've grown a few strains indoors before and been selling weed for as long as i could remember there comes a point when selling quanties of weed that you decide that you have to become your own dude instead of bouncing around from connect to connect traveling the globe to make money when it can be done in your own local woods. money grows on tree's. appreciate the feedback though and appreciate it
learn to grow one plant before you invest and fantasize about growing 30.

as far as quality... quality strains arent necessarily "harder". Some just have different diets. Some need a lotta calmag. sativas will need more calcium and nitrogen. some dont like a lot of nutes. you can have some bomb genetics that are easy to grow and yield lots of frosty nugs. you can have some picky eaters that take forever to flower and yield garbage.

if youre on the east coast and want to go outdoors, consider a mold/mildew resistant strain.

youre going to need to decide how you'll avoid deer and wildlife.

best get to reading

I suppose you could call it fantasizing but marijuana has been a lifestyle for me for a decent amount of time now whether it has been for a source of money or just to kick back and escape reality for a while. As i said in the post before i have grown some good strains indoors for personal use but if you look at my reply in the post above you will realise why i have such high expectations of myself winters tend to get rather harsh around here so i will have too get my ass reading but i will jot down your pointers and i really appreciate your feedback mate.
There are so many variables to growing good pot in the great outdoors. I'll answer your initial questions for starters.

1. There aren't any differences between growing exotic and reggie weeds in bulk. They are both cannabis, and can be cultivated to there greatest potential outdoors. That said, if you start your grow with Reggie seeds you have a higher likelihood of ending the season with mediocre cannabis. That is the very reason that you want to start with the highest quality Outdoor seeds you can afford. I personally like to buy from Nirvana, TGA, Trichome Jungle, House of Funk, and many others... People have a lot of opinion about seeds, you have to see what you like.

2. As far as workload goes, the bulk of the work is at the beginning and the end of the season. You've gotta dig holes, or fill containers, haul tons of potting soil and amendments, and really bust ass. Then at the end of the season, you've got to trim all that beautiful bud. Hours and hours of trimming those frosty nuggets, that is if you don't get caught... And in between watering, pest management, pruning, and odds and ends. I water no less than 3 times a week in the hottest part of the summer, so if you have to haul water it can be a bitch. There's lots of work in growing superb cannabis...

3. As far as books go, I've learned way more on this forum than from any book. I've read books from Ed Rosenthal, Cervantes, and S. T. Owner, and would recommend all of them, but only if money isn't an issue for you. Books are great to learn the terms associated with growing and get a basic understanding. There are numerous forums on this great interweb, and endless techniques to master.

4. Pointers? Soil is a good place to start, learn from the ground up so to speak. Grow organically, practice Low Stress Training, full sun, southern exposure, and be methodical. That's all I got for now.

5. Where and how your growing depends a lot on how many seedlings you need to start with. I lost about half of my Guerrilla crop this year to hogs. If your doing a guerilla grow I would recommend starting triple the amount that you want to harvest at the end of the season. For instance, if you want to harvest 15 strong females, I would start about 45 seedlings. Half will inherently be male, though some people get a higher ratio of fems, and some may die off. This approach also gives leeway for animals eating your shit.
Buying 50 seeds from Nirvana may cost a little over 100 bucks. That many from TGA $450:cuss:

I hope your future crop is successful Beastcoast. I've been growin for almost 10 years now, and have such a strong love for this plant I will never stop growing. With any luck you will join in our passion and learn the ways of the DANK:weed:


Thankyou very much i have a unique theory on marijuana and have had a passion for it myself for many years. I'm going to definatly contact you in the future if that would be okay for some further guidance and knowledge.. but i'm going to jot down all that you have provided me with and take it in my objective to learn the inside and out of growing bud. Thanks once again for your knowledge and wisdom and i wish you the best of luck in your future growing endeavours.