Here's what I've seen and you can eat salt with it, of course.
When you make up offense of religion, first you have to have a religion that can be offended. Not all are. Christianity, Islam and Jewish are all Abrahamic, ie Western and ALL take offense at each other. It's right-fight over dogma. And a vicious, very lengthy fight. Thousands of years, so far.
And certainly we have all seen that Christians, in the USA get very offended if you insult "their" God. This Arab spring is the nightmare of Sharia Law. And our Dear Leader, doesn't see what he has done yet. Unless maybe it's on purpose. IAC, A big effort has been made in the US about "words can hurt."
So, for the US Embassy to knee jerk out a statement of apology and to be sensitive to their religion when they are screaming Death to America; they were just parsing the clap-trap of our screwed up society. Apology??? Words matter? Fear and strength matters. The rest is power projection, deception, and politics
What if, in the Arab culture, the word for it is "womanish?" We lack such respect in this world sure, but, does anyone see how this cultural ignorance of ourselves makes it worse?
Have you ever dated someone that just get offended and shocked by everything? Just ask yourself, is that person sensitive? Or are they just plain crazy? It seems to me it is very in-sensitive to expect everyone to tip toe around personal sensitivities.
Does anyone understand that when our President bows to the Saudi King, the Arab thinks, "He is black, isn't he? He should bow and feel lucky the King would even touch a black man." But, he is "womanish." He is weak and America can be taken down. The Saud, Wasabi sect is aligned with Iran. You know that this nuke armed Caliphate is bent on the destruction of Western thought and sensitivity.
Most of you drones think that will be good. But, do you realize they want your women in Brukka and you dead in a ditch? We are too contaminated for the Faith.
Cowardly and sensitively in Real World Politics is the same thing.
So, here's some advice. Just like when watching basketball. Don't keep your eye on the ball, you will miss the play. Don't regard what the Press is highlighting. Look for what is being covered up. Like baby gas masks in Israel. If you don't think that Israel is about to do some carpet bombing and bunker-busting, well, it is all there. But, just not being covered.
Most of the real stuff in the world is not being covered, except by Al J.