What's For Dinner Tonight?

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Hear about the 600-pound parrot?

"Pollywannacracker. NOW."

Thanks, Gabe Kotter! cn
LOL I love you, bear. :)

I hate fast food. I don't do fast food. Fast food is of the devil. I pick up my nephew every weekend and on the way back to the house he has to get 2 double cheeseburgers with green chili a large fry and a 1 large sweet tea. Then he spends the rest of the trip home going, "mmmmm... aaahhhh.... oh lordy!" I have threatened to throw him out of a moving car but he's too busy making love to his burgers.

Dammit Carne! You always have the best meals posted one here. lol Now I'm hungry again.
sowwy! :-|

He's not just gorgeous; he can also cook. cn
Awww..shucks ::blush:: kick a rock...


Ursus marijanus
Nice!!! I am suddenly hungry. Shame there's nowhere neer hear that has good seafood. There IS a sushi spot, but they're not as good as they were 4 years ago. ~sigh~ Right now I'd k̶i̶l̶l̶ say mildly bad words for some proper fish&chips ... cn

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Nice!!! I am suddenly hungry. Shame there's nowhere neer hear that has good seafood. There IS a sushi spot, but they're not as good as they were 4 years ago. ~sigh~ Right now I'd k̶i̶l̶l̶ say mildly bad words for some proper fish&chips ... cn
O.k., bear. How in the hell did you manage a strikethrough? Enquiring minds want to know. :p