You're a lying little worm and I can prove it.This was the post to which I responded. You simply said "violence". For you to come after the fact and say "but I meant religious violence only!" won't wash.
Once again, you move your goalposts when it suits you, even as you frantically try to nail your interlocutors down on their use of words. The 5th-grader thing was indeed lame as all ass, and you constructed that one on your own, unassisted. cn
Go back to my original claim that most lefties mock Christianity but defend Islam, we're talking about the comparison of how the left treat religions. Mr2shim's post that I responded to is below, you deliberately took it out of context and built a strawman with the US military, which to me looks like you are justifying terrorist attacks committed by Islam. Defending Islam lately?
Same could be said about blacks who are murdered for no reason other than being born black and the Bible can be used to justify it. I'm not defending the religious nutjobs of Islam. They're in every religion. To single one out and turn a blind eye to the other is the epitome of hypocritical.