Have you ever had a moment of realization?


Active Member
Like the title says. I thought I did the first time I dropped acid I realized I needed to get my life together and what I was doing was bad but I just went back to selling weed and such lol. What about you guys


Active Member

i never turn my mind off from a potential learning or life changing experience. =) my latest big realization was was i had to quit drinking, been going on that for 2.5 years now.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
1. Making the choice to come out was a life altering event. I never realized before how much a closet resembles a prison. Solitary confinement, no less.
2. Understanding it isn't what life throws at you that counts. It's what you do with it.
3. Life is short and extremely precious. Take everything out of it you can.
4. Your only obstacle in life is you. Take the best of what you have and make it better.
5. Do what you will as long as it harms no one. Respect the free agency of your brothers and sisters.
6. All living things are related. Treat your relatives with respect.


Well-Known Member
Yep, third month in a row my circle of patients have all the good meds and Im smoking wet bud....I realize shits gotta change in this department!!!!

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
Yep, third month in a row my circle of patients have all the good meds and Im smoking wet bud....I realize shits gotta change in this department!!!!

lol now thats a life changing realization. congrats and keep up the good work and keep on getting better.

many many years ago i realized that the navy was not for me and went back to civilian life. left the ship, hit the pier and sparked one up. was the best feeling ever until a few years back, found this site, and now smoke some of the best weed ever. thanks RIU.
and it doesnt stop there, since growing some great smoke, i only drink about 10% of the alchohol i used to. thanks again RIU.


Well-Known Member
Hahaha yah all the time. Like when you realize matter doesnt really touch one either or just repels through forces.... or that were all empty space or all interconnected....

Or most of these memes lol. realization.jpeg
"It was one of those days when it's a minute away from snowing and there's this electricity in the air, you can almost hear it. Right? And this bag was just dancing with me. Like a little kid begging me to play with it. For fifteen minutes. That's the day I realized that there was this entire life behind things, and this incredibly benevolent force that wanted me to know there was no reason to be afraid, ever. Video's a poor excuse, I know. But it helps me remember... I need to remember... Sometimes there's so much beauty in the world, I feel like I can't take it, and my heart is just going to cave in."


Fav films aside, I did recently realize that all the regrets I have which eat me up and absolutely fucking paralyze me... only do so because I let them. They don't matter, nothing matters. In 100 years we'll all be dead and most forgotten, me especially. So fuck it, right?

Words don't do it justice, a weight that's been on my shoulders for 10 or 20 years literally just got lifted off my shoulder a few weeks back and it's gone for good.

And it never would have happened without the deep contemplative meditation that I achieve with our favorite herbal medicine =)


Well-Known Member
I was playing pool in a favorite bar when
my opponent clearly cheated, there were witnesses.

That was when I realized that guy had a sound ass whooping coming.:twisted:


Well-Known Member

i never turn my mind off from a potential learning or life changing experience. =) my latest big realization was was i had to quit drinking, been going on that for 2.5 years now.
So your last realization was 2.5 years ago?
Either way congrats on the sobriety I think


Well-Known Member
I think that everybody should have that moment of realization as soon as they wake up.I look at what life throws at us not as seriously as I use too,but rather take the way I live more seriously,and not try to be affected with the bullshit that comes along with it.I have zero patience,and I think life should be enjoyed instead of being a job,or being a modern day slave.I live life knowing I'm gonna die,but as long as I'm here,I wanna go all out,go everywhere I wanna go,do whatever it is that I want to do,and except any consequence of everything that I do,bcuz I'm a man first and foremost,I'm my own man,and on my death bed,I wanna say

"WHAT A FUCKIN RIDE"then flatline...........


Well-Known Member
No, I'm a bunny rabbit. Stupid humans with your psuedo-ignorant philosophies..

Ignorance is bliss my friend.

(Occc> O:3

^Know what that is? Me eating a carrot :D


Well-Known Member
yeah my joints arnt going to get me far in the long run if i keep smoking them 1-2 a day. sneak a toke on above a half


Well-Known Member
I quit drinking about six year's ago.I don't like People anymore at least not drunk people.Started doing shrooms and my life is getting right again.Shroomz and good bud are a great combination and still effect you after the buzz is gone.I know what your thinking about but cant remember the phrase.

Edit:Moment of Clarity...That's it.